course information of 113 - 1 | 3197 Innovative Issues in Society(社會:社會創新議題)

3197 - 社會:社會創新議題 Innovative Issues in Society

教育目標 Course Target

(一)社會領域的課程目標在於啟發學生能夠承認差異,願意肯定自我、欣賞他人與尊重差異。 (二)本課程依照授課教師的專業領域及本課程議題的特殊性,針對社會創新議題而擬定以下課程內涵: 1. 學習田野調查的基礎與論述 2. 學習專案管理的基礎知識與實踐 3. 探討大肚山的風土特色與飲食文化關係 4. 探討應用設計思考的社會創新案例 5. 整合以上授課內容完成社會創新專案實作(I) The social field’s course goal is to create students’ ability to acknowledge differences, be willing to affirm themselves, appreciate others and respect differences. (II) This course defines the following course connotations for social innovation questions based on the professional field of the teaching teacher and the particularity of the topics of this course: 1. Learn the basics and discussions of field surveys 2. Learn basic knowledge and practices of project management 3. Explore the relationship between the local characteristics of Dadu Mountain and the food culture 4. Explore social innovation cases of application design thinking 5. Integrate the above teaching content to complete the social innovation project implementation

參考書目 Reference Books

洪震宇 著,《風土經濟學:地方創生的21堂風土設計課》,遠流,2019
何培鈞 著,《你想活出怎樣的小鎮》,遠見天下文化,2020
佐佐木俊尚 著,郭菀琪 譯,《策展的時代》,經濟新潮社,2012
林承毅 著,《二地居: 地方創生未來式》,遠見天下文化出版,2020
林承毅 著,《未來創造塾No.1未來的設計創造: 打開你的五感六覺, 對接場景、逆算時代! 60堂設計未來的創意必修課》,果力文化,2022
洪震宇 著,《精準敘事:12堂課掌握說真實故事的能力,把你的經驗和專業變成感動人心的內容》,漫遊者文化事業,2023

Written by Hong Zhenyu, "Fengdi Economics: 21 local students' style design courses", Far, 2019
He Pei-ling, "What kind of town do you want to live in", See the world's culture, 2020
By Toshisaki Sasaki, translated by Guo Wanqi, "The Age of Curation", Economic Trends Club, 2012
Written by Lin Chengyi, "Two Diju: The Future Style of Local Creation", Published by Far-see World Culture, 2020
Lin Chengyi, "Future Creation School No. 1 Future Design Creation: Opening up your five senses and six feelings, connecting scenes and ignoring the era! 60 classrooms for creative designing the future", Guoli Culture, 2022
Written by Hong Zhenyu, "Exquisite Events: 12 Classes Master the ability to tell real stories and turn your experience and expertise into touching content", Traveler Cultural Affairs, 2023

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Absent & Course Participation
15 出席率、課堂討論發言、課程參與態度
Midterm Report
30 社會創新提案規劃內容發表
Final implementation
30 社會創新專案實作成果
Reflection Record
20 個人反思紀錄單撰寫
Independent implementation
5 由通識中心提供表現評量

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/3,4[SS322]
授課教師 Teacher:林立聖/李俐慧/陳鶴元/李貴宜
修課班級 Class:共必修1-4
選課備註 Memo:地方教育創生。
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 47 人。

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