course information of 113 - 1 | 3192 Thinking with Social Value(社會:社會價值思辨)

3192 - 社會:社會價值思辨 Thinking with Social Value

教育目標 Course Target

社會領域的課程目標在於啟發學生能夠承認差異,願意肯定自我、欣賞他人與尊重差異。 本課程屬於社會領域中社<會價值思辨>這個大主題。 近來健保統計數字顯示,台灣罹患憂鬱症的人數正在逐年增長中,連本該是青春陽光歡笑的大學生族群,竟也出現類似的現象,甚至在過去幾年中還不斷出現自殺案例的新聞,為此,衛福部還在去年推出「年輕族群心理健康支持方案」,提供青少一年三次免費心理諮商。甚至還傳出,某些縣市在該政策上路三周後名額就已額滿的現象。   如果,我們不用憂鬱症這個特定名稱,而是改用「身心失衡」,那麼台灣甚至世界上那些所謂現代化社會的多數成員,這一輩子應該都會有一段時間,或長或短,經歷過身心失衡所帶來的折磨甚至痛苦。 我們不妨誇張的說,人類歷史上再也沒有任何一刻,會比今天更需要一套可以讓現代人身心安頓的價值觀或人生觀了。當前社會透過家庭父母、學校教育、職場、媒體所灌輸給我們的主流觀念、生活方式,往往都是兩極化的非人屬性: 若不是過於超脫現實,以至於無法應對現實衝擊的浪漫或空想,就是與身心健康無關,甚至是以剝削甚至犧牲後者為代價,以成全現代社會本身的常規運作。 令人難過的是,我們多數人也是往往毫無反省地將這些主流價值觀、生活方式,理所當然或不得不然地當成自己的人生觀、世界觀,去處理自己的生命、生活與生計,而結果通常就是: 每天頂著壓力與疲勞,跪舔現實,耗盡熱情,或是常懷焦慮與恐懼,深怕失去所有、為現實所拋棄,直到身心失衡,求診問醫、諮商服藥,然後再繼續同樣的生活模式;更有甚者,則是夢想幻滅,心志潰散,乃至於消沉厭世或狂暴憤恨。 因此,本課程以為,要想在今天這個快速變遷、眾聲喧嘩、高度不確定的複雜社會中,身心健康的活著,首要的工作,就是重新檢討眼下社會所流通的這些價值觀、生活方式,究竟會如何影響著我們的身心狀態。唯有打破它們的理所當然或不得不然,我們才能挪出足夠的心理空間去探索、建構讓自己安身立命的價值觀,而不是永遠只能依賴心理諮商與藥物。 最後,本課程則將探討,在打破了這些觀念的理所當然後,我們又將如何填補接下來的空虛狀態。我們還有其他的選擇嗎?是再次採取激進的行動主義,發動革命改造這個世界嗎? 還是寄望未來大有可為的AI人工智慧呢?或是回到前現代的古老智慧,從中汲取有助於現代人的格言或觀念呢,就像坊間許多心靈雞湯類作家,或所謂宗教大師所宣揚的那樣呢? 這門課程看似靈魂拷問,但實際上卻是在提供讓靈魂得以休整的閒暇,旨在讓同學們的心思從繁雜匆忙之中收攏,好好的體察自己的言行基礎。也是同學們未來展開英雄之旅的準備,好好的檢查已有的心志裝備,補足所欠缺的武器。因此本課程將以討論為主,講授為輔,讓同學在討論與聆聽他人想法的同時,以期能更深刻的自我認識、找尋自己的生活方向。 The goal of the social field curriculum is to inspire students to recognize differences, be willing to affirm themselves, appreciate others and respect differences. This course belongs to the major theme of social value speculation in the social field. Recent health insurance statistics show that the number of people suffering from depression in Taiwan is increasing year by year. Even the group of college students who are supposed to be youthful and smiling are experiencing similar phenomena. News of suicide cases have even continued to appear in the past few years. In addition, the Ministry of Health and Welfare also launched the "Young Ethnic Mental Health Support Program" last year, providing free psychological consultations for young people three times a year. There are even rumors that some counties and cities have already filled their quotas three weeks after the policy went into effect. If we do not use the specific name of depression and instead use the term "mental and physical imbalance", then most members of the so-called modern societies in Taiwan and even the world will experience physical and mental imbalance for a period of time in their lives, longer or shorter. causing torture and even pain. We might as well say with exaggeration that there has never been a moment in human history when a set of values ​​or outlook on life that can allow modern people to settle down physically and mentally is more needed than today. The mainstream concepts and lifestyles instilled in us through family, parents, school education, workplace, and media in the current society are often polarized and inhuman attributes: if it is not romantic or fantasy that is too detached from reality to cope with the impact of reality, It has nothing to do with physical and mental health, and even exploits or even sacrifices the latter to fulfill the routine operations of modern society itself. What is sad is that most of us often take these mainstream values ​​and lifestyles for granted or have to take them as our own outlook on life and world view without any reflection when dealing with our lives, lives and livelihoods, and the result is usually : Face pressure and fatigue every day, kneel down to reality, exhaust enthusiasm, or often harbor anxiety and fear, deeply afraid of losing everything and being abandoned by reality, until the body and mind are out of balance, seek medical advice, take medication, and then continue the same Life style; even worse, dreams are disillusioned, aspirations are broken, and even depression or world-weariness or violent resentment. Therefore, this course believes that if you want to live a healthy and healthy life in today's fast-changing, noisy, and highly uncertain complex society, the first thing you need to do is to re-examine the values ​​and lifestyles currently circulating in society. How will it affect our physical and mental state? Only by breaking their natural or unavoidable nature can we free up enough psychological space to explore and construct the values ​​​​that allow us to settle down and live our lives, instead of always relying on psychological counseling and drugs. Finally, this course explores how we can fill the void left after these concepts have been taken for granted. Do we have other choices? Should we once again engage in radical activism and launch a revolution to transform the world? Or should we hope for the promising AI artificial intelligence in the future? Or should we return to the ancient wisdom of pre-modern times and learn from it that will help modern times? What about human mottos or concepts, like those preached by many chicken soup writers or so-called religious masters? This course may seem like a torture of the soul, but it actually provides leisure time for the soul to rest. It aims to allow students to concentrate their minds away from the complexity and rush, and to better understand the foundation of their words and deeds. It is also a preparation for students to embark on the heroic journey in the future. They should carefully check the existing aspirational equipment and make up for the missing weapons. Therefore, this course will be based on discussion and supplemented by lectures, allowing students to discuss and listen to other people's ideas while hoping to gain a deeper understanding of themselves and find their own direction in life.

參考書目 Reference Books


Twenge, Jean M.
2014《自戀時代》吳緯疆譯。台北: 八旗出版社
2020《i世代報告》。林哲安、程道民譯。台北: 大家出版社
Davis, Pete 2022《選擇障礙世代》。吳宜臻譯。台北: 采實文化
Bauman, Zygmunt 2018《液態現代性》。陳雅馨譯。台北: 商周出版社。
Sandel, Michael J. 《正義: 一場思辨之旅》。陳信宏譯。台北: 先覺出版社。
敏鎬的黑特事務所2018《人生自古誰不廢》。台北: 究竟出版社
朴璟淑2017《無力感》。張亞薇譯。台北: 商周出版社。
速水敏彥 2008《我最厲害: 能力錯覺的時代》。黃桂譯。台北:平安文化
藤田大雪 2017《當魯蛇遇見蘇格拉底》。黃雅慧譯。台北: 八方出版社

The following information is tentatively provided and will be added when classes start.

Movie "Three Idiots"
Twenge, Jean M.
2207 "Me Generation" translated by Zeng Baoying. Taipei: Yuanliu Publishing House
2014 "The Age of Narcissism" translated by Wu Weijiang. Taipei: Eight Banners Publishing House
2020 "i Generation Report". Translated by Lin Zhe'an and Cheng Daomin. Taipei: Everyone Press
Davis, Pete 2022 The Chosen Generation. Translated by Wu Yizhen. Taipei: Caishi Culture
Bauman, Zygmunt 2018 Liquid Modernity. Translated by Chen Yaxin. Taipei: Shangzhou Publishing House.
Sandel, Michael J. Justice: A Speculative Journey. Translated by Chen Xinhong. Taipei: Xianjue Publishing House.
Min Ho's Heite Agency 2018 "Who Has Never Been Abandoned in Life Since Ancient Times". Taipei: Jiji Publishing House
Park Kyung-sook 2017 "Powerlessness". Translated by Zhang Yawei. Taipei: Shangzhou Publishing House.
Hayami Toshihiko 2008 "I'm the Best: The Age of Illusion of Ability". Translated by Huang Gui. Taipei:Ping An Culture
Daisetsu Fujita 2017 "When the Snake Meets Socrates". Translated by Huang Yahui. Taipei: Bafang Publishing House

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Reading experience
Breakout groups or activities
class report
Student independent implementation (including attendance status)
10 出席/完成通識中心所舉辦之活動或作業

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/3,4[A103]
授課教師 Teacher:黃國清
修課班級 Class:共必修1-4
選課備註 Memo:踏上英雄之旅。
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 51 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 51 人。

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