社會領域的課程目標在於啟發學生能夠承認差異,願意肯定自我、欣賞他人與尊重差異。而音樂作為一種社會建構,它是人類生活濃縮出來的精粹。每一個時代、每一個地方的音樂,都承載著它所處社會的記憶、想望甚至是傷痕。本課程將以音樂作為主題的觸發,跟著音樂的旋律進入不同的故事、議題、歷史、國家與文化,然後在當中重新認識身邊的人事物,也在當中為自己定位,重新認識自己,認識生活的多樣性與文化的變遷。The goal of the social field curriculum is to inspire students to recognize differences, be willing to affirm themselves, appreciate others and respect differences. As a social construct, music is the essence of human life. The music of every era and every place carries the memories, wishes and even scars of the society in which it occurs. This course will use music as the theme trigger, follow the melody of the music to enter different stories, issues, history, countries and cultures, and then re-understand the people and things around you, and also position yourself, re-understand yourself, and understand life. diversity and cultural change.
-《這些中世紀的人》。Robert Fossier。上海社科院。2011。
-《浪慢主義》。Gerhard Schulz。晨星出版。2006。
-《莫札特:探求天才的奧秘》。Norbert Elias。2005。
-《音樂神童加工廠》。Isabella Wagner。華東師範大學。2016。
-《音樂社會學導論》。TW Adorno。中央編譯出版。2018。
-《音樂社會學》。Max Weber。西南師範大學。2014。
-《器物的象徵:佛教打造的中國物質世界》。John Kieschnick。遠足文化。2020。
-《中斷的天命:伊斯蘭觀點的世界史》。Tamin Ansary。廣場出版。2017。
-《西方憑什麼》。Ian Morris。雅言文化。2015。
-《生命中不可成受之輕》。Milan Kundera。皇冠出版。2018。
-《世界秩序》。Henry Kissinger。中信出版。2015。
-《愛情作為激情: 論親密性的符碼化》。Niklas Luhmann。五南。2011。
-"These Medieval Men". Robert Fossier. Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences. 2011.
- "Slowness". Gerhard Schulz. Morningstar Publishing. 2006.
-"Mozart: Exploring the Secrets of Genius". Norbert Elias. 2005.
- "Music Prodigy Processing Factory". Isabella Wagner. East China Normal University. 2016.
- "Introduction to the Sociology of Music". TW Adorno. Central Compilation and Publishing. 2018.
- "Sociology of Music". Max Weber. Southwest Normal University. 2014.
- "Music and Society" (Thoughts 24). Lian Jing Publishing. 2013.
-"Coach Viper's Taiwanese Pop Music Lecture". The horse has a heavy responsibility. Left Bank culture. 2011.
- "Evil Son". Bai Xianyong. Yun Chen Culture. 1992.
- "Confessions of a Mask". Mishima Yukio. Trojan culture. 2018.
-"Notes of a Crocodile". Qiu Miaojin. Imprinted and published. 2006.
- "Montmartre Suicide Note". Qiu Miaojin. Imprinted and published. 2006.
- "The Symbol of Utensils: China's Material World Created by Buddhism". John Kieschnick. Hiking culture. 2020.
- "Destiny Interrupted: A History of the World from an Islamic Perspective". Tamin Ansary. Square Publishing. 2017.
- "Why the West?" Ian Morris. Yayan culture. 2015.
- "Superior Exotic Learning". Shigeru Kashima. Wheatfield Publishing. 2013.
- "The unbearable lightness of life". Milan Kundera. Crown Publishing. 2018.
- "World Order". Henry Kissinger. CITIC Publishing. 2015.
- "Love as Passion: On the Codification of Intimacy". Niklas Luhmann. Wunan. 2011.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
課程參與課程參與 course participation |
20 | 出席、發言、參與通識中心規劃自主實作等 |
課堂小組報告課堂小組報告 Classroom Group Report |
30 | |
隨堂心得隨堂心得 Experience from class |
20 | 至少10次 |
期末小組報告期末小組報告 Final group report |
30 |