本課程在於讓學生瞭解為何需要承認異己,以及如何承認異己。在全球化趨勢下,移工及移民政策的開放使得各個國家在處理人權與種族衝突相關議題時變得比起過往更為複雜與困難,台灣亦需面對同樣的課題。本課程特別針對台灣在開放東南亞移工與婚姻移民後,在人權、文化、政治、經濟與社會面向上所產生的現象進行分析探討,特別是人權的保障與實現,期望學生能夠對東南亞移工移民現象與人權現況有初步的了解。本課程的內容設計以培養多元文化及尊重差異之價值觀為核心,鼓勵學生探索相關議題,反思己身常見的刻板印象或偏見,透過自身經驗的省思及與移工移民生命經驗的交流,進而提升學生對於多元文化經驗的接納理解,並且對台灣當今社會所呈現的人權和種族種突議題進行反思。(1) Course objectives
1. Use the social field as a path to guide students to "create peace for all generations." In terms of multi-citizen education, this course aims to understand the changes in human rights, culture, politics, economy and society after Taiwan opened up to Southeast Asian migrant workers and marriage immigrants. Topics: (1) Be able to conduct preliminary analysis on the human rights issues of Southeast Asian migrant workers and marriage immigrants; (2) Reflect on the current human rights situation of Southeast Asian migrant workers and marriage immigrants in Taiwan’s current society. (Cognition: includes basic knowledge, understanding and analytical skills)
2. Respect differences, recognize different qualities, and then affirm yourself and appreciate others. To have a sufficient understanding of the concepts of Taiwan's multi-ethnic groups and multi-culturalism to achieve the multi-civilian qualities of affirming oneself and appreciating others: (1) To enhance students' understanding of multi-cultural experiences and tolerance and acceptance; (2) To assist students in their daily lives or in the future. In the workplace, you can have the skills to get along with Southeast Asian migrant workers and marriage immigrants. (Skill)
3. Review the ethnocentrism in Taiwanese people’s discussion of Southeast Asian migrant workers and marriage immigrants: (1) Reflect on their own common stereotypes or prejudices, and then explore the root causes of the human rights situation of Southeast Asian migrant workers and marriage immigrants; (2) Cultivate understanding of the human rights situation of Southeast Asian migrant workers and marriage immigrants. Values of respect for different cultures. (behavior)
4. Interpret relevant media reports and contact Southeast Asian migrant workers and marriage immigrant women through observations from students’ personal experiences: (1) Understand their life context and culture; (2) Be able to put themselves in their shoes and stand in their shoes. ) think about how to get along with them from their perspective. (affection)
5. Discussion of relevant policies and regulations: Realize that Taiwanese society is unfriendly to Southeast Asian migrant workers and marriage immigrants, as well as the imperfections, differences and discriminatory nature of policy and regulations formulation, so that students can care about the interests of people outside our group and build citizens The modern citizen qualities that culture requires. (Metacognitive results)
(2) Course connotation
This course aims to help students understand why and how to admit dissent. Under the trend of globalization, the opening up of migrant workers and immigration policies has made it more complex and difficult for various countries to deal with issues related to human rights and ethnic conflicts than in the past. Taiwan also needs to face the same issues. This course specifically analyzes and discusses the phenomena that have arisen in terms of human rights, culture, politics, economy, and society after Taiwan opened up Southeast Asian migrant workers and marriage immigrants, especially the protection and realization of human rights. It is expected that students will be able to understand Southeast Asian migrant workers. Have a preliminary understanding of the current situation of immigration and human rights. The content of this course is designed with the core of cultivating the values of multiculturalism and respect for differences. Students are encouraged to explore relevant issues, reflect on their own common stereotypes or prejudices, and through reflection on their own experiences and exchanges with the life experiences of migrant workers, Enhance students' acceptance and understanding of multicultural experiences, and reflect on the human rights and racial conflicts issues present in Taiwan's current society.
1. Self-compiled handouts
2. Video
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
課堂出席及參與討論課堂出席及參與討論 Attend classes and participate in discussions |
30 | 含出席率及課堂討論參與度成績,無故缺曠一週扣實得分數3分 |
期中考試期中考試 midterm exam |
30 | 範圍包含開始上課至期中考前一週所有範圍與上課內容,題目為六題申論題中任選四題作答(開書考) |
期末考試期末考試 final exam |
30 | 範圍包含期中考後至期末考前一週所有範圍與上課內容,題目為六題申論題中任選四題作答(開書考) |
學生自主實作表現學生自主實作表現 Students’ independent implementation performance |
10 | 由通識中心辨公室提供 |