Global warming, food shortage, population explosion, COVID-19, AI and Internet of Things, populism, religious conflicts, wars, genetic modification, fake news, ChatGPT.... The crisis that threatens the earth is becoming increasingly serious. Let us come together to care about the earth and have the best efforts for the earth, which is to start with our own learning. Over the years, the United Nations system has always provided important information on these global problems that require cooperative efforts that cannot be fully solved by any country. This course tries to select some phenomena that occur in our environment for in-depth understanding and understanding from these questions, hoping to deepen our understanding of these problems through discussions and think about how to meet and solve them. During this period, we selected two issues of religion and world order, genetic modification and moral issues, and conducted in-depth discussions.
Textbooks are edited by the teacher
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
出席成績出席成績 Attendance |
20 | 缺席一次扣5分,如缺席四次,此部份零分。因事或因病無法出席時,必須事先請假,並且在下一次上課之前補交該週閱讀資料及討論主題的心得1,500字以上,否則視同缺席。參加第十七、十八週學生自主學習。 |
課前閱讀心得及課堂討論課前閱讀心得及課堂討論 Reading experiences and class discussions before class |
40 | 課前需先閱讀指定文獻,並於上課前一天 17:00前繳交300字以上的摘要並提出3個問題,於課堂中口頭敘說及討論。本課程共需繳交7次課前閱讀心得。 |
主題發表主題發表 Topic Publishing |
40 | 包含中期口頭簡報8 %,末期口頭報告16 %,書面報告16 %。口頭報告時,同組所有成員都需上台報告。書面報告一組繳交一份,需3,000字以上。繳交書面報告時,同時需繳一份課程回饋,針對課程內容、上課方式、老師、同組同學,提出批評及建議。 |