course information of 113 - 1 | 3172 Global Issues(社會:世界議題)

3172 - 社會:世界議題 Global Issues

教育目標 Course Target

社會領域的課程目標在於啟發學生能夠承認差異,願意肯定自我與欣賞他人與尊重差異。本課程「島嶼東南亞國家」係指菲律賓、印尼、馬來西亞、汶萊、東帝汶和新加坡等六個國家的政治發展情況,該六國相對與大陸東南亞國家(包括泰國、緬甸、越南、柬埔寨和寮國共五國),正好形成一個鮮明的海陸對比。然而,除了東帝汶和汶萊之外,前述四國均具備非常完整的政治和經濟發展體制,惟鑒於各國的民主化歷程互有差異,加上該經濟發展程度也不盡相同,因此形成一個特色鮮明的區域性差異。基於此,為印證政治民主化與經濟發展關聯性,本課程的授課目標係擬針對菲律賓、印尼、馬來西亞和新加坡等四國的政經發展現況、民主化歷程以及未來的展望,逐一進行探討和剖析。 至於,本課程的內涵主要是因應當前政府「新南向計畫」的推展,期望透過對前開四國的政治經濟發展歷程和當代爭議的課題進行深度剖析,進而提供有興趣的同學們一個初步入門的認識。為遂行前述的課程目標,本課程主要係從比較的觀點,一方面透過師生對話的方式,逐一探討個別國家的相關案例;另一方面要求同學們針對各國案例進行分組討論及報告,培養其自主學習的能力。 The goal of the course in the social field is to create students’ ability to acknowledge differences, be willing to affirm themselves, appreciate others, and respect others. This course "Island Southeast Asian Countries" refers to the political development situation of six countries including Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei, Timor-Leste and Singapore. The six countries are relatively similar to the five countries in the mainland (including Thailand, Myanmar, Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos), forming a clear seaside contrast. However, except for East Timor and Brunei, the above four countries have very complete political and economic development systems, but the democratization processes in each country are different, and the economic development level is also not the same, thus forming a distinctive regional difference. Based on this, in order to demonstrate the relationship between political democratization and economic development, the teaching objectives of this course discuss and analyze the political development status, democratization process and future prospects in four countries including Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore. As for the content of this course, the main reason is that the current government's "New Southward Plan" is to promote it. We hope to conduct in-depth analysis of the previous political economic development process and contemporary disputes in the four countries, and thus provide an initial understanding of interesting students. In order to fulfill the aforementioned course goals, this course mainly involves comparative views. On the one hand, through the teacher-student dialogue, we will explore relevant cases from other countries one by one; on the other hand, we will require students to sub-discuss and report cases from various countries to cultivate their ability to learn independently.

參考書目 Reference Books

王 勤主編。(2012)《東南亞地區發展報告(2012)》。北京:社會科學文獻出版社。

陳美萍。(2014)。「馬來西亞多元母語教育體系與國族建構」(頁186-199),收錄於羅金義 編。

Specialty section
Wang Qin. (2012) "Southeast Asia Development Report (2012)". Beijing: Social Sciences Literature Press.
Editor of Song Town Zhao and Chen Xin. (2004) "The Integration of Southeast Asia in Change: Process, Challenges and Development". Taipei: Wunan.
Zhangxi Town. (1999) "Government and Politics in Southeast Asia". Taipei: Savvy culture.
Chen Yuyu. (2006) "Government and Politics in Southeast Asia". Taipei: Hansu Book.
Chen Yuyu. (2003) "Philippines History: The Island of the International Civilization Association". Taipei: Three people.
Guard Chang Yong. (2005) "Southeast Asian Politics". Taipei: The giant stream.
Consul Chang Yong and Xu Wenxuan. (2016) "Edgeization or Integration: The Politics of the Ethnic Group in Thailand". Kaohsiung: Zhongshan University Press.

Journal Articles Section
Weng Junju and Wu Bingbing. (March 2018) "From the Window to the Flower Car: An Analysis of the Change of the Political System of the Philippines", "Tongwu Political Journal",
Volume 36, Issue 1, Page 179-228.
Weng Junju and Guard Changyong. (June 2012) "Analysis of the 2010 General Choice of the Philippines", "Asia Pacific Research Forum", No. 56,
Pages 1-30.
Weng Junju. (October 2008), "The transformation of democracy in the Philippines: "quality changes" or "formal changes"? 〉, "Taiwan Southeast Asia School
《》, Volume 5, Issue 2, Pages 65-88.
Weng Junju and Guard Changyong. (June 2004), "Analysis of the 2001 Singapore National Congress Selection", "National Development Research", Volume 3, Issue 2,
Page 87-116.
Chen Meiping. (2007). "Dambola and Malays - Shaping of Policy-based Ethnic Borders", Journal of Malaysian Research
, Issue 10, Pages 1-17.
Chen Meiping. (2014). "Malaysia's Multi-Maternal Education System and National Construction" (page 186-199), included in Rokini.
"After the Miracle: The Challenge of the East Asian Century". Hong Kong, China: City University Press.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
期中考試 期中考試
Midterm exam
Final exam
Class Report + Works
Independent learning

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/3,4[SS212]
授課教師 Teacher:翁俊桔
修課班級 Class:共必修1-4
選課備註 Memo:
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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