遷移是一種為了安頓與定住在一個地方的行為。由於人類與生俱有追求美好生活的本能,因此,遷移現象在人類歷史上亙古以來即已存在。然而,近年來在國際地緣政治衝突不斷、惡性通貨膨脹、人口老化、極端氣候、全球公共衛生惡化等危機下,國際移民與難民人數持續攀升,根據聯合國經濟和社會事務部(UNDESA)人口司所公布的資料,截至2020年7月,全球移民人數已達2.81億,占全球人口數的3.5%;全球難民至2022年底也已達3,530萬。國際移民與難民的湧入,對於接納國的政治、經濟與社會發展帶來許多問題,故而在當前聯合國致力應對的十九項全球性議題中,國際移民與難民已然占有兩大項,成為亟待解決的課題。本課程將深入探討促成人類遷徙的原因、發展趨勢、移民與難民所衍生的經濟社會適應、民族文化認同與國家安全等問題,引導學生以小見大,更深入理解與思考當前國際移民與難民議題。Moving is an act of Andon and fixed living in a place. Because humans have the instinct to pursue a better life, the phenomenon of migration has existed since ancient times in human history. However, in recent years, in the face of crises such as international political conflicts, vicious inflation, population aging, extreme climate, and global public health maltreatment, the number of international immigrants and difficult people has continued to rise. According to the data released by the Population Department of the United Nations Ministry of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA), as of July 2020, the number of immigrants worldwide has reached 28,100, accounting for 3.5% of the global population; global poor people have also reached 35.3 million by the end of 2022. The influx of international immigration and difficulty brings many problems to the political, economic and social development of the country. Therefore, among the nineteen global issues that the United Nations is committed to addressing, international immigration and difficulty have already occupied two major issues, which has become a subject that needs to be solved urgently. This course will explore in-depth issues such as the causes of human migration, development trends, economic and social adaptability, national cultural recognition and national security derived from immigration and difficulties, and guide students to see the big picture and understand and think deeply about current international immigration and difficulties.
Peter Kivisto& Thomas Faist著,葉宗顯譯,《跨越邊界:當代遷徙的因果》,台北:韋伯文化國際出版有限公司,2013年。
Peter Stalker著,蔡繼光譯,《國際遷徙與移民:解讀離國出走》,台北:書林出版有限公司,2003年。
By Peter Kivisto & Thomas Faist, Translated by Ye Zong, "Across the Neighborhood: The Cause and Effect of Contemporary Transport", Taipei: Vobe Culture International Publishing Co., Ltd., 2013.
By Peter Stalker, Reprinted by Cai Lingguang, "International Migration and Immigration: Interpretation of Reading and Exiting the Country", Taipei: Booklin Publishing Co., Ltd., 2003.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
期中考試期中考試 Midterm exam |
40 | |
期末考試期末考試 Final exam |
40 | |
課程參與課程參與 Course Participation |
10 | |
學習心得學習心得 Learning experience |
5 | |
彈性學習週彈性學習週 Flexibility Learning Week |
5 |