course information of 113 - 1 | 3165 Media Literacy(社會:媒體素養)

3165 - 社會:媒體素養 Media Literacy

教育目標 Course Target

社會領域的課程目標在於啟發學生能夠承認差異,願意肯定自我、欣賞他人與尊重差異。 課程目標: 1.認識西方媒體原有的公共性精神。 2.學習辨別假訊息。 3.網路應有的自律倫理。 課程內涵: 1.藉由課程議題的討論,引導學生承認媒體素養是現代公民的基本素養。 2.假訊息自古以來本是常態,學習區辨假訊息是成為人的重要學習歷程。 3.課程重視議題討論,學生需要尋找議題,設計討論問題,引導同學討論。 4.本課程不空談,學生與老師需要共同討論,在實做中學習。The goal of the course in the social field is to create students’ ability to acknowledge differences, be willing to affirm themselves, appreciate others and respect differences. Course Target: 1. Understand the original public spirit of Western media. 2. Learn to identify fake messages. 3. The self-discipline and ethics that the Internet should have. Course content: 1. Through discussion on course discussion topics, students are guided to admit that media cultivation is the basic cultivation of modern citizens. 2. Fake messages have been a common practice since ancient times, and learning to distinguish fake messages is an important learning process for people. 3. Course focus on discussions on discussions. Students need to find discussions, design discussions, and guide classmates to discuss. 4. This course is not empty talk. Students and teachers need to discuss together and learn in practice.

參考書目 Reference Books


Alterman, Eric著,王本濤、徐蒙譯,2023,《當總統撒謊:官方欺騙及其後果的歷史》。北京:社會科學文獻出版社。
Buckingham, David著,林子斌譯,2006,《媒體教育:素養、學習與現代文化》。臺北:巨流圖書。
Buckingham, David著,楊雅婷譯,2003,《童年之死:在電子媒體時代下長大的兒童》。臺北:巨流圖書。
Ferguson, Niall著,葉品岑譯,2019,《廣場與塔樓:從印刷術誕生到網路社群力爆發,顛覆權力階級,改變人類歷史的network》。新北:聯經。
Foer, Franklin著,吳緯疆譯,2019,《被壟斷的心智:谷歌、亞馬遜、臉書、蘋果如何支配我們的生活》。臺北:天下文化。
Hodkinson, Paul著,國家教育研究院、黃元鵬、吳佳綺譯,2013,《媒介、文化與社會》。新北:韋伯文化國際。
Hofstadter, Richard著,陳思賢譯,2018,《美國的反智傳統:宗教、民主、商業與教育如何形塑美國人對知識的態度?》。新北:八旗文化,遠足文化事業。
Nichols, Tom著,鄭煥昇譯,2018,《專業之死:為何反知識會成為社會主流,我們又該如何應對由此而生的危機?》。臺北:臉譜出版,城邦文化事業。
Said, Edward W.著,王志弘、王淑燕、莊雅仲、郭菀玲、游美惠、游常山譯,傅大為、廖炳惠、蔡源林校訂,2023三版,《東方主義》。新北:立緒文化事業。
Stephens-Davidowitz, Seth著,陳琇玲譯,2017,《數據、謊言與真相:Google資料分析師用大數據揭露人們的真目》。臺北:商周出版。
Sunstein, Cass R.著,堯嘉寧譯,2015,《剪裁歧見:訂作民主社會的共識》。新北:衛城出版。
Taplin, Jonathan著,吳國卿譯,2018,《大破壞:Facebook、Google、Amazon制霸,如何引爆全球失衡》。新北:聯經。
Wikforss, Åsa著,葉品岑譯,2021,《另類事實:關於知識和它的敵人》。臺北:春山出版。

Li Jinyan, 2013, "Reporting the Reporter: Another Reading Method in Chinese News History". Hong Kong: Publishing House of Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Li Jinyan, 2019, "Broadcasting: Historical Constituents and Global Visions". New Taipei: Union.
Wu Xiuyan, Huang Tingmin, 2018, "Attention Businessmen: How do they manipulate people's hearts? Revealing the media, advertising, and the fight between the masses. Taipei: The World Magazine.
Wu Cuizhen and Chen Shimin, 2007, "Media Education Education". Taipei: Juliu Book.
Lin Zhaozhen, 2009, "Received News: Commercialization of TV News in Taiwan". Taipei: Union.

Alterman, Eric, Wang Benqian and Xu Menglu, 2023, "The General Liberty: A History of Official Fraud and Its Consequences". Beijing: Social Sciences Literature Press.
Buckingham, David, translated by Lin Zibin, 2006, Media Education: Nutrition, Learning and Modern Culture. Taipei: Juliu Book.
Buckingham, David, translated by Yang Yating, 2003, "Childhood Death: Children Growing in the E-Media Era". Taipei: Juliu Book.
Written by Ferguson, Niall, Ye Pincen, 2019, "The Plaza and Tower Building: A Network that Reveals From Printing Arts to the Explosion of Network Community Power, Overturns Power Levels, and Changing Human History". New Taipei: Union.
By Foer, Franklin, Wu Xinjiang, 2019, "The Broken Mind: Google, Amazon, Faces, How Apple Dominates Our Life". Taipei: World culture.
By Hodkinson, Paul, translated by National Institute of Education, Huang Yuanzhe, Wu Jiayi, 2013, Media, Culture and Society. New Taipei: Weibo Cultural International.
Hofstadter, Richard, Chen Siqin Translation, 2018, "Anti-intellectual tradition in the United States: How do religion, democracy, business and education shape the attitude of Americans about knowledge? 》. New Taipei: Eight Banners culture, which is a cultural career.
By Nichols, Tom, Zheng Xunsheng, 2018, "The Death of a Professional: Why Anti-Knowledge Becomes the Mainstream of Society, and How Should We Respond to the Crisis That Caused? 》. Taipei: Face publishing, city-state cultural affairs.
By Said, Edward W., written by Wang Zhihong, Wang Shuyan, Zhu Yazhong, Guo Wanling, You Meihui, You Changshanlu, and Fu Dawei, Liao Binghui, and Cai Yuanlin. 2023 third edition, "Orientalism". New Taipei: Establishing cultural affairs.
Stephens-Davidowitz, Seth, translated by Chen Xiuling, 2017, "Data, Literacy and Truth: Google Data Analysts Use Large Data to Exposure People's Real Eyes". Taipei: Published by Shang and Zhou dynasties.
Sunstein, Cass R., 2015, "Cutting Disregards: Commons in Democratic Society". New Taipei: Published by Wucheng.
By Taplin, Jonathan, Wu Guoqing, 2018, "Big Defeat: How to Detonate Global Imbalance" by Facebook, Google, and Amazon. New Taipei: Union.
Wikforss, Åsa, Ye Pincen, 2021, "Alternative Facts: About Knowledge and Its Enemies". Taipei: Published by Chunshan.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Class attendance
20 每週點名及第17、18週的學生自主實作表現
Personal midterm report
40 請閱讀《另類事實:關於知識和它的敵人》這本著作並撰寫讀後心得,每人每份至少2400字。
Personal final report

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學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/3,4[C113]
授課教師 Teacher:王崇名/陳鈺偉
修課班級 Class:共必修1-4
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授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 70 人。

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