course information of 113 - 1 | 3163 Global Issues(社會:世界議題)

3163 - 社會:世界議題 Global Issues

教育目標 Course Target

1.社會領域的課程目標在於啟發學生能夠承認差異,願意肯定自我、欣賞他人與尊重差異。 2.全球政治經濟衝突與合作。 3.二戰後美國霸權建立與挑戰:為建立學生國際關懷、養成自主學習興趣之理想為前提下,以全球主要經濟圈為主架構,輔以最新資訊,以務實且生活化之方式引導解讀。內容涵蓋美國霸權下之美元、及其挑戰者中國人民幣,在大國博奕中,貨幣戰爭、貿易戰及科技戰接連不斷地上演,而在全球化下發展出區域經濟合作與重整。 4.地緣政治與世界秩序:討論各經濟圈之展望及困境,包含美國中國歐盟日本等…及北約不斷擴張、俄羅斯東進、油國困局及危機、最後以中國挾石油人民幣威力推動金磚貨幣擴大去美元趨勢…二戰後美國建立之世界政經秩序與文明價值全面被挑戰… 5.產經時事問題討論 1. The goal of the course in the social field is to create students’ ability to acknowledge differences, be willing to affirm themselves, appreciate others and respect differences. 2. Global political and economic conflicts and cooperation. 3. Establishment and challenges of the establishment of US hegemony after the Second World War: In order to establish international concerns for students and cultivate the ideal of independent learning interest, the main structure of the world's major economic circles is fully guided and interpreted in a practical and lifelike way with the latest information. The content covers the US dollar under the power of the United States and its challenger, the Chinese Renminbi. In the national game, currency wars, trade wars and technological wars have been staged continuously, and regional economic cooperation and reorganization have been developed under globalization. 4. Geographical politics and world order: discuss the prospects and difficulties of various economic circles, including the US, China, the European Union, Japan, etc., and the continuous expansion of North Korea, the advancement of Russia, the dilemma and crisis of the oil country, and finally the power of the Chinese oil RMB to promote the expansion of gold coins to the US dollar trend... The world political order and civilization value established by the United States after the Second World War were challenged in an all-round way... 5. Discussion on industry issues

參考書目 Reference Books

CNN New york times Wall Street Journal ...等
2.宋鴻兵 貨幣戰爭 1-5遠流出版(2020年)
3.李伊芳 衝突的年代 生命科學編輯團隊 2020
4.朱雲漢著 全球化的裂解與再融合 天下文化 2022
1. Due to the rapid changes in the international community, this course collects a large amount of the latest information to grasp the latest policies and regulations, including business reports, economics daily news, extraordinary news,
CNN New york times Wall Street Journal ...etc. 2. Song Ding Bing, the currency war 1-5, Published in the distance (2020)
3. Li Yifang The era of conflict Life Science Editorial Team 2020
4. Zhu Yunhan The cracking and reintegration of globalization World Culture 2022

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
34 含17、18週之自主實作
Midterm operation
Two or one of the final work or study period notes

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/8,9[H204]
授課教師 Teacher:張珮慈
修課班級 Class:共必修2-4
選課備註 Memo:全球政經。
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 107 人。

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