course information of 113 - 1 | 3105 Innovative Issues in Nature(自然:自然創新議題)

3105 - 自然:自然創新議題 Innovative Issues in Nature

教育目標 Course Target

1.自然領域的課程目標在於啟發學生問題解決,科學探索,理性論證與數據分析能力。 2.本課程「自然創新議題」的焦點聚焦在「住宅」,也就是和人類密切相關的「居住」方面。「住」永遠是人類生活中最難解決的問題,在本課程主要提出幾個核心問題來啟發學生解決問題的能力:1.自然災害之下的居住改善、2.近現代的居住生活及改變:家庭空間及寢間。講師穿插理論、歷史回顧、實際案例等多元化的內容講授,引導學生思考在這個新時代「居住」的本質?「居住」的意涵如何改變?該如何因應?如何有效利用空間?進行分析及比較不同地區及年代的居住環境的不同,並進行科學探索、理性辯論及數據分析能力。本課程核心思想為:「以古鑑今、從本土觀世界」,教師講授內容以歷史案例及本土案例為主,並輔以動漫及電影場景使學生印象深刻。而學生的報告可以由此為出發點,做現代及世界案例的比較。 3.第一講「自然災害之下的居住改善」細部內容:「居住」要考量當地氣候以及生活習慣進行設計。現代氣候暖化,以及災害越來越嚴重的情況下,住宅如何要去適應氣候?以及適應生活習慣的改變?講師在這一講提示,「居住」適應環境而進行設計的現象,並非只有發生在現代,而是早在日治時代日本人移居台灣時,就產生由於台灣的氣候及文化和日本大不相同,而出現住宅設計的相關問題。講師主要講授台灣日本時代及台灣原住民的住宅變遷,而學生的報告可以由此為出發點,從最近發生的天然災害,報告居住受到影響以及改變的部分。 4.第二講「近現代的居住生活及改變:家族生活及寢間」細部內容:20世紀初期是家庭人口組成邁向近代化的重要時點。由於家庭組成開始核心化,相較於傳統時代的三合院大家庭,開始出現以一對夫妻為中心,上有二老、下有小孩的核心家庭,和旁系的兄弟分家。也受到美國民主浪潮之影響,隨著婦女、小孩的權利觀念上升,近代的住宅空間也產生很大的變化,開始出現家族團聚概念以及家庭專用空間。這些社會結構的改變,在不同民族之間造成哪些不同的影響?尤其在家族團聚的空間以及寢居空間上,呈現怎樣不同的變化? 5.本科授課教師有長久旅居日本經驗及田野調查經驗,上課歡迎交流。 1. The course objectives of the natural field are to inspire students' problem solving, scientific exploration, rational argumentation and data analysis abilities. 2. The focus of this course "Natural Innovation Question" focuses on "residential", that is, "residential" aspects closely related to humans. "House" is always the most difficult problem in human life. In this course, several core problems are raised to stimulate students' ability to solve problems: 1. Improvement of residence under natural disasters, 2. Modern living and changes: family space and space. The lecturer interspersed with diverse content teachings such as theoretical discussions, historical reviews, and actual cases, guiding students to think about the essence of "living" in this new era? How to change the meaning of "living"? How to respond? How to effectively utilize space? Conduct analysis and compare the differences in living environments in different regions and ages, and conduct scientific exploration, rational discussion and data analysis capabilities. The core idea of ​​this course is: "Taking the present to the present and viewing the world from the local area." The teacher teaches the content mainly historical cases and local cases, and impresses students with animation and film scenes. Students' reports can be used as a starting point to compare modern and world cases. 3. The first lecture "Residence Improvement under Natural Disasters" details: "Residence" should be designed with consideration of local climate and living habits. In modern climate warming and disasters are becoming increasingly serious, how should a house adapt to the climate? And the changes in life-related habits? In this lecture, the lecturer reminds that the phenomenon of "living" being designed in a suitable environment does not only occur in modern times, but when the Japanese moved to Taiwan during the Japanese reign, there were problems related to residential designs because the climate and culture of Taiwan were very different from that of Japan. The lecturer mainly teaches the changes in residential residences of Taiwan’s Japanese era and indigenous peoples, and students’ reports can be used as a starting point, from the recent natural disasters, reporting on the impact and changes in residence. 4. The second lecture "Residential Life and Changes in Modern Times: Family Life and the Border" details: The early 20th century was an important time for the modernization of family population. As the family formation began to become core, compared with the Sanheyuan family in the traditional era, a core family with a couple as the center, with two elders above and children below, and separated from the brothers from the side. Also affected by the wave of democracy in the United States, as the rights concepts of women and children rise, modern residential space has also undergone great changes, and the concept of family gathering and family special space began to emerge. What different impacts do these changes in social structure have caused between different ethnic groups? Especially in the space where family gathers and living spaces, what are the different changes? 5. The undergraduate teacher has long-term experience in Japan and field survey experience. Welcome to communicate when you are in class.

參考書目 Reference Books


Wu Yuying's "Illustration of Japanese-style residential buildings in Taiwan", 2018, Morningstar Publishing House.
Written by Yi Xiao from Dunbian, Gao Caiwen translated "Taiwan Japanese Architecture Branch", 2019, Times.
Water Poinzi "Two and Three Things in Old House in Taipei", 2020, Creative Creation.
Shen Mengxiu's "One Hundred Years of Public House in Taiwan", 2021, Creative Market.
By Lucy Worthley, Lin Junhong translated "If Houses Will Say: How Home Life Changes the World", 2015, Left Bank Culture.
Wu Yuying translated "It's so interesting that I don't want to sleep: Japanese Architecture Aesthetics", 2022, Morningstar Publishing House.
Wu Yuyan translated "Kyoto Aesthetics Examination", 2019, far.
Studio Ghibli's "Ghibli's Three-State Building Exhibition Record "Recorded Edition"" 2023, Dongbei, Taiwan.
Akihito Kageyama "The House Pattern of Famous Manga" 2016, Ruisheng.
Ye Gaohua's "Strong Immigration: The Separation and Separation of Taiwan's Alpine Aboriginal People", 2013, NTU Publishing Center.
Zhou Yujun's "Research on the Traditional Houses of Amei Family", 2002, Proficient in Architecture Systems of Donghai University.
Wu Yuying's "Research on the Changes of Amei Family Houses", 2014, Report on the Supplementary Results of the Financial Group Legal Person National Cultural and Art Foundation.
Current affairs and paper clippings. (Provided by the instructor).

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
第一講上台報告及書面報告 第一講上台報告及書面報告
First lecture on the stage report and written report
40 等同期中考成績比例
第二講上台報告及書面報告 第二講上台報告及書面報告
The second lecture on the stage report and written report
40 等同期末考成績比例
10 上課討論、出席及互動
Students' independent practice
10 17-18週成績

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/6,7[C215]
授課教師 Teacher:吳昱瑩
修課班級 Class:共必修1-4
選課備註 Memo:住宅環境改善
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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