course information of 113 - 1 | 3090 Natural Exploration with Scientific Method(自然:科學探索)

3090 - 自然:科學探索 Natural Exploration with Scientific Method

教育目標 Course Target

本課程旨在培養學生科學探索的態度與能力,期望學生能夠用以探索未來的生活世界與解決所面臨的各種生活問題,舉凡文化、社會、政治與經濟等。所以此課程的講授主要不在介紹科學知識(What we know),而是使用有關脂肪與生命的科學知識做為工具,講述中帶領學生回到過去,想像參與科學家當時看到了什麼、問了什麼問題,經過怎樣的一個探索過程(How to know what we know),產生了現今的科學知識。學生若具備科學探索的素養,也能更有信心地面對各種生活中的偽科學,辨別是非、知道誰在胡說八道,而非盲目追求膚淺科學知識、崇拜權威。 我們可以使用不同的角度與方法探索生命問題,本課程則以西方現代生命科學的角度,藉由機械與化約的概念,解釋生命的各種表現,亦即生命特徵。主要介紹生命的物質基礎,組成生命的分子;導入能量的概念,說明這些分子如何經過新陳代謝,可以對抗大自然失序的傾向,而進行自我組裝形成結構,完成生命的生長與生殖。 脂肪是組成生命四種主要的分子(碳水化合物、蛋白質、核酸、脂肪)中與新陳代謝有關、做為能量來源的最主要分子。而脂肪作用的失控,將影響生命的運作,產生各種新陳代謝疾病,這也是目前社會面臨的主要健康問題之一。藉由脂肪引領學生認識生命、了解自己的身體,使學生能以正確態度,知道如何面對生活環境改變引發的肥胖健康問題,是本課程的實用性目標。而課程講述將採用問答方式,提出生活中脂肪相關有趣問題,引發與學生的互動交流,進而培養學生科學探索之態度與科學思考能力。 This course aims to cultivate students' attitudes and abilities in scientific exploration, and hopes that students can use it to explore the future life world and solve various life problems faced, including culture, society, politics and economy. Therefore, the lectures of this course do not mainly introduce scientific knowledge, but use scientific knowledge about fat and life as a tool. In the lecture, it leads students back to the past, imagines what scientists saw and asked at that time, and how to know what we know, which produces today's scientific knowledge. If students have the essence of scientific exploration, they can also be more confident in distinguishing right from wrong and knowing who is talking nonsense, rather than blindly pursuing scientific knowledge and worshiping authority. We can explore life problems from different angles and methods. This course uses the perspective of modern Western life sciences and uses the concepts of mechanical and convention to explain various expressions of life, that is, life characteristics. It mainly introduces the material basis of life and forms the molecules of life; it introduces the concept of energy and explains how these molecules can resist the disorder of nature and form a structure by themselves to complete the growth and reproduction of life. Fat is the main molecule that forms the four main molecules of life (carbohydrates, proteins, nucleic acids, and fats) related to New Oriental and serves as the source of energy. The loss of control of fat effects will affect the operation of life and produce various new Chen Daixi disease, which is also one of the main health problems facing society at present. The practical goal of this course is to lead students to understand life and their bodies through fat, so that students can know how to face obesity health problems caused by changes in their living environment with the right attitude. The course lecture will use a question-and-answer method to raise interesting fat-related questions in life, induce interactive communication with students, and in turn cultivate students' attitudes to scientific exploration and scientific thinking ability.

參考書目 Reference Books

Contemporary Biology, Li Qianyi Translation, World Culture, 2002.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Classroom performance (including students' independent performance)
Midterm exam
Final exam

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/3,4[C221]
授課教師 Teacher:陳珠亮
修課班級 Class:共必修1-4
選課備註 Memo:
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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