course information of 113 - 1 | 3081 Natural Exploration with Scientific Method(自然:科學探索)

3081 - 自然:科學探索 Natural Exploration with Scientific Method

教育目標 Course Target

每個小孩子一出生開始有知覺感受就會展開他們探索世界的旅程。但是在傳統的填鴨式科學教育以及分數至上主義下,讓很多學生對科學失去了興趣,同時也停止了對科學的探索。本課程的目標是要透過與生活相關的實作讓學生了解科學是如此生活化以及平易近人,進而提升學生對科學的興趣,並重拾科學探索的能力及熱情。 本課程每堂課會針對一個生活上的主題,先講解其所牽涉到的科學觀念(主要是物理觀念)。接著讓學生分組進行實作,透過實作實際去了解相關的科學觀念在生活上的應用,並在實作的過程中嘗試錯誤並進行修正,學習科學探究的方法。最後一組撰寫一份團體報告,其內容主要讓學生總結實作進行的過程所遇到的問題及討論其所使用解決問題的方法。另外,個人報告的部分則由同學自行反思整理在這堂課進行的過程中,包括老師的講解的科學觀念以及在實作的過程,所學到的東西。透過團體報告的整理及個人報告的反思,可以加深學生對學習內容的理解。 Every child begins their journey of exploring the world when they have feelings of knowledge at birth. However, under the traditional duck-style scientific education and score supremacy, many students have lost interest in science and stopped exploring science. The goal of this course is to enable students to understand that science is so lifelike and approachable through practices related to life, thereby enhancing students' interest in science and regaining their ability and enthusiasm for scientific exploration. Each course in this course will discuss a life theme and first explain the scientific concepts (mainly physical concepts) involved. Then students are allowed to organize their work, understand the application of relevant scientific concepts in life through actual work, and try errors and correct them in the process of practice, and learn the methods of scientific inquiry. The last group writes a group report, which mainly allows students to summarize the problems encountered in the process of their implementation and discuss the solutions they use. In addition, the part of the personal report is reflected and organized by the students in this class, including the teacher's scientific concepts and the process of practice, and what they have learned. Through the collation of group reports and reflection of personal reports, students can deepen their understanding of learning content.

參考書目 Reference Books

Self-edited lecture

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Final exam
Regular achievements
70 含出席、實作、團體報告、個人報告
Independent implementation

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/2,3,4[ST032]
授課教師 Teacher:林宗欣
修課班級 Class:共必修1-4
選課備註 Memo:生活物理實驗
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 47 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 47 人。

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