course information of 113 - 1 | 3057 Classics and Paradigms in Humanities(人文:人文經典與典範)

3057 - 人文:人文經典與典範 Classics and Paradigms in Humanities

教育目標 Course Target

1. 課程目標 本課程將以美國文化人類學家露絲・潘乃德(Ruth Fulton Benedict,1887-1948)1946年出版的經典名著《菊與刀》作為核心讀本,藉此理解日本文化的多重性。這是一本以美國人觀點所寫的日本人論原本是寫給美軍高層看的對日政策報告。潘乃德不是日本人,而且一生從未踏上日本一步。但是,這本書的「實證性」卻反過來限制了日本人的自我認識。毫無疑問,在70餘年後的今天看來,不管在文化意義或政治意義上,《菊與刀》的問世,確實代表著戰後美日兩國具體結合的出發。本課程不僅著眼於理論和知識的傳授,更重視學生習得文化人類學式的思考對文明社會與永續實踐等多維度價值的理解和探索。透過此課程,期待學生理解《菊與刀》中所強調的異文化比較與相互理解。進而反思當前全球化經濟中的永續發展與多元文化共生問題。最終培養批判性思考能力,學習從多元視角觀察各類社會現象。 2. 課程內涵 本課程將導讀露絲・潘乃德《菊與刀》,從中探討日本文化的型,並且進行與基督教世界的比較。 1. Course Target This course will use the classic "Chrysanthemum and the Sword" published by American cultural humanist Ruth Fulton Benedict (1887-1948) as the core book as the reading book to understand the multiplicity of Japanese culture. This is a Japanese policy report written by American views originally written by the US military for high-level reading of the US military. Pan Naide is not a Japanese, and he has never taken a step towards Japan in his life. However, the "veritable" of this book actually limits the Japanese's self-awareness. There is no doubt that today, 70 years later, it seems that the annihilation of "Chrysanthemum and the Sword" does not matter in terms of cultural or political meaning, but the discovery of "Chrysanthemum and the Sword" really represents the development of the specific combination of the United States and Japan after the war. This course not only focuses on the teaching of theory and knowledge, but also focuses on students' understanding and exploration of cultural humanistic thinking and multi-dimensional values ​​such as civilized society and continuous practice. Through this course, we hope that students will understand the different cultural comparison and mutual understanding emphasized in "Chrysanthemum and Knife". Then reflect on the problems of sustainable development and multicultural symbiosis in the current global economy. Finally, we cultivate critical thinking skills and learn to observe various social phenomena from a diverse perspective. 2. Course content This course will introduce the reading of Pan Naid's "Chrysanthemum and the Knife", which explores the types of Japanese culture and compares it with the Christian world.

參考書目 Reference Books

1. Written by Lu Zi Pan Naide, the translation of "Chrysanthemum and Sword" by Lu Zhi, 2014

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
60 上課表現,發問,回答問題,作業,自主實作等綜合評價。
Midterm evaluation
20 期中評量
Final evaluation
20 期末評量

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/2,3,4[H103]
授課教師 Teacher:陳永峰
修課班級 Class:共必修1-4
選課備註 Memo:菊與刀
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 111 人。

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