概覧城市發展,人類進入農耕時期,開啟定耕定居的大規模群聚的生計和生活方式,城市在六千年前應然而生。城市伴隨農業成為人類群居空間,城市也誕生共和城邦,最早的民主空間,城市在中世紀歐洲則作為防禦外敵的堡壘而成為諸小國,城市更是促進經貿繁盛的市場交換空間,而城市的自由空氣更是吸引外來人口,匯聚人才的空間。在城市裡人類如何生息,如何感知,如何愛恨,如何情思,如何用身體在城市空間創作每一時代獨特的風格和靈韻,從而結晶出不同時期輝煌燦爛的文化藝術和促動人類生活躍昇的物質技術。當代知名城市規劃史家彼得•霍爾(Peter Hal))即指出,城市是文化的熔爐,在文明發展的各個階段城市扮演了重要角色。從古到今,城市成為文化變遷、經濟發展、藝術創新、空間規劃進步、技術更迭飛躍的場域。另一位知名城市史家芒福德(Mumford )則提出城市史就是文明史,城市凝聚了文明的力量與文化,保存了社會遺產。如建築和藝術即展現城市的發展和進步,也表達了人類的各種概念和情思。
因此,我們將進入城市文明史,深入閱讀城市做為文化生產空間其遞嬗變遷的這份歷史紀錄。城市文明的探討自芒福德經典的《歷史中的城市》》(The City in History)一書以降,當代最具企圖,最具系統和全面性爬梳城市歷史變遷,城市與文明發展關係的城市文明史著作當推著名的英國城市文明史家和城市規劃學者彼得•霍爾的《文明中的城市》(Cities in Civilization)一書。此書穿梭人類歷史三千年,尋找西方城市文明的典範類型,一方面,作者博識旁徵史料,細述每個典範城市獨特的文化經典樣貌和創生變遷過程,透過這些城市,我們得以見證每個歷史時期不同經濟、社會、政治條件下思想、生活方式的演變和科技的創新發明及其型塑出的城市獨特城市空間樣貌;另一面,作者更試圖解釋這些曾經締造盛世輝煌「黃金時代」的城市其創造力和創意文化和技術究竟如何可能,關鍵的創意究竟要素為何,在什麼樣的環境和條件下得以蘊育出文明滋生的土壤和天才誕生的基因;同時城市的發展又如何建立一套有效管理的城市秩序,以回應城市的各式生存問題和競爭壓力。作者全書的關鍵問題意識:這些城市如何偉大,如何成為文明典範,亦即城市文明的創造力如何可能,創意城市的要件為何。
1. The course objectives of the humanities field: to develop students' appreciation of beauty and artistic cultivation that is willing to be good.
2. The goal of this course: Exploring the Western Urban Civilization Classic: "City in Civilization". How cities become classical spaces for culture, art and innovation is the core thinking point of the course. The discussion is based on three aspects: (1) the contemporary background of urban civilization classics; (2) the characteristics of urban civilization classics: (3) How can urban civilization classics afford historical examination?
The city is where the body is, where emotions are bound by emotions, where memories are connected, where people exist, and where society is formed. The crystal is the civilization of humanity. The city itself is a historical space written by the body, and is a civilized space defined by human beings' senses and body experience. Therefore, as a city person, how should we think about the relationship between people and cities, how people exist in cities, how cities write history, and how people and cities jointly organize human civilization. Or how do we think about people’s way of survival and cultural style from the perspective of the city, thinking about the aesthetics of the city’s survival, the civilized character of the city and the creative urban reality that can make it possible. Think deeply about this question from history: how cities create spaces for human civilization and how to form spaces for cultural creativity gathering is exactly where this course focuses on.
Looking at urban development, humans entered the farming period and started a large-scale gathering of large-scale groups for farming and settlement. The city was born six thousand years ago. Cities have become human community spaces, and cities have also born into republic city-states. They were the earliest democratic spaces. In the Middle Ages Europe, cities became small countries as a fortress to prevent foreign enemies. Cities have promoted the exchange space for the prosperous trade market, and the free air of cities has attracted foreign populations and gathered talents. How humans survive, perceive, love, and love in the city, and how to use their bodies to create unique styles and spirits in the city space, thus crystallizing cultural arts that have been brilliant and magnificent during different periods and material technologies that promote human life. Peter Hal, a historian of the contemporary well-known urban planning, pointed out that cities are the melting of culture and play an important role in all stages of civilization development. From ancient times to the present, cities have become a field of cultural change, economic development, artistic innovation, spatial planning progress, and technological change. Another well-known city historian, Mumford, proposed that urban history is the history of civilization. Cities condense the power and culture of civilization and preserve social heritage. For example, architecture and art show the development and progress of the city, and also express various concepts and emotions of human beings.
Therefore, we will enter the history of urban civilization and read this historical record of the evolution of cities as cultural production spaces. The exploration of urban civilization is from the book "The City in History" by Mumford's classic book "The City in History". The most graphic, systematic and comprehensive way of crawling the changes in urban history in contemporary times. The work on urban civilization history related to the development of cities and civilization is the book "Cities in Civilization" by Peter Hall, a famous British urban civilization historian and urban planner. This book travels through human history for three thousand years, looking for the classic types of Western urban civilization. On the one hand, the author understands historical materials and describes the unique cultural classics and process of creation and transformation of each classic city. Through these cities, we can witness the evolution of thoughts and lifestyles and the innovative invention of science and technology under different economic, social and political conditions in each historical period; In terms of the author, the author also tried to explain how the creativity and creative culture and technology of these cities that once created a prosperous "Golden Age" are possible, what are the key creative elements, and under what environments and conditions can they breed the soil for civilization and the genes of genius; at the same time, how can the development of cities establish an effectively managed urban order to respond to the various survival problems and competitive pressures of the city. The author's key question concepts in the whole book: how big these cities are, how they become civilized patterns, that is, how the creativity of urban civilization is possible, and what are the requirements for creative cities.
After sorting out this problem, this book points out the classic cities that correspond to four types of innovation and creativity. The five main chapters of the structure are "A city as a melting culture", "City of Creative Environment", "Marriage between Art and Technology", "Centering Urban Order", and "Combination of Art, Technology and Institutions". The author traces these classic cities with their own characteristics and storms, from Athens to the capital of origin of Western civilization, the capital of imperial order in ancient Rome, to Florence, the capital of literary rejuvenation, London, the capital of drama of the sixteenth century, Vienna, the capital of music in the eighteenth century, Manchester, the capital of technological innovation, Berlin, the capital of technological revolution, Paris, the capital of artistic revolution and modernity, Detroit, the capital of automobiles, to Los Angeles, the capital of cultural heritage in the twenty-century, and New York, the capital of modernism. The author details how these cities create key classics under different periods and specific conditions, how classics change and innovate, and what unique urban style and profound cultural heritage are left behind. The author's macro-historical structure and micro-study statements are answering the three main core issues of culture, innovation and urban order in the city and civilization development concept.
Therefore, this course will tell the story of (Western) urban civilization through the book "City in Civilization". How Western cities teach cultural art, how to bring creative technology, how cities enter modernity and governance order, and how cities become dream factories and information technology spaces. The creative carriage and dynamic elements of the urban transformation, the revolution of concepts, institutional renewal, technological innovation, artifact upgrades, and the development of creative wisdom have become concrete and feasible revelations for us to trace the origins of the past and think about the future of urban ideals.
彼得•霍爾(Peter Hall),《文明中的城市》(Cities in Civilization)(北京:商務印書館,2020)
Peter Hall, Cities in Civilization (Beijing: Commercial Printing House, 2020)
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
課堂報告和出席課堂報告和出席 Class Reports and Attendance |
30 | 課程以講授和討論方式進行,每週安排同學負責閱讀材料之摘要報告,和閱讀心得,並提出問題。報告當天書面繳交。請勿無故缺席課堂報告(無法到課報告請事先請假)。每週點名,出席率列入平時成績計算。 |
平時作業平時作業 Normal operation |
20 | 每位同學需就各週之指定教材,任選四篇撰寫閱讀心得,期中考前和期末考前各繳二篇,每篇A4一頁左右書面繳交。切勿缺繳。 |
自主實作自主實作 Independent implementation |
10 | 由通識中心統一規劃 |
期中/期末考試期中/期末考試 Midterm/final exam |
40 | 申論題(非開放式考試) |