course information of 113 - 1 | 3049 Classics and Paradigms in Humanities(人文:人文經典與典範)

3049 - 人文:人文經典與典範 Classics and Paradigms in Humanities

教育目標 Course Target

《紅樓夢》是躋身世界名著的「經典」,然現代讀者因回目眾多、人物複雜等印象而視為畏途,其實若以人情事理、「大旨談情」之角度作為閱讀入徑,即可感受作者書寫的是人類普遍共通的情感表現、那些在記憶中存在過的生活樣貌和生命痕跡,以及試著解決身為人類最永恆性、存在意涵的扣問──關於「我存在過」或「如果我不去做就將遺憾的」會是什麼?所以第一回小說開頭出現的這段文字「忽念及當日所有之女子,一一細考較去,覺其行止見識,皆出於我之上。……何妨用假語村言,敷演出一段故事來,亦可使閨閣昭傳……」可以說若沒有這些浮現腦海當中使其感到愧、悔的裙釵們,就沒有這部以女性為主體的小說問世。本課程即以創作者最原始的書寫意念和關懷視角為入門,透過主要人物賈寶玉和正十二釵為主軸,援取關鍵性的情節回目和事件為引介來掌握這部經典,透過情境性和生活化的方式認識小說人物並同理其處境,融入現代思維地理解作品精髓與人性面向。 聚集十二金釵這群女性形象時,亦體現了家庭、成長、愛情與婚姻在古代社會中的意義,她們的性格展現與生命故事,提供我們理解舊時代女性之困境亦反身性的覺知這些議題在當代是否仍然存在或是解決。而課程另一重點是反映男主角賈寶玉的成長和變化,小說中眾女兒的生命事件最終成為其心上的刻痕,家族命運、個人愛情和接踵而至的死亡帶來的苦痛,促使他割捨俗世出離紅塵。在課程目標上,透過人物論析和聚集於事件的方式閱讀紅樓,除思索古典文學在現代社會的意義與價值,更希望藉此啟發閱讀者對所處世代進行實際對話與深層反思,進而以經典作品培養個人獨特的理解與分析能力,豐厚自身的文學涵養,以期深化並落實成為對生活、生命之美善感受及鑑賞品味。 "Red House Dream" is a "classic" of world-class masterpieces. However, modern readers are afraid of the impressions of many episodes and complex characters. In fact, if you read them from the perspective of human feelings and facts and "major discussion", you can feel the author's book is about the universally common emotional expressions of human beings, the life appearance and traces of life that exist in memory, and the question of trying to solve the most permanent and meaningful human beings - what is about "I have existed" or "I will regret it if I don't do it"? So the text that appeared in the first novel "I suddenly thought that all the women who were on the same day went through a detailed examination, and felt that their actions were all above me. ... Why not use hypocritical words to perform a story, and also make the story clear and expounded..." It can be said that if these skirts that made them feel ashamed and regretful in the brain, there would be no such novel with women as the main body. This course takes the creator's most original writing ideas and related perspectives as the entry point. Through the main characters, Ja Baoyu and Zheng Twelve Pills as the main axes, we use the key episodes and events to introduce them to master this classic, and understand the characters in the novel through situational and lifelike ways, and integrate modern thinking to understand the essence of the work and the human aspect. When gathering the images of the group of women of the Twelve Golden Pills, they also realized the meaning of family, growth, love and marriage in ancient society. Their personalities show and life stories, providing us with a sense of understanding whether these issues still exist or are solved in the contemporary era. Another point of the course is to reflect the growth and changes of the male protagonist Ja Baoyu. In the novel, the life events of the daughter eventually became a mark on her heart. The pain brought by the family fate, personal love and subsequent deaths prompted him to leave the world and leave the red dust. In terms of course goals, through character analysis and gathering in events, in addition to thinking about the meaning and value of classical literature in modern society, we also hope to use this to inspire readers to conduct actual dialogue and deep reflection on the generations they are living, and then use classic works to cultivate personal unique understanding and analysis skills, enrich their own literary connotation, in order to deepen and implement them to feel and appreciate the beauty of life and life.

參考書目 Reference Books


Original works of Cao Xueqin and Gao Dong, and the proofread notes of Rong Qiyong and others: "Red Building Dream"
(Rein Book Bureau’s proofreading/new note is available)

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Classroom performance
30 上課出席率、課堂活動參與度及發言25%、自主學習實作心得5%
Group Reports and Sub-group Discussions
40 小組引言導讀20%、討論課學習單20%
Course theme audio and video writing
30 個人、團體影音作品展示及創作理念分享

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/3,4[C220]
授課教師 Teacher:陳麗如
修課班級 Class:共必修1-4
選課備註 Memo:紅樓女子圖鑑
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 54 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 54 人。

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