course information of 113 - 1 | 3046 Classics and Paradigms in Humanities(人文:人文經典與典範)

3046 - 人文:人文經典與典範 Classics and Paradigms in Humanities

教育目標 Course Target

本課程的目標是為基督教的重要經典─新約聖經作導讀。 東海以基督博愛精神創校,新約聖經是基督博愛精神最清楚的記載,但新約聖經的成書距今已接近兩千年,對現代的讀者而言,若不清楚當時的時代背景與文化,不易深入理解其內容。本課程的目的是為新約聖經作導讀,介紹新約聖經的成書、內容與背景,讓學生能跟著課程,讀懂新約聖經各卷書的內容,並認識耶穌基督所立下的典範。 本課程除新約書卷的內容介紹外,並介紹新約聖經思想影響下所產生的社會思潮,使學生可以進一步認識新約聖經在人類文化中的影響。課堂中除講解外,使用小組討論讓學生思考聖經的原則如何應用到現代生活,以深入了解這兩千多年前成書的經典對現代社會的意義。 The purpose of this course is to guide the important classic of Christianity, the New Vatican. Donghai was founded with the spirit of Christian love. The New Holy Book is the clearest record of the spirit of Christian love. However, the book of the New Holy Book has been nearly two thousand years ago. For modern readers, it is difficult to understand the content in depth if they do not understand the background and culture of the times. The purpose of this course is to guide the New Voice, introduce the books, content and background of the New Voice, so that students can follow the course to understand the content of each volume of the New Voice, and understand the scriptures established by Jesus Christ. In addition to the content introduction of the New Covenant Book, this course also introduces the social thoughts generated under the influence of New Covenant Thoughts, so that students can further understand the impact of New Covenant Saint in human culture. In addition to explanations, the classroom uses a group of discussions to allow students to think about how the principles of the saints can be applied to modern life, so as to gain insight into the meaning of this classic book written more than two thousand years ago on modern society.

參考書目 Reference Books

台灣聖經公會聖經網站 https://cb.fhl.net/

New Commitment Festival (It is recommended to use the Mutual Edition or Mutual Edition revised edition)
Taiwan Holy Church Holy Church Website https://cb.fhl.net/
Chinese Christmas Network https://www.expectthim.com/
Zhou Lianhua. "The Year of the Year: Introduction to the Christmas Book". Taipei City: Taiwan Christian Culture and Arts, 1992.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Participate in class
25 包括出席、小組討論
Study session
Midterm exam
Final exam
Independent practice course (Communication Center)

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/6,7[LAN111]
授課教師 Teacher:陳尚仁
修課班級 Class:共必修1-4
選課備註 Memo:新約聖經
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 75 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 75 人。

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