course information of 113 - 1 | 3038 Exploration of Humanistic Leadership(人文:人文領導探索)

3038 - 人文:人文領導探索 Exploration of Humanistic Leadership

教育目標 Course Target

人文領域的課程目標在於啟發學生美的鑑賞與願意為善的藝術涵養。本課程將「善」作為分析領導的基礎,同時,領導是一種面對情境而展現的藝術行為,故行動的價值基礎需要相互配合才得以完整。 基於前述,作為人文領導探索為主軸之課程,若將領導放在具有人文意涵之脈絡分析需要瞭解領導的多樣性內涵。包含領導與管理之間的對照,以及領導「人」的多樣性分析。故從領導的人文向度分析,需要將「倫理」此一面向列入領導的重要基礎。故本課程考量倫理的多樣性意涵,以及若從領導方式影響行動的方式分析,需要以特定的核心概念作為整合。經由考量案例狀況,以日本式的「仕事」(台灣多翻譯為工作)精神為核心進行分析為適當的方式。特別是近年台灣亦將職人、達人等概念多用於影響他人發揮潛力的面向來說,選擇日本作為考察對象更貼近於日常生活。 具體而言,本課程藉由閱讀日劇(劇情片以及紀錄片)為手段,用以理解日本對於「領導」與「倫理」之想法,作為培養學生具有對自身能力理解、面對自身狀況與未來面對生活之課程。 在課程內容層面上,本課程大致可分為兩大部分。在理論層級上著重於對領導、倫理兩個領域的概念介紹與整合,以「仕事」為核心做鉅觀的層面分析,配合實際的公司案例與領導人觀點,從影響力與實際作為的層面進行解析與擴充。其次在實務層級上,則從前面的「仕事」進一步回到行動者自身,從日本在仕事中的核心倫理概念(款待、職人、達人)出發,指出個人的工作與對待他人的方式作為倫理面向作為反省自身的途徑。由前述概念挑選實際的各項案例作為分析的對象,藉此將領導的人文面向深化並具體轉化為可參考的行動方式。 在上課方式的呈現上,除課程開始的打底部分以及專題討論部分以任課教師的自編講義進行講述與帶領討論外,其他則以閱讀影片、筆記記述以及課堂與分組討論之方式進行。故本課程結合領導、管理、倫理、實際案例與討論,以及對案例之心得分析寫作以及自選案例進行分析之實作方式,藉此提升學生對於領導的各項基礎與分析之能力,進而提升學生在自身專業學科之外對於與他人一起工作與溝通上,得以發揮具體影響力與考量他人幸福與良善生活的想法與信念。 The goal of the curriculum in the humanities field is to inspire students to appreciate beauty and be willing to do good in art. This course takes "goodness" as the basis for analyzing leadership. At the same time, leadership is an artistic behavior performed in the face of situations, so the value basis of action needs to cooperate with each other to be complete. Based on the foregoing, as a course that focuses on the exploration of humanistic leadership, if leadership is analyzed in a context with humanistic connotations, it is necessary to understand the diverse connotations of leadership. Including the comparison between leadership and management, as well as the analysis of the diversity of leadership "people". Therefore, from the analysis of the humanistic dimension of leadership, it is necessary to include the aspect of "ethics" as an important foundation of leadership. Therefore, this course considers the diverse meanings of ethics and the analysis of how leadership styles influence actions, and needs to be integrated with specific core concepts. After considering the situation of the case, it is appropriate to conduct analysis based on the Japanese spirit of "official affairs" (mostly translated as work in Taiwan). Especially in recent years, Taiwan has used concepts such as craftsmen and masters to influence others to realize their potential. Choosing Japan as the subject of investigation is closer to daily life. Specifically, this course uses reading Japanese dramas (drama films and documentaries) as a means to understand Japanese ideas about "leadership" and "ethics" as a way to cultivate students' ability to understand their own abilities, face their own situations and future prospects. Lessons for life. In terms of course content, this course can be roughly divided into two parts. At the theoretical level, it focuses on the introduction and integration of concepts in the two fields of leadership and ethics. It takes "official affairs" as the core to conduct a macro-level analysis. It combines actual company cases and leaders' perspectives, from the perspective of influence and actual actions. Analyze and expand. Secondly, at the practical level, we go back to the actors themselves from the previous "official affairs", starting from the core ethical concepts of Japan in official affairs (hospitality, craftsmen, masters), pointing out that one's work and the way he treats others are the ethical aspects. as a means of self-reflection. Actual cases are selected from the aforementioned concepts as the objects of analysis, thereby deepening the humanistic aspect of leadership and concretely transforming it into action methods that can be referenced. In terms of the presentation of the class, except for the introductory part and thematic discussion part at the beginning of the course, which are narrated and led by the teacher's self-compiled handouts, the rest are conducted by reading videos, taking notes, and class and group discussions. Therefore, this course combines leadership, management, ethics, practical cases and discussions, as well as practical methods of analyzing and writing case experiences and analyzing self-selected cases, so as to enhance students' basic and analytical abilities in leadership, and then improve students' In terms of working and communicating with others outside of their own professional disciplines, they can exert concrete influence and consider their thoughts and beliefs about the happiness and good life of others.

參考書目 Reference Books

テレビ東京編(2002)。愛の貧乏脱出大作戦 達人たちの「教え」。東京都:PHP研究所。
秋山利輝(2013)。一流を育てる 秋山木工の「職人心得」。東京都:現代書林。
茂木健一郎(2015)。加賀屋比服務更極致的款待之道(衛宮紘譯)。臺北市 : 商周。

Edited by テレビ Tokyo (2002). The poverty of love escapes from the great work of the master, "Teaching" by the master. Tokyo: PHP Research Institute.
Koji Sakamoto (2009). I hope this company will always be there - one of the five most cherished companies in Japan (translated by Cai Zhaoyi). Taipei City: Xianjue.
Akiyama Toshiki (2009). Ding Zhi's のすすめ: 梦を実appears できる, Japan's traditional の働き方. Tokyo: Phantom Winter Soldier.
Akiyama Toshiki (2013). Top-notch education Akiyama Woodworking's "craftsman's experience". Tokyo: Modern Shulin.
Akiyama Toshiki (2017). Craftsman Spirit 2: Pursuing the ultimate Japanese working method (translated by Chen Xiaoli). Beijing: CITIC.
Kenichiro Motegi‧NHK "Working Style of Professionals" Production Team (2010). Learn how to use your brain from professionals (translated by Ye Weili). Taipei City: Guangzhaxian Studio.
Motegi Kenichiro (2015). Kagaya's hospitality is more extreme than service (translated by Emiya Hiro). Taipei City: Shang and Zhou dynasties.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
daily performance
30 出缺席狀況與上課參與討論情形
Midterm personal experience report
30 對本課程所提供各種影片之內容與心得寫作
Final group report
35 各組自選影片對其進行名言佳句與名場面分析
Students implement independently
5 學生自主實作表現評量,由通識中心辦公室提供

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/6,7[H103]
授課教師 Teacher:陳仲翰
修課班級 Class:共必修1-4
選課備註 Memo:領導倫理日劇
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 106 人。

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