course information of 113 - 1 | 3033 Thinking with Humanistic Value(人文:人文價值思辨)

3033 - 人文:人文價值思辨 Thinking with Humanistic Value

教育目標 Course Target

這門課程草擬了四個授課主題:1、文物的價值,2、文化的傳播,3、文明的誕生,4、歷史的變與常。說明如下。 1、文物的價值:首先,預設以物質文明和精神生活作為區分性概念,探討「何謂真正幸福」。引導同學們討論問題的方式是,以市場炒作機制(價錢)與歷史文化內涵(價值)的預設作為出發點,期望同學們能夠通過辯證反思而為自己找到最初步的「合理的判斷」。其中,與中國文物相關的「藝術涵養、發現美善素養、美的鑑賞、創意創新」等等議題,都是主要的教學內容。 2、文化的傳播:「合理的判斷」僅僅只是一個可能性概念,它還需要具體的社會實踐才能現實化,因此,「尊重差異、溝通互動、良善意願」等因素,它們都影響了文化傳播的結果。本課程以瓷器為例,說明(海上)絲綢之路的全球傳輸概況,進一步地引導同學們反思文化優劣論,是一個援引文化人類學概念的研究視角。 3、文明的誕生:種種「良善意願」或許因為歷史文化差異而沒有標準答案,因此,為求逼近「人本教育」的終極理想,形而上學的通識教育或有必要。本課程首先從文、史、哲的共同的先驗預設(meta,後設、史元、形上學) 開始這個授課單元,再從中國文物的直觀經驗轉往現象學反思。與之相關的教材內容有:人類文明從無到有的舊、新石器時代,包含台灣卑南文化在內的環太平洋的玉石器文化圈,以及上古世界四大古文明(銜接到下一單元「歷史的變與常」)等。通過考古與盜墓的批判,嘗試以辯證反思的方法論,開啟同學們從文明的誕生轉往形上思辨的心路歷程。 4、歷史的變與常:在康德著名的「二律背反」裡,形上思辨除了是時間開端的有無之外,另一道命題是關於時間意識的變與常(一與多)。關於人類文明是否具有黑格爾(G. W. F. hegel,1770-1831)所謂的絕對精神 (歷史長期發展的合理性),本課程持以開放的態度而保留給同學們自己尋找答案。惟於教材的選擇方面,本課程以宗教文物權充精神文明的象徵,依照時間序列而介紹三代青銅、秦漢神仙思想、唐代造像、宋元明清的世俗生活。 根據通識教育之目標,本課程草擬教學大綱,約如上述。有別於傳統文史哲研究多局限於文獻史料或文字概念者,本課程主要以中國文物的直觀圖像作為授課教材(看圖片授課,而不是書面文字的教科書)。經由藝術社會學、工藝美術史、考古學與文物收藏機制等學術研究視角,多方面地與文、史、哲等相關學術領域相互交流,促進同學們認識並反思種種不同的審美情趣與價值判斷,希望能對同學們的理性人格養成有較積極的影響。 This course drafted four course topics: 1. The value of cultural relics, 2. The spread of culture, 3. The birth of civilization, 4. The change and permanence of history. The explanation is as follows. 1. The value of cultural relics: First, we set up material civilization and spiritual life as the concept of division, and explore "what is true happiness." The way to guide students to discuss problems is to use the market speculation mechanism (price) and historical and cultural connotation (value) as the development point, and hope that students can find the initial "reasonable judgment" for themselves through verification reflection. Among them, the main teaching contents of "artistic cultivation, discovering beauty and ingredient cultivation, beauty assessment, creative innovation" related to Chinese cultural relics. 2. Cultural communication: "Reasonable judgment" is just a concept of possibility, and it also requires specific social practice to be realized. Therefore, factors such as "respect for differences, communication, and good intentions" all affect the results of cultural communication. Taking porcelain as an example, this course explains the global transmission overview of the (sea) silkworm road, and further guides students to reflect on cultural advantages and disadvantages. It is a research perspective that invokes the concept of cultural humanities. 3. The birth of civilization: "Good will" may not have standard answers due to historical and cultural differences. Therefore, in order to approach the ultimate ideal of "humanistic education", metaphysical general education may be necessary. This course starts with the common pre-emptive pre-setting (meta, post-setting, historical and metaphysical learning) of literature, history and philosophy, and then turns from the direct viewing experience of Chinese cultural relics to the reflection of phenomenon. The relevant textbooks include: human civilization from the old and Neolithic era, including the jade and stone cultural circle of the Taiwan Beinan culture, and the four ancient civilizations in the ancient world (received from the next unit of "The Changes and Contemporaries of History"), etc. Through the criticism of archaeology and tombs, we try to use a method of proof and reflection to start the mental journey of students from the rebirth of civilization to the metaphysical thinking. 4. Changes and constants in history: In Kant's famous "dual reversal", metaphysical thinking is not only the beginning of time, but another topic is about the change and constants of time consciousness (one and many). Regarding whether human civilization has the absolute spirit (reasonableness of long-term historical development) as described by G. W. F. hegel (1770-1831), this course insists on the attitude of openness and reserves for students to find the answers themselves. However, in terms of selection of textbooks, this course uses the right of religious and cultural relics as a symbol of spiritual civilization, and introduces the three generations of blue copper, the thoughts of immortals in Qin and Han, the statues of the Tang Dynasty, and the secular life of the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasty according to the time sequence. According to the objectives of general education, this course drafts the teaching issue, as mentioned above. Different from those who study traditional literature, history and philosophy are mostly limited to literary historical materials or text concepts. This course mainly uses direct images of Chinese cultural relics as teaching materials (learning pictures to teach, rather than textbooks with texts on text). From the perspectives of academic research on art society, art art history, archaeology and cultural relics collection mechanism, we communicate with relevant academic fields such as literature, history, and philosophy in many aspects, promoting the understanding of students and reflecting on different kinds of aesthetic tastes and value judgments, hoping to have a more positive impact on the rational personality of students.

參考書目 Reference Books


1. The textbooks in this course are mainly digital record files collected and edited by the teacher themselves, and there are no designated textbooks. In addition to being a representative Chinese cultural relics that have been recognized by art history or major museums, the image source is also selected from the magazine "Collection-Ancient Beauty" or various auction conference records. In this way, in terms of teaching methods, this course is a picture or illustration of reading a picture and telling a story. Their metaphysical nature is also a direct description method of phenomenon.
2. Instruct students to use the "Collection of Old Palace Collection" of Taipei Home Palace Museum. The ancient palace contains 400,000 Chinese cultural relics, and the pictures and pictures are more academically authoritative and sufficient to expand the professional knowledge of their classmates.
3. Other reference books are as follows:
Editor of the Chinese Salt Silicate Society, "History of Chinese Ceramics" (Beijing: Cultural Relics Press, 1982).
Zhang Minghua, "Chinese Ancient Jade: 100 Years of Discovery and Research" (Shanghai: Shanghai Bookstore Publishing House, 2004).
Chen Fangmei, "Logistics of the Shang Dynasty Qinggong Copper Gifts of the Old Palace" (Taipei City: Old Palace, 1987th year of the Republic of China).
Editor of Ma Zishu, "Chinese Cultural Relics Definition Dictionary" (Shanghai: Shanghai Book Publishing House, 1999).
Liu Qingzhu, "The 100 Archaeological Discoveries of China in the Twentieth Century" (Beijing: China Social Sciences Press, 2002).
Journals such as "Collection-Ancient Arts" and "Ancient Palace Cultural Relics".

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Class Participation
30 .上課回答問題加分(加分直至學期總分100分為止)
Midterm exam
30 隨堂考,筆試
Final exam
30 隨堂考,筆試
第 17 與 18 週的學生自主實作第 17 與 18 週的學生自主實作
Students' independent implementations on the 17th and 18th week
10 學生自主實作表現評量,由通識中心辦公室提供

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/1,2[H305]
授課教師 Teacher:施世昱
修課班級 Class:共必修1-4
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授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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