course information of 113 - 1 | 3027 Sustainable Issues in Humanities(人文:人文永續議題)

3027 - 人文:人文永續議題 Sustainable Issues in Humanities

教育目標 Course Target

本課程的目標乃首為促成學生從文化、歷史與社會等種種層面來探討多元文化主義、文化資產保存的概念及其永續的發展。其次再以文化交涉學的觀點來進行分析跨地域的文化及歷史發展,其後延伸到一般Ethnicity(族群)、Identity(身分認同)的差異,並且整合歷史的觀點以便增進學生的批判思考能力,同時培養他們的創新力,最終使得多元文化及文化資產得以獲得良好的管理且能永續經營。 2015年,聯合國啟動「2030永續發展目標」(Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs),本課程特別將消除貧窮 (No Poverty)、保育海洋生態(Life Below Water)、陸地生態(Life on Land)等等與我們生活息息相關的議題提出討論,使得學生瞭解到目前全球所面臨的嚴峻問題,並從中產生新觀點以便為各種議題尋求解決的方案。 The goal of this course is first to enable students to explore the concepts of multiculturalism, cultural asset preservation and their sustainable development from various aspects such as culture, history and society. Secondly, the cross-regional cultural and historical development is analyzed from the perspective of cultural interaction, and then extended to the differences in general Ethnicity (ethnicity) and Identity (identity), and historical perspectives are integrated to enhance students' critical thinking ability. At the same time, they should cultivate their innovation capabilities, ultimately enabling multiculturalism and cultural assets to be well managed and sustainably operated. In 2015, the United Nations launched the "2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)". This course will specifically integrate poverty eradication (No Poverty), conservation of marine ecology (Life Below Water), terrestrial ecology (Life on Land), etc. Issues closely related to our lives are discussed, allowing students to understand the serious problems currently facing the world and generate new perspectives to find solutions to various issues.

參考書目 Reference Books

1. 黃俊傑《戰後臺灣的轉型及其展望》,國立臺灣大學出版中心,2006年
2. 中村賢二郎《わかりやすい文化財保護制度の解説》,ぎょうせい,2007年。
3. 黃貞燕《日韓無形的文化財保護制度》,國立臺灣傳統藝術總處籌備處,2008
4. 蕭全政等《全球化時代的王道文化、社會創新與永續發展》,國立臺灣大學出版中心,2013年
5. 陳正茂, 陳善珮 《文化觀光:臺灣文化資產》,五南,2014年
6. 陳天璽著;馮秋玉譯《無國籍:我,和那些被國家遺忘的人們》,八旗文化,2016年
7. 藤田孝典著;吳怡文譯,《下流老人:即使月薪5萬,我們仍將又老又窮又孤獨》,如果出版
8. 陳桂蘭, 林雅惠《走讀日本森川里海》,農業部林業及自然保育署,2017年
9. 岡田英樹等《東亞文學場:臺灣、朝鮮、滿洲的殖民主義與文化交涉》,聯經,2018年

1. Huang Junjie, "Postwar Taiwan's Transformation and Its Prospects", National Taiwan University Publishing Center, 2006
2. Kenjiro Nakamura's "Explanation of the Cultural Properties Protection System", ぎょうせい, 2007.
3. Huang Zhenyan, "The Intangible Cultural Property Protection System in Japan and South Korea", Preparatory Office of the National Taiwan Traditional Arts Office, 2008
4. Xiao Quanzheng and others, "Kingly Culture, Social Innovation and Sustainable Development in the Era of Globalization", National Taiwan University Publishing Center, 2013
5. Chen Zhengmao, Chen Shanpei "Cultural Tourism: Taiwan Cultural Assets", Wunan, 2014
6. "Stateless: Me and Those Forgotten by the Country" written by Chen Tianxi; translated by Feng Qiuyu, Eight Banners Culture, 2016
7. Written by Takanoori Fujita; translated by Wu Yiwen, "Dirty Old Man: Even with a monthly salary of 50,000, we will still be old, poor and lonely", if published
Society, 2016
8. Chen Guilan, Lin Yahui, "Reading Japan's Morikawa Caspian Sea", Forestry and Nature Conservation Service, Ministry of Agriculture, 2017
9. Hideki Okada and others, "East Asian Literature Field: Colonialism and Cultural Negotiations in Taiwan, Korea, and Manchuria", Lian Jing, 2018
10. "China and East Asian History in the Curriculum: From National Society and Group Exchange to the Process of Modernity" compiled by Lin Tongfa, Taiwan Business,
11. Chen Peifeng, "Strange Bedfellows of "Assimilation": Language Policy, Modernization and Identity in Taiwan during the Japanese Occupation", Wheatfield, 2021
12. Bian Fengkui, "A Discussion on Taiwanese Activities in Japan During the Japanese Occupation", Boyang, 2022
13. "Maritime Exchanges in Modern East Asia: Cultural Transmission and Cultural Change" compiled by Akira Matsuura, Bo Yang, 2022

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
interim report
final exam
Attendance and course participation

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/6,7[LAN111]
授課教師 Teacher:林敏容
修課班級 Class:共必修1-4
選課備註 Memo:日本文化歷史
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 73 人。

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