course information of 113 - 1 | 3026 Sustainable Issues in Humanities(人文:人文永續議題)

3026 - 人文:人文永續議題 Sustainable Issues in Humanities

教育目標 Course Target

(一)人文領域的課程目標在於啟發學生美的鑑賞能力與願意為善的藝術涵養。 (二)本課程設計著眼溝通互動為基礎,為學習人與群體互信分工與共享尋找其脈絡;而在創作活動進行的同時,並須創新應變的思維解決問題,以自主行動為基礎,培養獨立堅韌的毅力,強化面對挑戰的決心;同時在社會群體的脈動,充分表現服務的利他精神,循著社會參與的基礎,讓地方人與人的連結得以更加穩固。 透過大學實作課程的融入,配合大學社會責任及社區村落民眾的參與‚號召更多愛護土地的學生.孩子捲起袖子一起投入‚期望達到「自由耕種˙收成共享」理想境界;然後「享用大地˙回饋自然」,利用落葉推肥,資源循環涵養自然的概念‚轉而以有機栽種滋養土地,落實環境教育與實驗;最後「樂群為美˙感受生命」。以現地資材想像創作‚在田野土地中布展‚展現「食農」、「創意」及「教育」的非凡視野。 (1) The goal of the curriculum in the humanities field is to inspire students to appreciate beauty and be willing to do good in art. (2) This course is designed to focus on communication and interaction, and to find the context for learning about mutual trust, division of labor, and sharing between people and groups; while creative activities are being carried out, innovative and adaptable thinking is required to solve problems, and based on independent actions, cultivate independence Tenacious perseverance strengthens the determination to face challenges; at the same time, it fully demonstrates the altruistic spirit of service in the pulse of social groups, and follows the basis of social participation to make the connection between local people more stable. Through the integration of university practical courses, in conjunction with the university's social responsibilities and the participation of community and village people, we call on more students who care for the land. Children roll up their sleeves and join in, hoping to achieve the ideal state of "free farming and harvest sharing"; and then "enjoy the land" ˙Give back to nature", using fallen leaves to push fertilizers, recycling resources to conserve the concept of nature, turning to organic planting to nourish the land, implementing environmental education and experiments; and finally, "beautiful in the community and feel life". The imaginative creation using local materials and the exhibition in the field show the extraordinary vision of "food farming", "creativity" and "education".

參考書目 Reference Books

塩見直紀 (2015)。《半農半X的生活》。臺北:天下文化。
陳芬瑜等 (2014)。《小農復耕:好食材、好生態、好市集、好旅行》。臺北:果力文化

Rural Development Foundation (2018) "Sharing a Good Food Generation--Comprehensive Food and Farming Education Action". Taipei: Hiking Culture.
Naoki Shiomi (2015). "The Life of Half Farmer and Half X". Taipei: Tianxia Culture.
Chen Fenyu et al. (2014). "Restoring Farming by Small Farmers: Good Food, Good Ecology, Good Markets, and Good Travel". Taipei: Guoli Culture

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Reading on Humanities and Sustainability Issues
20 照片記錄與小組體驗活動研發
Regular attendance at homework requirements
20 自主學習態度及課程作業分享
Writing a business plan for food farming
30 小組合作完成一份永續創生企劃書
Humanities and Sustainable Community Interactive Performance
30 以人文永續精神為基礎規畫小組參與社區互動展演

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/3,4[A105]
授課教師 Teacher:張文鴻
修課班級 Class:共必修1-4
選課備註 Memo:農創美學
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 55 人。

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