course information of 113 - 1 | 3019 Thinking in Philosophy(人文:哲學思辨)

3019 - 人文:哲學思辨 Thinking in Philosophy

教育目標 Course Target

人文領域的課程目標在於啟發學生美的鑑賞與願意為善的藝術涵養。本課程將探討AI的基礎知識及其對社會的廣泛影響,首先,將學習機器學習AI的基本概念以及國際倫理規範;其次,將說明AI的資料來源和分類如何影響AI的預測或決策。接著,將探討AI模型和演算法的設計,並分析AI技術所涉及的社會性、多樣性與政治性等問題。另外,本課程亦討論AI應用之後所帶來的勞動不均與衝擊、社會不平等、性別偏見等問題,並鼓勵學生就這些問題提出可能的解決方案。最後,本課程亦會討論近年生成式AI出現後相當盛行的AI威脅人類生存論述應該如何理解。簡言之,本課程期待培養學生對於AI這項技術與應用所涉及的倫理議題有基本之認識。The goal of the curriculum in the humanities field is to inspire students to appreciate beauty and be willing to do good in art. This course will explore the basic knowledge of AI and its broad impact on society. First, you will learn the basic concepts of machine learning AI and international ethical norms; second, you will explain how the source and classification of AI data affect AI predictions or decisions. Next, the design of AI models and algorithms will be discussed, and the social, diversity, and political issues involved in AI technology will be analyzed. In addition, this course also discusses issues such as labor inequality and impact, social inequality, and gender bias caused by the application of AI, and encourages students to propose possible solutions to these issues. Finally, this course will also discuss how to understand the argument that AI threatens human survival, which has become quite popular after the emergence of generative AI in recent years. In short, this course hopes to cultivate students' basic understanding of the ethical issues involved in AI technology and applications.

參考書目 Reference Books

1.凱特.克勞馥(Kate Crawford) (2022),〈第二章 勞工〉出自《人工智慧最後的秘密》,臉譜文化,pp. 71-108。
2.泰娜.布策(Taina Bucher) (2021),〈第二章 演算法的多樣性〉出自《被操弄的真實:演算法中隱藏的政治與權力》,台灣商務印書館。
3.維吉尼亞.尤班克斯(Virginia Eubanks) (2022),〈第五章 數位濟貧院〉&〈結語 拆除數位濟貧院〉出自《懲罰貧窮》,寶鼎出版。
4.凱西.歐尼爾(Cathy O’Neill)(2109),〈第一章 數學炸彈元件_什麼是模型〉、〈第十章 被瞄準的公民_現代人的科技生活〉出自《大數據的傲慢與偏見》,大寫出版。
5.約蘭德(Yolande Strengers) &珍妮.甘迺迪(Jenny Kennedy) (2023),〈第一章 認識智慧妻子〉&〈第二章 ROSIE〉《智慧妻子》,陽明大學交通出版社。
6.尼克.伯斯特隆姆(Nick Bostrom)(2016),〈第十三章 選擇「選擇準則」〉&〈第十四章 策略景況〉、第十五章 緊要關頭〉出自《超智慧》,八旗文化。
7.甘偵蓉(2023),〈人工智慧科研倫理與風險之基本認識〉,《科技、醫療與社會》季刊,37: 167-220。

1. Kate Crawford (2022), "Chapter 2 Labor" from "The Last Secret of Artificial Intelligence", Facebook Culture, pp. 71-108.
2. Taina Bucher (2021), "Chapter 2 Diversity of Algorithms" from "Manipulated Reality: Politics and Power Hidden in Algorithms", Taiwan Commercial Press.
3. Virginia Eubanks (2022), "Chapter 5 Digital Workhouse" & "Conclusion: Dismantling the Digital Workhouse" from "Punishment of Poverty", Baoding Publishing.
4. Cathy O'Neill (2109), "Chapter 1 Mathematical Bomb Components_What is a Model", "Chapter 10 Targeted Citizens_Modern People's Technological Life" from "Big Data" Pride and Prejudice, published in Capital.
5. Yolande Strengers & Jenny Kennedy (2023), "Chapter 1: Understanding Smart Wife" & "Chapter 2 ROSIE" "Smart Wife", Yangming University Communications Press.
6. Nick Bostrom (2016), "Chapter 13 Selection "Selection Criteria"" & "Chapter 14 Strategic Situation", Chapter 15 Critical Moment" from "Superintelligence" , Eight Banners Culture.
7. Gan Zhenrong (2023), "Basic understanding of ethics and risks in artificial intelligence scientific research", "Technology, Medical and Society" Quarterly, 37: 167-220.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Class notes and study sheets
20 繳交上課筆記與學習單共四份,每份至少500字,每份最多可得總分5分。如發現抄襲、複製生成式AI的文字,一 律不予給分。
Attend and participate in discussions
40 每週出席可得總分1分,參與課堂及分組討論可得總分2分。
Personal interim report
20 從老師教過的閱讀材料中任選一書籍來撰寫讀後心得,至少1500字。未繳交、發現作弊、或複製生成式AI的文字,一律 不給分。
Personal final report
20 從老師教過的閱讀材料中任選一書籍來撰寫讀後心得,至少1500字。未繳交、發現作弊、或複製生成式AI的文字,一律 不給分。

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/7,8,9[C113]
授課教師 Teacher:甘偵蓉
修課班級 Class:共必修1-4
選課備註 Memo:人工智能倫理
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 57 人。

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