course information of 113 - 1 | 3015 Religiousness(人文:宗教精神)

3015 - 人文:宗教精神 Religiousness

教育目標 Course Target

無論在群體社會或個人的生活當中,無論是有意識地追求,或跟隨習俗行禮如儀,宗教現象或影響都不斷地出現在你我生活的周遭。對大多數年輕人來說,宗教就像一個謎,宗教似乎是過時的玩意,但仍時常出現在你我生活中,對你的生活有種既親密又疏離的牽連。宗教是什麼?為什麼又有那麼多型態的宗教,我需要宗教信仰嗎?宗教對於個人或社會群體又有哪些影響?我們需要以理性思辨的方式來瞭解嗎? 本課程係通識人文宗教精神課程,從宗教精神的核心概念出發,課程的第一個部分,在協助學生瞭解宗教的多元面相,以及對個人與人類社會發展的機制。這一個部分的課程內容將以「東海大學創設理念與實踐歷程」來做案例的詮釋;接著探討人類社會三個主要宗教傳統的精神與內涵,也就是不同宗教傳統對生命歷程的詮釋與義意,最後探討台灣地區主要宗教之傳入與發展歷程,以及其核心內涵和影響,期待培養學生對宗教與生命關懷探索的興趣。最終目的期待協助學生在這多元文化的社會中,經由對宗教精神的瞭解,可以協助建立適當的生活目標與價值觀,並積極的在生活中實踐。 立基於本校為基督教創立之大學,為讓修課同學對於基督立校精神有比較深刻的理解,本課程將強化基督精神的介紹與詮釋的比重(詳細課程安排請見教學進度表)。 No matter in group society or individual life, whether it is conscious pursuit or following customs and etiquette, religious phenomena or influences are constantly appearing around you and me. For most young people, religion is like a mystery. Religion seems to be an outdated thing, but it still appears in our lives from time to time, and has a kind of intimate and distant involvement in your life. What is religion? Why are there so many types of religions? Do I need a religious belief? What impact does religion have on individuals or social groups? Do we need to understand it rationally? This course is a general humanistic religious spirituality course. It starts from the core concepts of religious spirituality. The first part of the course helps students understand the diverse aspects of religion and the mechanism of development of individuals and human society. The content of this part of the course will be explained with a case study of "The Founding Concept and Practical Process of Tunghai University"; then the spirit and connotation of the three major religious traditions of human society will be discussed, that is, the interpretation and meaning of the life course by different religious traditions. , and finally explores the introduction and development process of major religions in Taiwan, as well as their core connotations and influences, hoping to cultivate students' interest in exploring religion and life care. The ultimate goal is to help students in this multicultural society, through their understanding of religious spirituality, help establish appropriate life goals and values, and actively practice them in life. Based on the fact that our school is a Christian university, in order to allow course students to have a deeper understanding of the Christian founding spirit, this course will strengthen the proportion of introduction and interpretation of the Christian spirit (see the teaching schedule for detailed course arrangements).

參考書目 Reference Books

(一) 瑪麗‧派特‧費雪著,尤淑雅譯,1999,《二十一世紀宗教》。台北:華邦文化事業。
(二) 輔仁大學宗教學系編,2006,《宗教概論》。台北:五南圖書。
(三) Smith,Huston著、劉安雲譯,2008,《人的宗教》。台北:立緒。

(1) "Religion in the Twenty-First Century" by Mary Pat Fisher, translated by You Shuya, 1999. Taipei: Winbond Cultural Enterprises.
(2) Editor, Department of Religious Studies, Fu Jen Catholic University, 2006, "Introduction to Religion". Taipei: Wunan Books.
(3) Smith, Huston, translated by Liu Anyun, 2008, "The Religion of Man". Taipei: Lixu.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Course Attendance and Class Participation
25 四次(包括請假6次)未出席,本項成績以0分計算,缺席六次以上不得參與期末考核;積極參與課程最高加分20%
midterm exam
30 期中考試以Open Book 方式進行,抄襲網路資料者以0分計算
Final religious field participant observation report
35 2次期末參與觀察與報告撰寫書面規定,另見ilearn教學平台公告之詳細授課內容。
students learn independently
10 按通識中心規劃統一辦理

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/8,9[H309]
授課教師 Teacher:趙星光
修課班級 Class:共必修1-4
選課備註 Memo:基督信仰精神
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 59 人。

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