禁忌區分人與動物之不同。禁忌與踰越構成了神聖領域。與在這門課程中,我們將閱讀喬治.巴代伊(Georges Bataille)寫作於上世紀50年代的《情色論》(L'Erotisme)一書。巴代伊博通當代各種學問資源:黑格爾、馬克思、尼采、精神分析、人類學、社會學,賦予此書以跨越學科藩籬的論述風格。希望藉著閱讀這本書,除了多方接觸不同學科的知識以外,並能培養在思想上越界的能力,一種思考到臨近意義/無意義邊緣,亦即創造的根源,的能力。It is taboo to differentiate between humans and animals. Taboo and transgression constitute the sacred realm. In this course, we will read George. Georges Bataille wrote "L'Erotisme" in the 1950s. Badeibot draws on various contemporary cultural resources: Hegel, Marx, Nietzsche, psychoanalysis, anthropology, and sociology, giving this book a narrative style that transcends disciplinary boundaries. I hope that by reading this book, in addition to having multiple exposures to knowledge from different disciplines, I can also cultivate the ability to transcend boundaries in thought, an ability to think close to the edge of meaning/meaninglessness, which is the root of creation.
BATAILLE, Georges, L’Erotisme, Paris: ed. Minuit, 1957.
George. Badei, Theory of Eroticism, translated by Lai Shouzheng, National Science Council Classics Translation and Annotation Project Series, Lian Jing (Taipei, first edition in 101 Min.).
George. Bataille, Pornography, translated by Zhang Lu, Nanjing University Press (Nanjing. 2019).
BATAILLE, Georges, L’Erotisme, Paris: ed. Minuit, 1957.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
期中考期中考 midterm exam |
40 | |
期末考期末考 final exam |
60 |