course information of 113 - 1 | 3013 Aesthetics for Better Life(人文:生命美學)

3013 - 人文:生命美學 Aesthetics for Better Life

教育目標 Course Target

人文領域的課程目標在於啟發學生美的鑑賞與願意為善的藝術涵養。本課程旨在透過歷史學的敘事方法,選擇具代表性的歷史人物,敘述個別歷史人物的生命歷程及其生命美學。透過歷史人物和時代的互動過程,理解他們在生命歷程的各階段如何透過自我淬礪成長達到「與己為善」的人生目標,如何互助助人實現「與人為善」的社會理想,如何欣賞天地萬物之美以涵養「與自然為善」的素養,從而實現內在自我身心平衡、外在則與社會群體、天地萬物和諧共處的共生利他之美。本課程從與己為善、與人為善、與自然為善之面向,介紹個別歷史人物如何在歷史洪流中因應各種條件限制而做決策及其影響,引導同學在瞬息萬變的世界中,提升對其所處時勢內在和外在條件的判斷力,從而培養其面臨關鍵時刻的思辯力和決策力,以及保守良知、願意為善的初心,實現真善美的生命美學。 教學方式以講授法為主,分組活動為輔,並配合教學進度,引導學生閱讀相關文獻、觀賞影片、分組討論,培養歷史思辯能力,以及跨時代、跨區域的歷史思維。The goal of the curriculum in the humanities field is to inspire students to appreciate beauty and be willing to do good in art. This course aims to use historical narrative methods to select representative historical figures and describe the life course and life aesthetics of individual historical figures. Through the interactive process of historical figures and times, understand how they achieved the life goal of "being good to themselves" through self-improvement and growth at each stage of their life, how they helped each other realize the social ideal of "being good to others", and how they appreciated the beauty of heaven and earth. To cultivate the quality of "being kind to nature", we can achieve the inner self-physical and mental balance, and the outer beauty of symbiosis and altruism of harmonious coexistence with social groups and all things in the world. From the perspective of being good to oneself, being good to others, and being good to nature, this course introduces how individual historical figures made decisions and their impact in response to various conditions in the historical torrent, and guides students to improve their understanding of the current situation in a rapidly changing world. Judgment of internal and external conditions, thereby cultivating their thinking and decision-making skills when facing critical moments, as well as their original intention to preserve their conscience and be willing to do good, and realize the aesthetics of life of truth, goodness and beauty. The teaching method is mainly lectures, supplemented by group activities, and coordinated with the teaching progress, guiding students to read relevant documents, watch videos, and discuss in groups to cultivate historical thinking skills and cross-era and cross-regional historical thinking.

參考書目 Reference Books


Edited by Cao Yonghe and others, "Taiwan Historical Figures and Events", Luzhou City, Taipei County: National Hangzhou University, 2002.
Zhang Yanxian, Li Xiaofeng, and Zhuang Yongming, eds. "Chronicles of Modern Taiwanese Celebrities", Taipei: Zili Evening News Publishing, 1987.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Attendance results
10 同學出席狀態,全學期全勤者出席成績滿分。
midterm exam
15 依課程進度,舉行紙筆測驗,申論題。
final exam
15 依課程進度,舉行紙筆測驗,申論題。
Personal daily homework
20 期初、期末各提出一份學習單。開學後說明。
Personal term report
15 繳交閱讀人物傳記心得報告或書評,字數1200字以上。
group group report
15 依課程要求,以歷史人物為主題,繳交團體分組報告。
Students implement independently
10 第17、18週學生自主實作表現評量成績,由通識中心辦公室提供。

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/3,4[C205]
授課教師 Teacher:蔡秀美
修課班級 Class:共必修1-4
選課備註 Memo:
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 55 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 55 人。

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