course information of 113 - 1 | 3005 Aesthetics for Better Life(人文:生命美學)

3005 - 人文:生命美學 Aesthetics for Better Life

教育目標 Course Target

從美的探討與藝術的起源開始,到八大藝術以及東西洋美術作品的介紹與欣賞,運用PPT檔與相關複製品的解說,以及美術館、藝術中心的導覽參觀,闡述藝術作品之創作背景。主題、內容、形式、技法、創作理念等內涵,讓學生欣賞藝術作品的不同面向,及其藝術價值的特色。透過影像資料或複製品各種不同形式的藝術介紹,相關之錄影帶、幻燈片、投影片、複製品或參加藝術活動,增加學生對生活中各種形式藝術表現的注意與認識; 透過互動方式的教學,讓學生瞭解藝術與人生的關係,培養審美的能力。對於『藝術』能夠有更深一層的了解與多一些些感動。訓練學生能欣賞藝術並自信的表達對於藝術的感想。同時希望藝術欣賞在生活上能有多一點的充實與滿足。讓學生不僅只是藉由感覺欣賞藝術,並透過分析深入理解藝術,更重要的是享受發現藝術的樂趣。 Starting from the discussion of beauty and the origin of art, to the introduction and appreciation of eight major arts and Western and Eastern art works, explanations using PPT files and related reproductions, as well as guided tours of art galleries and art centers, explain the creative background of art works. The theme, content, form, technique, creative concept and other connotations allow students to appreciate the different aspects of artistic works and their artistic value. Through video materials or reproductions of various forms of art introduction, related videos, slides, slides, reproductions or participation in art activities, students can increase their attention and understanding of various forms of artistic expression in life; Through interactive teaching, students can understand the relationship between art and life and cultivate aesthetic abilities. I can have a deeper understanding and be more moved by "art". Train students to appreciate art and confidently express their feelings about art. At the same time, I hope that art appreciation can make life more fulfilling and satisfying. Let students not only appreciate art through feelings, but also deeply understand art through analysis, and more importantly, enjoy the fun of discovering art.

參考書目 Reference Books

藝術概論 蔣勳著 東華書局出版西洋美術史、美的沉思

Introduction to Art by Jiang Xun Published by Donghua Book Company History of Western Art and Meditations on Beauty

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Learning attitude and attendance rate
40 無故缺席3次者按規定扣考,平常成績以零分計算。缺席數達全學期上課時數1/3者按規定扣考﹝6次﹞。
midterm exam
final exam

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/6,7[H207]
授課教師 Teacher:林彥良
修課班級 Class:共必修2-4
選課備註 Memo:如何看懂藝術
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 90 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 90 人。

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