本課程將由淺入深,循序漸進向學生介紹傳統「禮」文化的基礎概念,引領學生進入「禮」的人文國度,以此構築儀式化生命美學可能觸及的諸面向,設立「生育禮」、「成年禮」、「婚禮」、「慶生禮」、「養老禮」、「喪禮」、「祭禮」、「生活禮儀」、「人際交往」九大核心主題,並搭配與課程相關的圖文資料、影音視頻和通俗故事,加強印象,冀使同學能以「禮」作為一生修身踐行的圭臬,自發實踐中華禮樂文明的人文素養,塑造立身處世的理想風範,繼而邁向自信美好的人生旅途。Across the world, the social lives of all ethnic groups attach great importance to the "life rituals" of social members: from birth, adulthood, marriage, birthdays, to death and sacrifices, every important turning stage of life means physical, mental and Changing social roles. Looking back at the birth of the Chinese ritual and music civilization, it is not only a tribute to the beauty of life, but also a variety of gestures that infiltrate the body and mind through ritual baptism in daily situations, inspiring people to appreciate the beauty of individual life, and using the individual to influence the group and cultivate The glorious virtue of being kind to others, helping each other and enjoying peace.
This course will gradually introduce the basic concepts of traditional "ritual" culture to students, from the shallower to the more advanced, and lead students into the humanistic realm of "rituals", thereby constructing various aspects that ritualized life aesthetics may touch, and establishing "birth rituals" and "rituals". "Coming of Age Ceremony", "Wedding", "Birthday Ceremony", "Elderly Care Ceremony", "Funeral Ceremony", "Festival Ceremony", "Birth Ceremony" The nine core themes of "Living Etiquette" and "Interpersonal Communication" are combined with course-related graphic materials, audio-visual videos and popular stories to enhance the impression, hoping that students can use "rituals" as a guideline for lifelong self-cultivation and practice it voluntarily The humanistic quality of Chinese rituals and music culture creates an ideal style of life, and then leads to a confident and beautiful life journey.
李亦園,《文化的圖像(上) 文化發展的人類學探討》,臺北,允晨文化出版公司,1992年
李亦園,《文化的圖像(下) 宗教與族群的文化觀察》,臺北,允晨文化出版公司,1992年
黃宛峰,《禮樂淵藪 《禮記》與中國文化》,開封,河南大學出版社,1997年
[French] Written by Fan Gennep, translated by Zhang Juwen, "Transitional Etiquette", Beijing, The Commercial Press, 2010
Wang Guimin, "History of Chinese Etiquette and Customs", Taipei, Wenjin Publishing House, 2001
He Liankui, "Study on Chinese Etiquette and Customs", Taipei, Taiwan Chung Hwa Book Company, 2017
Li Yiyuan, "Images of Culture (Part 1) Anthropological Discussion of Cultural Development", Taipei, Yunchen Culture Publishing Company, 1992
Li Yiyuan, "Images of Culture (Part 2) Cultural Observations on Religions and Ethnic Groups", Taipei, Yunchen Culture Publishing Company, 1992
Li Fengzhu, "Celebration Etiquette", Taipei, National Hangzhou University, 2010
Zhou He, "Ancient Rites and Modern Talks", Taipei, Chinese World Publishing House, 1992
Lin Suwen, "Research on Humanistic Aesthetics in the Book of Rites", Taipei, Wenjin Publishing House, 2001
Lin Suying, "The View of Life and Death in Ancient Rites of Life", Taipei, Wenjin Publishing House, 1997
Jiang Linxiang, "Stories of Wisdom and Quotes from the Book of Rites", Taipei, Quanta Cultural Corporation, 2010
Haiying, "Etiquette in China", Beijing, Beijing Normal University Press, 2021
Cao Jiandun, "Exploring Pre-Qin Ritual System", Tianjin, Tianjin People's Publishing House, 2010
Guo Zhenhua, "Etiquette and Customs of Life in Ancient China", Xi'an, Shaanxi People's Education Press, 1998
Peng Lin, "Ancient Chinese Etiquette and Civilization", Beijing, Zhonghua Book Company, 2013
Peng Meiling, Lu Dunhua, etc., "Lovely Appointment: A View on the Customs of Wedding Ceremony", Taipei, National Publishing House, 2008
Huang Wanfeng, "Book of Rites and Chinese Culture", Kaifeng, Henan University Press, 1997
Ye Guoliang, "Traditional Chinese Life Etiquette", Taipei, Wunan Publishing House, 2014
Ye Guoliang, Li Longxian, et al., "Research on the Coming of Age Ceremony of the Han Nationality and Related Issues", Taipei, Daan Publishing House, 2004
Self-compiled handouts/class slides
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
期中、期末測驗期中、期末測驗 Midterm and final exams |
60 | 以申論題作答。 |
期末書面心得期末書面心得 Final written reflections |
20 | 針對課程規劃的學習單討論主題,擇一子題發揮學習心得與反饋,字數不限,最慢於期末考當週以紙本形式繳交。 |
出席率與課堂討論出席率與課堂討論 Attendance and Class Discussion |
10 | 依修課同學每週出席率與課程表現,酌予評分。 |
學生自主實作評量學生自主實作評量 Student independent implementation assessment |
10 | 第17、18週學生自主實作表現評量成績,由通識中心辦公室提供。 |