course information of 113 - 1 | 3002 Aesthetics for Better Life(人文:生命美學)

3002 - 人文:生命美學 Aesthetics for Better Life

教育目標 Course Target

北京故宮與臺北故宮以館藏豐富中國文物,名列世界知名博物館的排行前端,成為各國遊客來到中國或臺灣必定參觀的重要觀光駐點。另一方面,由於近年來清宮劇深受民眾歡迎,進而引發社會大眾對於明清宮殿、帝后與皇室成員及其生活起居等的好奇與興趣,連帶提升民眾踏入故宮博物院的意願。然而,大部分民眾進入故宮博物院,觀賞各項文物與各區展覽時,多數是匆匆瀏覽而過,雖然有展版文字作為輔助說明,但是在未有先備知識的情況下,較難以察覺不同時代的文物所展現的風貌與特徵。有鑑於此,本課程的開設將結合歷史、文物與宮廷建築,透過紫禁城內主要建物的介紹,例如三殿三宮、東西六宮,並且說明與這些建物有關聯的人物、器物與事件,帶領修課同學領略紫禁城之美、明清文物的珍稀,以及明清歷史的趣味,在這樣的基礎下,相信日後同學們前往故宮博物院,觀賞院內收藏文物時會有更多的感觸。 人文領域的課程目標在於啟發學生美的鑑賞與願意為善的藝術涵養,藉由本課程的開設,希望建立同學們在日常生活上與欣賞故宮文物之間有更多的連結,包括: 1.喚起歷史記憶:歷史認知有助於形成個人和社會的身份認同感。人們通過文物認識自己的文化根源,進而構建對自身的認識。 2.體驗藝術與美感:透過欣賞這些藝術品,人們能夠豐富自己的美感體驗,進一步提升生活品質。文物的美感也可以啟發同學們對藝術的喜愛,進而考慮將來投入推動藝術文化的發展的職涯方向。 3.增進實體社交活動:同學們可以通過參與這些活動,與他人分享對文物的興趣,擴展社交圈,並共同努力保護和傳承文物。 3.傳承文物教育與知識:包括故宮文物在內的博物館所收藏的文物可以作為社會教育的一部分,透過賞析文物來傳遞知識。這種知識傳承不僅局限於學術領域,還包括社會價值觀、道德標準等。文物的賞析有助於將這些價值傳承給後代。The National Palace Museum in Beijing and the National Palace Museum in Taipei have rich collections of Chinese cultural relics and are ranked at the top of the world's famous museums. They have become important tourist spots that tourists from all over the world must visit when they come to China or Taiwan. On the other hand, as Qing palace dramas have been very popular among the public in recent years, they have aroused public curiosity and interest in the palaces of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the emperors and royal family members, and their daily lives, which has also increased the public's willingness to visit the Palace Museum. However, when most people enter the Palace Museum and view various cultural relics and exhibitions in various areas, most of them browse in a hurry. Although there are texts on the exhibition panels as auxiliary explanations, it is difficult to notice the differences without prior knowledge. The style and characteristics displayed by the cultural relics of the era. In view of this, this course will combine history, cultural relics and palace architecture. It will introduce the main buildings in the Forbidden City, such as the three palaces, three palaces, and the six east and west palaces, and explain the people, artifacts and events related to these buildings, leading students to In this class, students can appreciate the beauty of the Forbidden City, the rarity of Ming and Qing cultural relics, and the interest of Ming and Qing history. On this basis, I believe that students will have more feelings when they go to the Palace Museum in the future and view the cultural relics collected in the museum. The goal of the course in the humanities field is to inspire students to appreciate beauty and be willing to do good in art. Through the establishment of this course, we hope to establish more connections between students' daily life and appreciation of the cultural relics of the Forbidden City, including: 1. Arouse historical memory: Historical knowledge helps to form a sense of personal and social identity. People understand their cultural roots through cultural relics and then build their understanding of themselves. 2. Experience art and beauty: By appreciating these works of art, people can enrich their aesthetic experience and further improve their quality of life. The beauty of cultural relics can also inspire students to love art, and then consider career directions in promoting the development of art and culture in the future. 3. Enhance physical social activities: By participating in these activities, students can share their interest in cultural relics with others, expand their social circle, and work together to protect and inherit cultural relics. 3. Inheriting cultural relics education and knowledge: The cultural relics collected in museums, including the Forbidden City cultural relics, can be used as part of social education, and knowledge can be passed on through the appreciation of cultural relics. This kind of knowledge inheritance is not limited to the academic field, but also includes social values, moral standards, etc. Appreciation of cultural relics helps pass on these values ​​to future generations.

參考書目 Reference Books

Yan Chongnian, "The Forbidden City", Taipei: Lianjing, 2014.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Attendance and Class Performance
15 每週以iLearn教學平台點名,出席低於6次(含),此項成績以零分計算。
midterm exam
25 按課程進度與內容,進行紙筆測驗
final exam
25 按課程進度與內容,進行紙筆測驗
term report
25 歷史博物館參觀心得
Students’ independent implementation performance
10 按實作表現、參與情形或相關成果予以評分

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/3,4[H305]
授課教師 Teacher:吳靜芳
修課班級 Class:共必修1-4
選課備註 Memo:故宮與明清史
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 73 人。

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