1. Learning the present energy scenario and the need for sustainable energy systems and solutions.
2. Explaining the various technologies available for the utilization, conversion and storage of renewable energy.
3. Critically comparing the benefits of energy systems based on resource availability, energy demand and market conditions.1. Learning the present energy scenario and the need for sustainable energy systems and solutions.
2. Explaining the various technologies available for the utilization, conversion and storage of renewable energy.
3. Critically comparing the benefits of energy systems based on resource availability, energy demand and market conditions.
Renewable Energy: Power for a Sustainable Future, Third Edition, by Godfrey Boyle
renewable energy: power for austainable future, third edition, by Godfrey Boyle
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
Formal Group Presentation - MidtermFormal Group Presentation - Midterm formal group presentation - midterm |
35 | |
Formal Individual Presentation - FinalFormal Individual Presentation - Final formal individual presentation - final |
35 | |
Assignments and QuizAssignments and Quiz Assignments and quiz |
10 | |
Attendance and ParticipationAttendance and Participation attendance and participation |
20 |