course information of 113 - 1 | 2663 Criminal Law: General Principles(刑法總則)

2663 - 刑法總則 Criminal Law: General Principles

教育目標 Course Target

廣義的刑法係指「規範如何之行為構成犯罪而應對之科以如何之刑罰」之「所有的」法規範。其中又以名之為「刑法」之法典最為重要,此乃狹義的刑法。此外尚有陸海空軍刑法、貪污治罪條例、家庭暴力防治法、性侵害犯罪防制法、槍砲彈藥刀械管制條例、毒品危害防治條例等亦屬之;這些法規範相對於刑法法典(「普通刑法」或稱「一般刑法」)又稱為特別刑法。廣義的刑法所謂「如何之行為構成犯罪」,係以犯罪之成立要件為其內容,屬於刑法學之犯罪論的研究範疇,通說區分為三階段:「不法構成要件」「違法性」以及「有責性」,此三階段皆備犯罪即成立(狹義的成立要件)。而廣義的刑法所謂「應對之科以如何之刑罰」之部分,則係對犯罪行為(指人之行為具備上述之狹義的成立要件以及下述之廣義的成立要件者)所課之法效果,屬於刑法學之刑罰論的研究範疇。但是否可罰(法效果能否實現),尚須判斷是否具備客觀處罰條件(可罰性條件,或稱廣義的成立要件)以及時效等之訴追條件。刑法學係以廣義的刑法為研究的對象,可分為立法學暨解釋學兩種角度來研究。立法學的角度係就「應依據如何的根據而形成如何之具體的刑法規範」或對「既已形成之規範內容是否妥適又應否作增修改廢」作理論性的考察。解釋學的角度係就「既已形成之刑法規範內容應如何理解適用方為妥適」作理論性的考察。另又刑法學的研究體系上可區分為「刑法學總論」以及「刑法學各論」兩大學門。總論係就各種犯罪作全般性且抽象性的考察,以研究構成犯罪之一般性成立要件暨其法效果為內容。而我國刑法法典第一篇總則的規定係此中最為基本且重要之研究素材。而各論係以總論為前提,就個別犯罪作類型性的考察,以研究個別犯罪之固有性成立要件暨其法效果為內容。而我國刑法法典第二篇分則之規定為此中最為基本且重要之研究素材。本課程擬從刑法學的視野,採解釋學的角度但偶有穿插立法論,來講授我國刑法法典第一篇總則之學說理論與實務適用。The broad criminal law refers to the "all" laws of "regulations on how to act to constitute a crime and what punishment should be imposed on the subject." Among them, the code of "criminal law" is the most important, which is the meaning of criminal law. In addition, there are also Criminal Laws for the Sea and Air Force, the Regulations on the Treatment of Pollution, the Domestic Violence Prevention and Control Law, the Prevention and Control Law on Sexual Assault Crimes, the Control Rules for the Control of Stolen Drugs and Knifes, and the Drug Hazard Prevention and Control Rules. These regulations are also related to the Criminal Law Code ("Ordinary"). Criminal Law, or "General Criminal Law"), is also called a special criminal law. The broad criminal law calls "how to act to constitute a crime" and takes the establishment of a crime as its content, which belongs to the research scope of criminal theory learned in criminal law. It is generally divided into three stages: "the elements of illegal structure", "lawlessness" and " "It is responsible for all three stages of crimes to be established (the requirement for establishment of the meaning). The part of the broad criminal law that "what should be punished by the discipline" is the effect of the criminal act (referring to the person's behavior that has the above-mentioned requirements for establishment of the above-mentioned meaning and the following requirements for establishment of the broad meaning). A study of the criminal and punishment discussions belonging to the criminal law study. However, whether it is punishable (whether the legal effect can be realized) still depends on whether it has the conditions for customs punishment (coercibility conditions, or the requirements for establishment of broad meanings) and timely effectiveness. Criminal law learning takes broad criminal law as the object of research, and can be divided into two perspectives: legislative learning and interpretation learning. The perspective of legislation is to conduct a theoretical examination of "how specific criminal law rules should be formed based on how to form them based on the basis of the rules" or "whether the content of the rules has been formed is appropriate and whether the content should be added or modified." The perspective of interpretation is to conduct a theoretical examination of "how to understand the appropriateness of the content of the criminal law rules that have been formed." In addition, the research system of criminal law can be divided into two major schools: "Summary of Criminal Law" and "Criminal Law Discussions". The general and abstract examination of various crimes is conducted, and the content is to study the general establishment requirements and legal effects of the crime. The provisions of the first general rule of our Criminal Law Code are the most basic and important research materials. Each discussion takes the general as the premise, and examines the typology of a different crime, and studies the inherent nature of a different crime and its legal effect as the content. The provisions of the second division of our Criminal Law Code are the most basic and important research materials. This course uses the perspective of criminal law, and interprets the perspective of learning, but occasionally interspersed with legislative discussions, and teaches the academic theory and practice application of the first summary of the Criminal Law Code of our country.

課程概述 Course Description

The Criminal Law General is a legal rule that stipulates the general requirements and legal effects of the establishment of a crime. Its core content is the general applicable principles, criminal statements, legal effects statements and competitive statements of the Criminal Law. The Criminal Law is a common applicable standard for the Criminal Law (including special criminal laws, actual criminal laws and attached criminal laws), and is also the basis for studying criminal law. Among them, the crime involves the object of the crime sentence, the basis and procedure of the crime sentence; the legal effect discusses the ultimate purpose, type, discretionary basis and the concept of criminal policy and the ultimate purpose, type, discretionary basis and criminal policy. In theory, in-depth comparison of solid values, and in actual use, we should also pay attention to their appropriateness. In the learning process, we should also review them between abstract and concrete.

參考書目 Reference Books

1. 劉芳伶自編教材
2. http://fjudkm.judicial.gov.tw/(司法智識庫)
3. http://jirs.judicial.gov.tw/Index.htm(司法院法學資料檢索系統)

1. Liu Fangling’s self-edited textbook
2. http://fjudkm.judicial.gov.tw/(Judgmental Intelligence Library)
3. http://jirs.judicial.gov.tw/Index.htm (Judicial Court Law Data Search System)

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Regular achievements
30 出席、課堂互動參與(包括平時作業、隨堂演習、選答或投票活動,但不限於此。)等表現。
Midterm achievements
35 評分原則上採國考基準,惟可視情況彈性調整。
Final results
35 評分原則上採國考基準,惟可視情況彈性調整。

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-3
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/6,7,8[C113]
授課教師 Teacher:劉芳伶
修課班級 Class:法律系1A
選課備註 Memo:禁止旁聽,不開放隨班附讀。只開放第一次網路選課 (限本系)。雙主修生採人工加選。
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