course information of 113 - 1 | 2464 Overview of Physiology(基礎生理學 )

2464 - 基礎生理學 Overview of Physiology

教育目標 Course Target

課程目標:   介紹生理學的基本原理以及恒定的機制,透過人體各個器官系統的運作方式,闡述人體系統之間溝通、協調、抑制及反饋等作用以及運作失常的病理機制。 課程內涵:   生理學是一門以解剖學為基礎,透過已知的生物構造,說明生命現象如何運作的科學原理。本課程是為音樂治療學程之學生所開設,課程將介紹人體內從細胞,器官,到系統的各個層次之間的聯繫和交互作用。教學的內容將著重於人體各個部份之間進行溝通、協調、抑制及反饋等過程的機制,進而闡明在不斷變化的外在環境中,體內各個系統如何協同運作以維持個體生命的恒定性。課程將適時介紹相關的臨床疾病,並訓練學生整合知識以及活用的能力。Course objectives: Introduces the basic principles of physiology and constant mechanisms, and explains the communication, coordination, inhibition and feedback between human body systems through the operation of various organ systems in the human body, as well as the pathological mechanisms of malfunctioning. Course content: Physiology is a scientific principle based on anatomy that explains how life phenomena operate through known biological structures. This course is for music therapy students. It will introduce the connections and interactions between cells, organs, and systems at all levels in the human body. The teaching content will focus on the mechanisms of communication, coordination, inhibition and feedback processes between various parts of the human body, and then explain how various systems in the body work together to maintain the stability of individual life in the ever-changing external environment. The course will introduce relevant clinical diseases in a timely manner and train students' ability to integrate knowledge and apply it effectively.

參考書目 Reference Books

Eric P. Widmaier, Hershel Raff, & Kevin T. Strang,Vander's Human Physiology: The Mechanisms of Body Function, 15/e, 2019, McGraw-Hill Higher Education (藝軒圖書出版社代理)

馬青, 王錫崗(校閱編輯),人體生理學(第五版),2018/05/25,新文京出版
許家豪, 張媛綺, 唐善美, 巴奈‧比比, 蕭如玲, 陳昀佑,生理學(第四版),2021/12/20,新文京出版

Eric P. Widmaier, Hershel Raff, & Kevin T. Strang, Vander's Human Physiology: The Mechanisms of Body Function, 15/e, 2019, McGraw-Hill Higher Education (distributed by Yixuan Books)

Chinese (any version available):
Ma Qing, Wang Xigang (proofreading and editing), Human Physiology (Fifth Edition), 2018/05/25, Xinwenjing Publishing
Xu Jiahao, Zhang Yuanqi, Tang Shanmei, Banai Bibi, Xiao Ruling, Chen Yunyou, Physiology (4th Edition), 2021/12/20, Xinwenjing Publishing

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Ask questions, discuss, and attend
Report in class
30 三次,每次各佔10%
Final special report

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/5,6[MU319]
授課教師 Teacher:陳仁祥
修課班級 Class:音樂系2-4
選課備註 Memo:音樂治療學程必修,已預選成功者第一堂課必到才算完成選課,未到者視同放棄選課。人數未達上限才開放登記加選。
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