3.知曉吉他之歷史與名曲,領略西班牙吉他之美。 Guitar is the easiest musical instrument among many musical instruments that combines the functions of solo and accompaniment. It has been loved by people since ancient times. Under the guidance of Teacher Youliang, you can get the most rewards with the least effort, and learning guitar is not as difficult as you imagine.
This course allows students to learn easily within 18 weeks
1. Guitar basic guitar playing skills and can play simple sketches
2. Learn and understand basic music theory
3. Know the history and famous songs of guitar, and give a glimpse of the beauty of Spanish guitar.
自編講義: 東海大學吉他團體課1
《A Modern Approach to Classical Guitar Book 1》
(Charles Duncan著, 美國Hal Leonard Corporation 出版)
《A Modern Approach to Classical Guitar Repertoire Part 1》
(Charles Duncan著, 美國Hal Leonard Corporation 出版)
《樂學原論》(孫清吉著, 全音樂譜出版社出版)
《Best Guitar 100》(EMI 50999 5 22153 2 2)
Guitar teaching book:
Self-edited lecture: Guitar Group Course of Donghai University 1
"A Modern Approach to Classical Guitar Book 1"
(By Charles Duncan, published by Hal Leonard Corporation, United States)
Guitar supplement textbook:
"A Modern Approach to Classical Guitar Repertoire Part 1"
(By Charles Duncan, published by Hal Leonard Corporation, United States)
Lesson Reference Book:
"The Original Thoughts of Lixue" (written by Sun Qingji, published by Quanyin Publishing House)
Listen to supplementary textbooks:
"Best Guitar 100" (EMI 50999 5 22153 2 2)
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
出席及課堂表現出席及課堂表現 Attendance and class performance |
30 | 學生若缺課超過五次,學期總成績即不及格 |
期中考試期中考試 Midterm exam |
30 | 筆試與實際彈奏 |
期末考試期末考試 Final exam |
30 | 筆試與實際彈奏 |
音樂會心得報告音樂會心得報告 Music Club Experience Report |
10 | 須於期末考前繳交 |