上學期以學習十六世紀對位風格,以 Palestrina 的複音對位創作為基礎典範,透過風格模
仿寫作,探討對位音樂的美感;下學期為認識十八世紀的對位風格與寫作技術,並透過分析 J. S. Bach 的作品,理解其聲部之間對位關係,且以風格寫作培養學生對於複音音樂寫作的基 本能力。In the last period, I learned the sixteenth century alignment style and used Palestrina's complex alignment creation as the basic classic, through style model
Imitate writing and explore the beauty of the opposing music; in the next period, I recognize the alignment style and writing techniques of the 18th century, and analyze J. S. Bach's works to understand the alignment relationship between the voice parts, and cultivate students' opinions in style writing Basic abilities of complex music writing.
Counterpoint is an extremely important course. It has many meanings for students in music departments: from the level of music theory, the level of music understanding and performance techniques, the level of music history and music style, to the West The serious musical aesthetics and philosophy are of great importance; especially for students from the East to truly enter the Western critical music gate, it is also a key meaning.
Jepessen, Knud, The Polyphonic Vocal Style of the Sixteenth Century (New York: Prentice Hall, 1939, 1994), ChapterI-III
JE PE Sensen, KN UD, the polyphonic vocal style of the sixteenth century (New York: Prentice hall, 1939, 1994), chapter i-III
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
課堂作業、小考課堂作業、小考 Classroom work, small exam |
50 | |
期中考期中考 Midterm exam |
25 | |
期末考期末考 Final exam |
25 |