1. 主修科目必須修滿12個「主修」學分
2. 通過技巧考試(器樂組)並舉行一場半場音樂會及一場全場音樂會(畢業演奏會),全部通過後方可畢業。
1. Major subjects must be taken with 12 "Major" points
2. Pass the skills test (artifact group) and hold a semi-season music meeting and a whole-season music meeting (diploma concert). You can only graduate after passing it.
1. 主修樂器修習分為鋼琴組、電子琴組、聲樂組、管樂組、弦樂組、作曲組,依照各組一對一授課教師及各組別考試規定指定所需要的曲目來進行課程上課及練習。
2. 曲目可選自巴洛克、古典、浪漫、現代的作品。
1. The major instrument training is divided into piano sets, electronic piano sets, music sets, pipe sets, string sets, and composition sets. The course is carried out according to the requirements of each group's one-to-one teaching teacher and each group's separate examination regulations. Prepare and practice.
2. The repertoire can be selected from Baroque, classical, romantic and modern works.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
平時成績平時成績 Regular achievements |
30 | 平時成績 |
音樂會或考試音樂會或考試 Music meeting or exam |
70 | 舉辦音樂會(70%)或參加期末考(分組音樂會23.3%+期末考46.7%) |