1. 認識現當代藝術中繪畫在形式上的發展與多元樣貌,同時透過實作加強對形狀、表現力與整體形式的概念。
2. 經由不同面向的專題創作的思考與實際操作來認識與挖掘造形的可能性
3. 尋獲實驗的樂趣與意義所在,並進一步思考造形的趣味與運用。1. Understand the development and diversity of painting in contemporary art, and at the same time, strengthen the concept of shape, expression and overall form through practice.
2. Understand and explore the possibilities of shape through thinking and actual operations of creative topics with different orientations
3. Enjoy the fun and meaning of practical experiments, and further think about the fun and use of shape.
Art History: From 1940 to today, by Fernberg, Shanghai Institute of Social Sciences Press, 2015
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
練習作品練習作品 Practice works |
30 | 著重於實驗性、面向與廣度 |
個人創作作品個人創作作品 Personal creations |
40 | 著重於實踐、概念與完整性 |
指定學習報告指定學習報告 Designated learning report |
10 | |
出席與參與出席與參與 Attend and participate |
20 |