course information of 113 - 1 | 2307 First Aid(急救學)

2307 - 急救學 First Aid

教育目標 Course Target

學程的兩大領域高齡產業與運動科學,都有機會使用到急救學的概念與技術,故本科目急救學包含基本的學理知識、傷病患評估、心肺復甦術到頸圈長背板固定術等救護單項技術,及完整融會貫通後之創傷及非創傷之救護處置流程,讓學生學習後不管在職場或家庭遇到周圍的人有突發狀況可以及時協助並給予處置。 所有選課學生都必須於課程結束時考取衛生福利部緊急醫療救護法授權之初級救護技術員證照(EMT-1)方能取得本課程學分。 提升學生未來職場競爭力,並加強學程學生急救領域之服務與品質。The two major areas of the course, Senior Industry and Sports Science, have the opportunity to use the concepts and techniques of first aid. Therefore, this subject of first aid includes basic academic knowledge, injury and patient assessment, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and cervical collar and long backboard fixation. Individual rescue techniques such as surgery, as well as the complete integration of traumatic and non-traumatic rescue and treatment processes, so that students can promptly assist and deal with emergencies whether they encounter people around them at work or at home. All students who choose this course must obtain the Junior Rescue Technician Certificate (EMT-1) authorized by the Ministry of Health and Welfare’s Emergency Medical Rescue Act at the end of the course in order to obtain credits for this course. To enhance students’ future competitiveness in the workplace, and to enhance the service and quality of first-aid services for academic students.

參考書目 Reference Books

Second Edition of Junior Rescue Technician Training Materials (Firefighting Department of the Ministry of the Interior, 2018)
Textbook for Intermediate Ambulance Technicians (Fire Service Department of the Interior Ministry, 2021)
Emergency first aid technical operation specifications and rescue process teaching materials for junior ambulance technicians (Taiwan Emergency Medical Rescue Training Association/Taiwan Emergency Medical Specialists Medical Association, 2021)

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Attendance and in-class technical exams
40 衛福部規定證照考試須修課滿40小時,故缺課時數過多無法考照則本科目以不及格論
Midterm examination (subject written examination)
20 學科筆試須通過衛福部規定70分
Final exam (technical process operation)
40 術科操作須通過衛福部規定70分

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相似課程 Related Course

必修-2286 First Aid / 急救學 (健康與運動學程2,授課教師:柳育漢,一/2,3,4[LAN202])

Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/2,3,4[LAN202]
授課教師 Teacher:柳育漢/陳彥文
修課班級 Class:健康與運動學程2
選課備註 Memo:
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 43 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 43 人。

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