本課程之目的為使學生了解臺灣養豬產業現況、現行相關政策的推動、豬隻的生長發育、營養與飼養、生殖生理、遺傳改進以及豬場的規劃設置與營運管理。The purpose of this course is to enable students to understand the current status of Taiwan's pig industry, the promotion of current relevant policies, pig growth and development, nutrition and feeding, reproductive physiology, genetic improvement, and pig farm planning, setup, and operation management.
1. Whittemore’s Science and Practice of Pig Production (3rd Edition). 2006. Edited by I. Kyriazakis and C. T. Whittemore. Blackwell Publishing Co.
2. 畜牧要覽—養豬篇。2001。中國畜牧學會。華香園出版社。
3. 農業統計資料查詢 (https://agrstat.coa.gov.tw/sdweb/public/book/Book.aspx)。行政院農業委員會。
1. Whittemore’s Science and Practice of Pig Production (3rd Edition). 2006. Edited by I. Kyriazakis and C. T. Whittemore. Blackwell Publishing Co.
2. Overview of Animal Husbandry—Pig Raising. 2001. China Animal Husbandry Society. Huaxiangyuan Publishing House.
3. Agricultural statistics inquiry (https://agrstat.coa.gov.tw/sdweb/public/book/Book.aspx). Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
期中成績期中成績 Midterm results |
50 | |
期末成績期末成績 final grade |
50 |