1. Improve understanding of mental rehabilitation and mental medical presents
2. Understand the role and functions of mental medical and social work
3. Learn about service subjects and family status and encounters
4. Reflection on the current situation and policies of mental health
Kayla F. Bernheim、Anthony F. Lehman。郭葉珍編譯(1999)家屬與精神病患。合記圖書。
D. H. Hepworth & J. A. Larsen, "Direct social work practice" The Dorsey press 1997。中譯本:
許臨高主編 (1999)社會工作直接服務:理論與技巧。洪葉文化。
Virginia Satir、John Banmen、Jane Gerber、Maria Gomori。林沈明瑩等譯(1998)薩提爾的家族治療模式。張老師文化。
Salvador Minuchin。劉瓊瑛譯(2007)結構派家族治療入門。心理出版社。
Alice Morgan。陳阿月譯(2008)從故事到療癒:敘事治療入門。心靈工坊。
Erving Goffman。曾凡慈譯(2010)汙名:管理受損身分的筆記。群學。
Erving Goffman。群學翻譯工作室譯(2012)精神病院:論精神病患與其他被收容者的社會處境。群學。
Geng Meili, Huang Bizhu, Hu Shuci, Xie Fanhua, Tian Rongwei (2021) Mental medical and social work. Double Leaf Library.
Kayla F. Bernheim, Anthony F. Lehman. Edited by Guo Yezhen (1999) Family and mentally ill. Comprehensive book.
D. H. Hepworth & J. A. Larsen, "Direct social work practice" The Dorsey press 1997. Chinese translation:
Editor of Xu Linggao (1999) Direct Services in Social Work: Theory and Skills. Hongye Culture.
Evaluation and repair of Zhao Wentao and Xu Haoyi (2012): Cultivating the core abilities that must be prepared by family therapists. Teacher Zhang Culture.
Virginia Satir, John Banmen, Jane Gerber, Maria Gomori. Lin Shenming and et al. (1998) Sattier's family treatment model. Teacher Zhang Culture.
Salvador Minuchin. Liu Yinglu (2007) entered the school of family governance. Psychological Publishing House.
Alice Morgan. Chen Ayuelu (2008) From story to time: The entry of the door of the reign of the situation. Spiritual Workshop.
Erving Goffman. Zeng Fanci (2010) Name: The notes of managing the trashed identity. Group studies.
Erving Goffman. Group Translation Studio (2012) Mental Hospital: Discussing the social situation of mental patients and other sheltered persons. Group studies.
Su Zhihui (2011) When suffering from pain – a companionship practice. Baoping culture.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
家庭評估報告家庭評估報告 Family Assessment Report |
30 | |
作業表現、活動之參與及心得作業表現、活動之參與及心得 Work performance, activities and experience |
30 | 作業、課堂不定時報告、機構參觀、社區復健活動參與 |
出席及課堂參與出席及課堂參與 Attendance and class participation |
20 | |
學期考試學期考試 Period exam |
20 |