1. Explore the nature and differences between work and employment, and guide students to think about the nature and position of the movement of capitalism and the position of the operator.
2. Introduce the country's financial relationship system, analyze the relevant issues faced by the operators in employment, work safety, labor conditions, unemployment and employment safety systems, etc., and fulfill the relevant knowledge and abilities of students in the Department of Social Work.
3. Through courses and extended reading, explore the movement situation and related employment and welfare services of special labor groups, and reflect on the service functions and roles of social work in the field of movement and special labor groups.
4. Discuss the labor nature, labor relationships and employment environment of social workers, and further ponder the needs and rights of social workers from the perspective of workers and the value of social work.
The main purpose of this course is to guide future social workers to understand the labor problems, labor relations and institutional changes under the operation of modern capitalist system, as well as the relevant services and knowledge that social workers need to have in the field of operation. Especially discuss the employment issues of special forces and the employment situation faced by weak people, including those who suffer from professional disasters, foreign migrants, young migrants, and employment discrimination, etc., to expand the vision of the science and practice of students in the Department of Social Work Department. Thinking, the opportunity for social workers to work in the field of development. This course also further examines the social workers' dynamic situation and special dynamic needs, and prepares physical, mental and abilities through self-exploration and repeated viewing of being in the real world.
1.衛民、許繼峰(2018)(五版)。 勞資關係:平衡效率與公平。 新北市:前程文化事業有限公司。
2.張英陣(2014)。 「後」現代李爾王。 社會政策與社會工作學刊,18(1), 45-88。
3.吳秀照 (2007) 層層控制下的不自由勞動者:外籍家戶勞動者勞動條件、勞雇關係及管理政策析論。社會政策與社會工作
4.吳秀照(2012) 在市場夾縫中尋找生活出路— 女性單親尋求創業契機的奮鬥之旅。科技部研究計畫。2012年5月19日發表於
5.吳秀照、陶蕃瀛 (2014)。 社會工作從業人員職場安全的雇主責任與相關議題探討。 社區發展季刊,147, 89-102。
6.吳秀照、陳美智(2017)。 106年度臺中市職災勞工重返職場服務品質提升研究計畫。 臺中市政府委託研究。
1.Dorkin, R.著,張美惠譯 (2001)。 血汗與淚水:人類工作的演化 (Blood, Sweat & Tears: The Evolution of
Work)。 臺北:時報出版社。
2.Ciulla, J. B.著,簡淑雯譯 (2002)。 工作、承諾與背叛 (The Working Life: The Promise and Betrayal of
Modern Work)。 臺北:天下遠見出版有限公司。
3.Zelizer, V. A.著,陳難能譯 (2004)。 金錢的社會意義 (The Social Meaning of Money)。 臺北:正中書局。
4.Okun, A. M.著,許晉福譯 (2011)。 公平與效率:你必須有所取捨。 經濟新潮社。
5.顧玉玲 (2008)。 我們:移動與勞動的生命記事。 臺北:印刻文學。
6.藍佩嘉 (2011)。 跨國灰姑娘:當東南亞幫傭遇上台灣新富家庭。 臺北:行人出版社。
7.四方編輯 (2012)。 逃:我們的寶島,他們的牢。 臺北:時報文化。
8.施威全 (2018)。 低端的真相:街頭律師眼中的東倫敦華人移工。 臺北:秀威出版。
9. Aubenas, F.著,顏湘如譯(2011)。 資深記者化身底層階級180天。 新北市:野人文化股份有限公司。
10.林宗弘、洪敬舒、李健鴻、王兆慶 、張烽益 (2011)。 崩世代:財團化、貧窮化與少子女化的危機。 臺灣勞工陣線。
11.Rivoli, P.著, 洪世民譯 (2006)。 一件T恤的全球經濟之旅。 臺北:寶鼎出版社。
12.Brook, T.著,黃中憲譯 (2009)。 維美爾的帽子:從一幅畫看十七世紀的全球貿易。 臺北:遠流出版社。
13.Standing, G.著,陳儀譯 (2018)。 寫給每一個人的基本收入讀本。 臺北:臉
14.Standing, G.著,劉維人譯 (2019)。 不穩定無產階級。 臺北:臉譜出版社。
15.崛江文貴、落合陽一著,吳亭儀譯 (2019)。 2030工作地圖。 臺北:商周出版。
16.蘇西耶.凡卡德希(Sudhir Venkatesh)著 (2015)。 我當黑幫老大的一天:流氓社會學家的貧民窟10年觀察。
17.李惠美著,陳品芳譯 (2021)。 剝削首爾。 臺北:大田出版。
18.David K. Shipler著,趙睿音譯 (2016)。 窮忙:我們這樣的世代。 臺北:時報出版。
19.Paul Collier著,潘勛譯 (2020)。 社會向左,資本向右。 臺北:聯經出版。
3. Designated textbooks:
1. Huamin, Xu Ruifeng (2018) (Fifth Edition). Relationships: balancing efficiency and fairness. New Taipei City: Qiancheng Cultural Affairs Co., Ltd.
2. Zhang Yingyan (2014). "Later" modern king Li Er. Journal of Social Policy and Social Work, 18(1), 45-88.
3. Wu Xiuzhao (2007) Unfree movements under the control of the layer: Analysis of the movement conditions, employment relations and management policies of foreign household activists. Social Policy and Social Work
Journal, 10(2), 1-48.
4. Wu Xiuzhao (2012) Finding a way out of life among market clutches - a fight for women's single-person families to seek a career development. Research plan of the Ministry of Science and Technology. Posted on May 19, 2012 in
The Urban Social Workshop of the Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Kyren University: Systems and New Culture. Taipei: SL117, Royao La Building, Lun University, Lun University.
5. Wu Xiuzhao, Tao Fanying (2014). Social work is explored from the employer's responsibility and related issues of safety in the field of professional safety. Community Development Quarterly, 147, 89-102.
6. Wu Xiuzhao and Chen Meizhi (2017). 106 Taichung City Female Workers Return to Job Service Quality Improvement Project. Taichung Municipal Government commissioned research.
7. Wu Xiuzhao, Zhao Hanzhang, Zhuo Chunying (2022). Analysis of the participation status and use of new residents' services. Community Development Quarterly, 178, 372-388.
4. Extended reading books
1. Dorkin, R., Zhang Meihui (2001). Blood, Sweat & Tears: The Evolution of
Work). Taipei: Time News Publishing House.
2.Ciulla, J. B., translated by Shuwen (2002). The Working Life: The Promise and Betrayal of
Modern Work). Taipei: Tianxia Far Publishing Co., Ltd.
3. Zelizer, V. A., Chen Qiangeng (2004). The Social Meaning of Money. Taipei: Zhengzhong Book Bureau.
4. Okun, A. M., Xu Yingfu (2011). Fairness and efficiency: You must be willing to give it to you. Economic Trend Society.
5. Yuling (2008). We: Life events of movement and movement. Taipei: Printing literature.
6. Blue Pega (2011). Cross-country Cinderella: When Southeast Asia helped meet a new wealthy family in Taiwan. Taipei: Pedestrian Publishing House.
7. Sifang Edit (2012). Escape: Our Island, their prison. Taipei: Time culture.
8. Shi Weiquan (2018). The truth at the low end: the East London Chinese migrant worker in the eyes of street lawyers. Taipei: Xiuwei Published.
9. Aubenas, F., Liu Xiangru (2011). The experienced journalist has transformed into a bottom-level level for 180 days. New Taipei City: Wild Ren Culture Co., Ltd.
10. Lin Zonghong, Hong Jingshu, Li Jianhong, Wang Zhaoqing, Zhang Fengyi (2011). Collapse generation: the crisis of financial gangs, indigenous sacrificing and the crisis of children. Taiwan labor network.
11. Rivoli, P., translated by Hong Shimin (2006). A global economic journey with a T-shirt. Taipei: Baoding Publishing House.
12.Brook, T., translated by Huang Zhong (2009). Vimer's Hat: View the global trade of the seventeenth century from a painting. Taipei: Far-flow Publishing House.
13.Standing, G., translated by Chen Yi (2018). Write a basic income book for everyone. Taipei: Face
Publishing House.
14.Standing, G., Liu Wei Renren (2019). Unstable and incapable of property. Taipei: Face Publishing House.
15. A stroke of the rich and rich writing of the river, Wu Ting-Yuan (2019). 2030 Work Map. Taipei: Published by Shang and Zhou dynasties.
16. Susier. by Sudhir Venkatesh (2015). My Day as a Black Boss: 10 Years of Observation in the Grossom of a Rogue Socialist.
Taipei: Timely Publishing.
17. Written by Li Huimei, translated by Chen Pinfang (2021). Cut Seoul. Taipei: Datian Publishing.
18. David K. Shipler, Zhao Rui's Sound Translation (2016). Busy: Our generation like this. Taipei: Timely Publishing.
19. Paul Collier, Pan Xulu (2020). Society goes to the left and capital goes to the right. Taipei: Published in the Internet.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
課堂出席及參與討論課堂出席及參與討論 Class attendance and participation discussion |
15 | |
期中考期中考 Midterm exam |
30 | 第一週到第八週範圍 |
延伸閱讀共讀報告與討論延伸閱讀共讀報告與討論 Extended reading and discussion |
25 | 可從延伸閱讀參考書目中選讀,亦可自選並與教師事先討論。如學習活動說明1 |
期末報告期末報告 Final report |
30 | 如學習活動與作業說明2 |