course information of 113 - 1 | 2028 Introduction to Psychiatry(精神醫學)

2028 - 精神醫學 Introduction to Psychiatry

教育目標 Course Target

本課程的設計,在於使學生可以: A.初步了解常見的精神疾病與心裡現況的臨床表現。 B.有能力為個案做初步的精神狀態評估。 C.對於精神醫學相關的治療方式有初步的瞭解。 D.了解社工師在現代醫療體系中所扮演的角色This course is designed to enable students to: A. Preliminarily understand common mental diseases and clinical manifestations of current mental conditions. B. Ability to conduct preliminary mental status assessment for individual cases. C. Have a preliminary understanding of psychiatric-related treatment methods. D. Understand the role of social workers in the modern medical system

課程概述 Course Description

隨著『全人醫療』的主流思考,擔任社會心理層面重任的社工師在醫學界的角色也越來越重要。著重於社會心理層面的精神醫學也跟著成為眾人矚目的一個學門。這個學科比其他臨床專科帶著更多的神秘色彩,也是一門複雜又難以一窺其奧秘的學門。在實戰的第一線上,社工師將要面對的種種挑戰中有許多與精神疾病相關的情境。因此,在社工師養成過程中,給予基本的精神醫學教育,將對於日後的工作有所幫助。本課程的設計,在於使學生可以: A.瞭解精神醫學常見疾病的臨床表現。 B.有能力初步評估個案的精神狀態。 C.對於藥物治療,心理治療,家族治療,及其他治療法有初步的瞭解。 D.找到社工師在現代精神醫療體系中所扮演的角色。
With the mainstream thinking of "holistic medicine", the role of social workers who are responsible for the psychosocial aspects is becoming more and more important in the medical field. Psychiatry, which focuses on the social psychological aspect, has also become a discipline that has attracted much attention. This subject carries more mystery than other clinical specialties, and it is also a complex subject whose mysteries are difficult to understand. On the front line of actual combat, social workers will face many challenges related to mental illness. Therefore, providing basic psychiatric education during the training process of social workers will be helpful for future work. This course is designed to enable students to: A. Understand the clinical manifestations of common psychiatric diseases. B. Ability to initially assess the mental state of the case. C. Have a preliminary understanding of drug treatment, psychotherapy, family therapy, and other treatments. D. Find the role that social workers play in the modern mental health care system.

參考書目 Reference Books

※曾文星 徐靜 “ 新編精神醫學” (水牛出版社 台北市金山南路一段135號4樓之1 TEL 02-2321-0757 FAX 02-2357-7791 WWW.BUFBOOK.COM.TW)
※台灣精神醫學會 “DSM-5 精神疾病診斷準則手冊” (DSM-5) (合記出版社 台中店:台中市北區育德路24號 04-22030795 04-22032317
※Zeng Wenxing and Xu Jing "New Psychiatry" (Buffalo Publishing House, No. 135, Section 1, Jinshan South Road, Taipei City, 4F-1, TEL 02-2321-0757 FAX 02-2357-7791 WWW.BUFBOOK.COM.TW)
※Taiwan Psychiatric Association "DSM-5 Diagnostic Criteria Manual for Mental Disorders" (DSM-5) (Heji Publishing House, Taichung Store: No. 24, Yude Road, North District, Taichung City 04-22030795 04-22032317

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
midterm exam
45 期中考週筆試
final exam
45 期末考週筆試
class participation
10 依課堂出席及參與計分

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/3,4[SS108]
授課教師 Teacher:王俸鋼
修課班級 Class:社工系2-4
選課備註 Memo:不開放推廣部附讀。預選限二年級。
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 125 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 125 人。

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