The Western world gradually recovered its vitality in the middle and late medieval periods. At first, it was the recovery of trade in the Mediterranean region, and then the spring-like rise of listed towns, cities and transactions in Europe, along with the spring-like rise of agricultural, business and industry industries. The slow progress of social exchanges has also led to a growing demand for money. We often pay attention to the gradual development of the West after the Middle Ages, its economy and culture have gradually developed in a series of huge historical changes such as cultural rejuvenation, the era of navigation, the scientific revolution and the invasion of Mongolia. At the same time, it has been used as a tool for financial elements (coins). , bills, loans), organizations (joint stock companies), systems (legal regulations), etc., have actually taken shape several times in the historical process. Especially the development of the financial system, it provides a set of clear game rules for financial operations. Due to the highly abstract nature of finance, if there is no financial system to determine whether people and people are at different times (now and in the future) in finance. If the relationship (profit, debt), then important social actions that cause the changes in modern Western society may not occur (navigilance, technological innovation). Given the significant impact of finance in modern Western society, classical socialists have discussed the relationship between finance and society. Simmel uses currency as the starting point of discussion, because currency has the characteristics of pure quantification of the value of goods. ,therefore The amount of calculated coins is equivalent to the amount of calculated funds. The amount of coins they have is equivalent to how much assets they have. Coupled with the absolute value characteristics of coins, calculating future asset value-added calculations based on coins will become technically operational. Way.
In contemporary society, students' discussions on finance and society can see the extension of discussions on financial issues on classical society. Zelizer pointed out that because everyone has their own way of organizing their lives, they are different. The living arrangements have also decided the amount of money The same purpose, and the different uses of currency show the different life styles. Therefore, people will not live by market value as the only standard, but will also arrange their life based on their experience and needs as a standard for measuring. Therefore, currency is not only Riding on the market value and realizing social value. Zelizer's contribution to financial society not only triggers the discussion on how society sets prices for unpriceeded value, but also raises another thought, because unpriceed value (close relationships, personal life) participates in economic activities because of being paid for the price. Among them, the boundaries of assets have been broadened, and people can more freely calculate their assets through currency to arrange their current or future lives.
In addition, from the diverse thinking of contemporary society on the multi-related relationship between finance and social changes, market mechanisms, different cultures and financialization, what is shown is not only the diversification of discussions, but also the financial field for daily life. The penetration of life in all areas has been achieved In an unprecedented situation, in addition, in the diversified discussion on the research focus on the relationship between finance and society, we can see that finance has become a major problem that contemporary society cannot avoid. If we do not try to understand, our understanding of social facts will be There will be great shortcomings. Therefore, in addition to exploring the hiding but dominant position of finance in the Western economic and social transformation process, this course also hopes to help learners understand how socialists can take the perspective of social learning from the perspective of social science. Observe the relationship between finance and society.
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Zhai Benrui, 2017, "Revolution and Challenge of Globalization - An Investigation of Financial and Social Sciences". Page 21-51, included in "Economic and Social Studies Research, Episode 4" compiled by Liu Shiding. Beijing: Social Sciences Literature Press.
By Alford, Stephen, Zheng Yu, 2020, "The Rise of London: The Metropolis Built by Businessmen, Adventurers and Capital." Beijing: Jiuzhou Publishing House.
Bernanke, Ben S., translated by Hong Huifang, 2022, "Bernanke Consultation Conference: Twenty-first Century Currency Policy". Taipei: Induction.
By Bernstein, Peter L., translated by Zhang Ding, 2019, "The Book of Risk: See How Humans Explore, Measuring, and Fight to the Risk". Taipei: City-National Culture and Business Weekly.
Braudel, Fernand, Shi Kangqiang, 2012, "Material Civilization, Economy and Capital Theory of the 15th to 18th Century Volume 1: The Structure of Daily Life: Possible and Impossible". New Taipei: Plaza.
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Chancellor, Edward, Wu Shuyu, 2024, "The Price of Time: Revealing the Risks and Crisis of Low Interest Rates from the History of Interest". Taipei: This weekly magazine.
Cipolla, Carlo M., Su Shi Translation, 2020, "European Society and Economy before the Industrial Revolution: 1000-1700". Beijing: Social Sciences Literature Press.
By Desai, Mihir A., Chen Chongheng, 2023, "The Wisdom of Finance [Long-Selling Collection Edition]: A Harvard graduation lecture combining literature, history and philosophy to teach you how to master risks and rewards." Taipei: This weekly magazine.
Ferguson, Niall, Dumer, 2009, "The Rise of Coins: How Financial Capital Changes World History and Its Future Path". Taipei: Maitian, city-state culture.
Written by Frank, Gunder, Liu Bei Chenglu, 2022, "White Silver Capital: Reflecting on the East in Economic Globalization". Beijing: China Science and Technology Press.
Geisst, Charles R., Translated by Xiaohu, 2020, "Borrowing Money: From Interest, Debt to Financial Commodities, the Real Look of the 2000". Taipei: Sunrise Publishing.
By Goetzmann, William N., Yu Shu Yulu, 2020, "Financial Creation of Civilization: The Birth of Mesopotamia to the World Economy, 5,000 Years Ago to the 21st Century". New Taipei: Union.
By Herrmann, Ulrike, Translated by Elegant Elegant, 2018, "The World History of Capital: Where Are Wealth? History of economic growth, currency and crisis. Taipei: Far-friendly culture.
By Kay, John, Joan, 2023, "Financial and Merit". Beijing: CITIC Publishing House.
Kindleberger, Charles P. and Aliber, Robert Z., Dai Zhizhong, 2020, "Crazy, Panic and Crash: A History of Financial Crash that Investors Must Read." Taipei: Lejin culture.
By King, Mervyn, Chen Yilu, 2017, "The End of Financial Technology: Coins, Bank Systems and the Future of Global Economy". Taipei: Face, city-state cultural affairs.
Knorr Cetina, Karin D. and Preda, Alex editor, Ai Yun, Luo Longqiu, Xiang Jinglinlu, 2019, "Oxford Financial and Social Science Manual". Beijing: Social Sciences Literature Press.
Lane, Frederic C., Translation of Xie Hanqing, He Aimin, and Su Cai, 2022, "Venice: The Marine Republic". Beijing: Democracy and Construction Press.
By Macdonald, James, Yang Yu Guanglu, 2021, "Debts and the Rise of the Country: The Financial Origins of Western Democratic Systems". Beijing: Social Sciences Literature Press.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
課堂出席課堂出席 Class attendance |
20 | |
課堂心得課堂心得 Classroom experience |
60 | 共繳交六份,每人每份至少800字。 |
期末報告期末報告 Final report |
20 | 從《貨幣網絡與生活結構――地方金融、中小企業與臺灣世俗社會之轉化》和《金融與美好社會》二本著作中擇一撰寫書評,每人每份至少2400字。 |