course information of 113 - 1 | 1940 On Work and Labor(論工作與勞動)

1940 - 論工作與勞動 On Work and Labor

教育目標 Course Target

新自由主義全球化下,資本主義矛盾加劇,高度彈性化及不穩定的勞動及社會貧窮化的問題層出,如何理解工作與勞動?本課程分為五個部分,第一部分介紹勞動的商品化與異化等基本概念,第二部分進一步轉向主體與勞動文化,介紹工作倫理的轉變,解釋為何人「甘願勞動」。第三部分說明新自由主義的福利刪減如何製造了新貧底層階級,以及如何透過「正向快樂產業」,建構新自由主義所欲的積極向上勞動主體。第四部分則以時間政治與彈性化勞動為主題,一方面從時間政治來理解,勞動與休閒的分別如何趨於模糊,同時科技發展反而使人更為忙碌,另一方面介紹彈性勞動下的「不穩定階級」,思索不穩定階級能帶來的改變及侷限。第五部分則以「隱形的勞動」為主題,分別介紹線上零工經濟,即數位平台發展下資本主義如何轉型,以及數據運算背後實際上仍仰賴一群零工的隱形勞動,另同時以RCA的抗爭為主題,討論勞動計算常被忽略的污染與工作傷害。Under the globalization of neo-liberalism, the contradictions in capitalism have intensified, and the problems of highly flexible and unstable movements and social indigenousness have emerged. How to understand work and movement? This course is divided into five parts. The first part introduces basic concepts such as commercialization and heterogeneity of the movement. The second part further turns to the subject and labor culture, introduces the transformation of work ethics, and explains who are "willing to work hard". The third part explains how the welfare deduction of neoliberalism creates a new base level and how to build an aggressive and upward body that neoliberalism wants through "positive happiness industry". The fourth part focuses on time politics and flexible movement. On the one hand, from time politics, how the difference between movement and leisure is vague, while the development of science and technology makes people more busy. On the other hand, it introduces the flexible movement. "Unstability level", thinking about the changes and limitations that unstability level can bring. The fifth part focuses on "intact movement" and introduces the online gig economy, that is, how to transform the capitalism under the development of digital platforms, and the invisible movement behind data computing that actually relies on a group of gig workers, and at the same time, RCA's resistance is used as the Topics, discuss the pollution and work damage that are often overlooked by dynamic calculations.

參考書目 Reference Books

Giddens, A. (1981) “Property and Class Society” Contemporary Critique of Historical Materialism, University of California Press, Ch. 5, pp. 109-128.
Jean-Numa DUCANGE。2020。《沙灘上的馬克思,生活中的資本論》。林承賢譯。新北市:台灣商務印書館。第三章、第四章。
David Harvey。2010。〈《資本論》,第三部分:勞動過程和剩餘價值的生產〉。《跟大衛哈維讀《資本論》》卷1。劉英譯。上海:上海譯文出版社。
David Harvey。2010。〈《資本論》,第一部分:商品與交換〉。《跟大衛哈維讀《資本論》》卷1。劉英譯。上海:上海譯文出版社。
Ritzer, G. (1996) The McDonaldization of Society. An Investigation into the Changing Character of Contemporary Social Life. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Pine Forge Press. Ch. 2
Gregory Claeys。2022。《馬克思與馬克思主義》第三章。台北:麥田
Bauman, Z.。2002。《現代性與大屠殺》第四章。譯林出版社。(原文:Bauman, Z. (1991) Modernity and Holocaust. Cambridge: Polity. Ch. 4
Charlie Chaplin - Factory Scene - Modern Times (1936): https://youtu.be/6n9ESFJTnHs
Bauman, Z。2006。《工作、消費與新貧》第一章、第二章。王志弘譯。台北:巨流。(附件為吉林出版社版本)
David Graeber。2019。《40%的工作沒意義,為什麼還搶著做?論狗屁工作的出現與勞動價值的再思》。李屹譯。台北:商周。前言&第六章、第一章。
林宗弘。2005。《製造甘願》譯序。Michael Burawoy,《製造甘願》,林宗弘等譯。台北:群學。
Michael Burawoy。2005。《製造甘願》第四、第五章,林宗弘等譯。台北:群學。
Bauman, Z。2006。《工作、消費與新貧》第三章、第四章。王志弘譯。台北:巨流。(附件為吉林出版社版本)
吳承紘。2017。《厭世代——低薪、貧窮與看不見的未來》。新北市:月熊出版:遠足文化發行。(請自行借書或購書),並請參見New Lens專題。
Cabanas, E, & Illouz, E.。2021。《製造快樂公民:快樂產業如何控制我們的生活》。張穎綺譯。新北市:立緒文化。(請自行借書或購書)
Lin Zonghong et al. 2011. "The Collapse of Age: The Crisis of Financial Transformation, Independence and Little Children". Taipei: Taiwan labor network.
From the 1223 city tour, see the trade association organization and youth sports: https://www.coolloud.org.tw/node/90086
Giddens, A. (1981) “Property and Class Society” Contemporary Critique of Historical Materialism, University of California Press, Ch. 5, pp. 109-128.
Jean-Numa DUCANGE. 2020. "Marx on the Beach, Capital Discussion in Life". Lin Chengchen Translated. New Taipei City: Taiwan Business Printing Library. Chapter 3, Chapter 4.
David Harvey. 2010. "Stock Review", Part III: Production of Operations and Remaining Values". "Read "Study on Capital" with David" Volume 1. Liu Ying translated. Shanghai: Shanghai Luwen Publishing House.
David Harvey. 2010. "Investment Discussion", Part 1: Products and Exchanges". "Read "Study on Capital" with David" Volume 1. Liu Ying translated. Shanghai: Shanghai Luwen Publishing House.
Ritzer, G. (1996) The McDonaldization of Society. An Investigation into the Changing Character of Contemporary Social Life. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Pine Forge Press. Ch. 2
Gregory Claeys. 2022. Chapter 3 of "Marx and Marxism". Taipei: Maitian
Marx. 〈1844 Economic Philosophical Manuscript〉. Chinese Marxist Theory Library https://www.marxists.org/chinese/marx/marxist.org-chinese-marx-1844.htm.
Zhang Qingfen. 2013. "Sports Society". Taipei: Zhengda Publishing House. Chapter 2, Chapter 5, Chapter 2
Bauman, Z. 2002. Chapter 4 of Modern Sex and the Holocaust. Lulin Publishing House. (Original text: Bauman, Z. (1991) Modernity and Holocaust. Cambridge: Polity. Ch. 4
SACOM Foxconn short film: What was the price for my sports at Foxconn in those years?: https://www.youtube.com/@sacom2005/videos
Charlie Chaplin - Factory Scene - Modern Times (1936): https://youtu.be/6n9ESFJTnHs
Bauman, Z. 2006. Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 of "Work, Consumption and New Fund". Wang Zhihong translated. Taipei: The giant stream. (The attachment is Jilin Publishing House version)
David Graeber. 2019. "40% of the work is unintentional, why do you still do it? Discussing the emergence of bullshit work and the rethinking of the value of the work”. Li Yilu. Taipei: Shang and Zhou dynasties. Preface & Chapter 6, Chapter 1.
Lin Zonghong. 2005. Preface to the translation of "Making Garlic" Michael Burawoy, "Making Gives a Blessing", translated by Lin Zonghong and others. Taipei: Group studies.
Michael Burawoy. 2005. Chapters 4 and 5 of "Making Greedy" are translated by Lin Zonghong and others. Taipei: Group studies.
Thank you Guoxiong. 1997. 〈Create a Employment Relations〉 and 〈Make a Practice Idea〉. "Pure Movement". Taipei: The preparation office of the Institute of Social Sciences, Central Academy of Sciences.
Zhang Qingfen. 2013. "Sports Society". Taipei: Zhengda Publishing House. Chapter 5, Chapter 3
Blue Peggy. 1998. 〈The body movements of female salesmen in department stores〉. "Social Studies in Taiwan" Issue 2: 47-81. http://www.ios.sinica.edu.tw/ios/publish/2nd/lan_all.htm
Bauman, Z. 2006. Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 of "Work, Consumption and New Fund". Wang Zhihong translated. Taipei: The giant stream. (The attachment is Jilin Publishing House version)
Chen Chongzhen. 2019. "The Reappearance of Youth's Being after 2008: What is revealed? What to cover up? 》. Proficiency essay from the Institute of Social Development, Shin University. (Please go to Dr. Sui's writing system to download it yourself)
Wu Chenghong. 2017. "The Generation of Life - Low Pay, Being and Unsighted Future". New Taipei City: Yuexiong Publishing: Distribution of Far-foot Culture. (Please borrow or purchase your own book) and refer to the New Lens topic.
Cabanas, E, & Illouz, E.. 2021. "Creating Happy Citizens: How Happy Industry Controls Our Life". Zhang Yang translation. New Taipei City: Establishing culture. (Please borrow or purchase the book yourself)
Xu Baoqiang (2015), "Cultural Economics and Emotional Politics - Neo-Liberalism in Hong Kong", "Sustainable and Country Construction", or visit: http://our-global-u.org/oguog/zht/ ?wpfb_dl=10.
Zyligman talked about positive psychology. TED. https://www.ted.com/talks/martin_seligman_the_new_era_of_positive_psychology?utm_campaign=t

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Two class reports
30 兩次文章導讀
Class discussion and attendance
Midterm Report
10 期末報告提案
Final report
25 口頭期末報告

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學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/6,7,8[SS213]
授課教師 Teacher:鄭亘良
修課班級 Class:社會系1-4
選課備註 Memo:推廣部隨班附讀請獲得老師同意。
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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