(課綱正式版本,請於開學第一週,參考本系網站「課程」--> 「大學部 113-1」 -->「社會學理論」)
在閱讀以下的介紹前,不妨先問問自己:「理論」是什麼 (先不論能否食用、吃不吃得下去)?為什麼社會學需要「理論」?跟其他學科的「理論」具有類似地位嗎?究竟有多少「理論」需要學?這些「理論」跟其他社會現象、經驗資料的關係是?
(For the official version of the course, please refer to the "Courses" on this system website --> "University Department 113-1" --> "Social Theory")
Before reading the following introduction, you might as well ask yourself: What is "theory" (not to mention whether it can be eaten or not)? Why does society need "theory"? Does it have a similar status as the "theory" in other subjects? How many "theory" does it need to be learned? What is the relationship between these "theories" and other social phenomena and experience data?
There is no consistent answer to the above questions in society, and even the standards for choosing social theory are different in every country and every academic tradition. This has something to do with the relatively diverse research interests and research outcomes of social researchers. However, from the perspective of the learner, it is unlikely to understand all past and contemporary theories in a limited time. If you choose a specific academic tradition, you may lose the opportunity to recognize other theories and the opportunity to live in the world. Therefore, the strategies adopted in this course are divided into several topics based on issues that theoretical scholars are concerned about. Each topic includes several social theory texts from different academic traditions. The purpose of this is to help learners understand social theorists in a limited time, find out what problems have they found, how to define their respective research problems, the relationship between concept connotations and concepts, and explanations in the topics of common concern. /Statement of social phenomena.
Through the above course objectives, "Social Theory" hopes to deepen the learners' social analysis and academic inquiry skills based on "Social Science" and "History of Social Thought", especially between theoretical perspectives and experience phenomena. and the ability to reflect. In this department, "Social Theory" is the core of the department's characteristic group "Theory, Thought and Social Trends", which emphasizes the training of abstract thinking and the close relationship between theory and social trends. For students who are interested in research-related courses, who are interested in investigating research projects or conducting research topics, "social theory" will help learners to be able to use various survey interview materials, online and offline statements, and file files. Important research questions are seen in various data, the concept of appropriate use/construction and response to existing explanations/explanations.
Cabin, Philippe、Dortier, J. F. 編、吳紹宜譯,2010,《法國視角下的社會學史與社會學思想》。北京市:北京大學出版社。
Callinicos, Alex著、萬毓澤譯,2007,《創造歷史:社會理論中的行動、結構與變遷》。臺北市:群學。
Callinicos, Alex著、簡守邦譯,2010,《社會理論思想史導論》。新北市:韋伯文化。
Cuin C.-H.等著、唐俊譯,2021,《社會學史》。北京市:社會科學文獻出版社。
Giddens, Anthony著、簡惠美譯,2005,《資本主義與現代社會理論:馬克思・涂爾幹・韋伯》。臺北市:遠流。
Loewith, Karl著、劉心舟譯,2019,《韋伯與馬克思,以及黑格爾與哲學的揚棄》。南京:南京大學出版社。
Martuccelli, Danilo著、姜志輝譯,2007,《現代性社會學:二十世紀的歷程》。南京:譯林。
Turner, Jonathan等著、韋本譯,2000,《社會學理論的產生》。臺北市:洪葉文化。
Aron, Raymond, 2019, Main Currents in Sociological Thought. Two Volumes. London: Routledge.
Levine, Donald N., 1995, Visions of the Sociological Tradition. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
Read text before weekly classes, please refer to the first week of study.
Other reference books:
1. Chinese language
Daze Zhenxun, translated by Yang Xuexue, 2021, "Social History of Social Sciences for Everyone". New Taipei City: Published by Wucheng.
Cabin, Philippe, Dortier, J. F., edited by Wu Shuyi, 2010, "Social History and Social Thoughts from the French Perspective". Beijing: Beijing University Press.
Callinicos, Alex, Wan Yuzhe, 2007, "Creating History: Actions, Structures and Changes in Social Theory". Taipei City: Group studies.
Callinicos, Alex, Sushoubang's Relationship, 2010, "A Discussion on the History of Social Theory Thought". New Taipei City: Weibo Culture.
Cuin C.-H., et al., Tang Junlu, 2021, "Social History". Beijing: Social Sciences Literature Press.
Giddens, Anthony, Successful and Beautiful Translation, 2005, "Marketism and Modern Social Theory: Marx Turr Fried and Vaber". Taipei City: Far.
Loewith, Karl, Liu Xinzhou Translated, 2019, "The Battle between Veber and Marx, and Hegel and Philosophy". Nanjing: Nanjing University Press.
Martuccelli, Danilo, translated by Jiang Zhihui, 2007, "Modern Society: The Journey of the Twentieth Century". Nanjing: Lulin.
Turner, Jonathan et al., Translation of the Book, 2000, The Generation of Social Theory. Taipei City: Hongye Culture.
2. Foreign language teachings
Aron, Raymond, 2019, Main Currents in Sociological Thought. Two Volumes. London: Routledge.
Levine, Donald N., 1995, Visions of the Sociological Tradition. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
出席、小組任務、平時參與出席、小組任務、平時參與 Attendance, group tasks, and regular participation |
35 | 開學第一週說明 |
助教課參與表現助教課參與表現 Teaching Assistant Course Participation and Performance |
20 | 正課之外另安排助教課,將由助教帶領專書閱讀及討論。班別登記及評分細節,由助教於開學第一週說明 |
期末學習成果期末學習成果 Final learning results |
45 | 「期末口試」或「個人全學期書面成果」二選一,細節於開學第一週說明 |