2012年10月《哈佛商業評論》(Harvard Business Review)將資料科學家(data scientist)稱為「21世紀最性感的工作」(Data Scientist: The Sexiest Job of the 21st Century),這是因應大數據潮流所造就的新職種中,最具代表性的,能透過電腦演算分析資料、解讀意義。資料科學家是未來職場中最炙手可熱的明星職業,根據資料軟體相關業者指出,具備資料蒐集與分析的碩士畢業生,「起薪起碼44K起跳!」如果有一年至兩年經驗的資料探勘人才,平均月薪甚至領到七萬元,都不是問題,換句話說,當上資料科學家,等於擁有一張年薪百萬元的入場券。
無論是在台灣與世界其他地區,以議題為導向、結合跨領域專長的專題形式課程,已經是現在趨勢。議題導向的專題式課程,讓學生在自動自發尋求答案的過程中,自動自發學習需要的知識。因此,本課程旨在帶領已有Python程式語言設計基礎與經驗的同學,進入大數據(Big Data)、問題解決與決策分析的理論與實務殿堂,提供學生一場域,以議題為導向、結合跨領域專長的專題形式,學習有關資料科學與循證公共決策結合的基礎概念、與相關技術等,也為同學將來成為資料科學家做準備。The Harvard Business Review in October 2012 called data scientists "Data Scientist: The Sexiest Job of the 21st Century" because of the big data trend Among the new generations created, the most representative one can analyze data and interpret meanings through computer calculations. Data scientists are the most popular celebrity careers in the future. According to data software-related professionals, a graduating student with data collection and analysis, "starting salary starts at 44K!" If there are data exploration talents with one to two years of experience, the average A monthly salary of even 70,000 yuan is not a problem. In other words, being a data scientist is equivalent to having an entry voucher with an annual salary of one million yuan.
Harvard Business Review gives data scientists a definition: "Data scientists are a group of people who know how to answer important business questions from today's non-constructive information like a sea." In fact, data scientists are not just about Columbus. Generally speaking, open the searchlight in the vast ocean and find useful information, just like the detective novelist Love Lenpo, examine the information in his hand and infer the answers to questions.
Whether it is a topic-based course that is directed by topics and combined with cross-domain specialists in Taiwan and other parts of the world, it is already a trend now. The topic-oriented topic-oriented course allows students to automatically develop the required knowledge in the process of automatically developing the answers. Therefore, this course aims to lead students who already have the basic and experience in Python programming language design, enter the theories and practice halls of Big Data, problem solving and decision analysis, and provide a field for students to guide and combine questions. The specialized form of the field, learning basic concepts and related technologies that combine data science and certification public decision-making, is also a preparation for students to become data scientists.
跨領域學 Python:資料科學基礎養成。施威銘研究室,臺北市:旗標,2020/11。
Cross-domain learning Python: Basic cultivation of data science. Shiweishan Research Office, Taipei City: Flagmark, 2020/11.
Other supplementary explanations.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
個人專題一(書面報告)個人專題一(書面報告) Personal topic 1 (book report) |
30 | 以授課教師提供的資料分析;簡報與書面報告大綱—背景、欲解決的問題、資料內容與來源、資料處理與分析、分析結果、對政策的啟示。 |
個人專題二(書面報告)個人專題二(書面報告) Personal topic 2 (book report) |
30 | 自行蒐集資料與訂定主題,單一資料集應有超過100,000筆資料。簡報與書面報告大綱,如個人專題一。 |
任一個人專題之口頭簡報任一個人專題之口頭簡報 A brief introduction to any topic |
20 | |
作業與出席作業與出席 Work and attendance |
20 |