公民參與一向是民主國家相當重視的議題,也是民主社會運作的重要機制;在學理上,公民參與被視為是實現民主治理(democratic governance),即調解當代政治與行政之衝突的解方之一。因此,學者們紛紛針對民主國家中的公民參與現象進行研究,然而,過去的研究主題,不是聚焦於「政府為什麼不想讓公民參與決策制定?」,就是在探討「公民為什麼不願意參與公共事務?」。
但,隨著愈來愈多新興公民參與機制的常規化及生活化,如網路投票(i-Voting)、電子連署(e-petition)、審議式預算等機制的應用,當前公民參與的重要議題,逐漸轉化為「公民應該具備什麼樣的知識(knowledge)與能力(capacity),才能作為其參與公共事務的基礎?」。基此,未來如何培養公民具備良好的公民素養(civic literacy),進而促使其做出合宜的政策選擇(optimal policy choices),並履行其相對應的公民資格(citizenship),逐漸成為當代民主治理實踐的核心課題。尤其當世界多數國家都將投票年齡的門檻設在20歲以下,面對國內各界對公民權年齡限制下修的呼籲日益增多,未來新興世代的公民素養應如何培植,更是政府與教育界須未雨綢繆的課題。
三、民主社會的治理困境(governance dilemma)與制度解方;
七、公民審議的實作活動及團體反思-過程與成效。※There are group activities in the first week of this course. Those who want to choose to take the course should be admitted. Thank you for your cooperation~
Citizen participation with a question that has always been a very important consideration by democratic countries and is also an important mechanism for democratic society to operate; in theory, citizen participation with a democratic governance, that is, one of the solutions to the conflict between contemporary politics and administration. . Therefore, scholars are contemplating research on the phenomenon of citizen participation in democratic countries. However, past research topics have not focused on "Why does the government not want citizens to participate in decision-making?" or are exploring "Why do citizens not want to participate in public affairs?" ”.
However, as more and more new citizens participate in the regularization and life-oriented mechanisms, such as the application of online voting (i-Voting), electronic organization (e-petition), review budgeting and other mechanisms, the importance of current citizen participation is the key to current citizen participation The topic is gradually transformed into "What kind of knowledge and capabilities should citizens have to be able to serve as the basis for their participation in public affairs?" Based on this, how to cultivate citizens to have good civic literacy in the future, thereby prompting them to make appropriate policy choices and fulfill their corresponding citizenship qualifications, which will gradually become the reality of contemporary democratic governance. core subjects. Especially when most countries in the world set their voting ages under the age of 20, the number of calls for the national community to be under the age of citizenship is increasing, how should citizens cultivate in the future a new generation of citizens be cultivated, and the government and education sectors should be in the rain. course topics.
Therefore, this course is based on intellectual foundations such as citizen participation, citizen cultivation and democratic governance, and further incorporates new theoretical discussions such as electronic democracy and review-based democracy. This will help the "good citizen participation" Related Elements and specific conditions, and at the same time, based on the theme of the content, further combine practical activities and group reflections, so that students can understand the effects and limitations of citizen cultivation on citizen participation in specific governance systems and management issues.
In detail, the planning of this course will focus on practical activities and group reflection, and theoretical exploration. The main teaching contents include:
1. Governance logic of democratic societies;
2. Governance conflicts in democratic societies;
3. Governance dilemma and institutional solutions of democratic societies;
4. The basic concept of citizen cultivation;
5. Citizens’ pride of authority;
6. The right direction of citizens’ cultivation;
7. Actual activities and group reflections of citizenship reviews-process and results.
1. 美國公民教育中心(Center for Civic Education)(2019a)。超級公民─正義(郭菀玲譯)。財團法人民間公民與法治教育基金會出版。
2. 美國公民教育中心(Center for Civic Education)(2019c)。超級公民─權威(郭菀玲譯)。財團法人民間公民與法治教育基金會出版。
1. Center for Civic Education (2019a). Super Citizen-Zhengyi (translated by Guo Wanling). Financial Law People's Citizens and the Rule of Law Education Foundation.
2. Center for Civic Education (2019c). Super citizen-power (translated by Guo Wanling). Financial Law People's Citizens and the Rule of Law Education Foundation.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
課堂參與課堂參與 Class Participation |
30 | 含到課率與參與度。 |
小組討論與報告小組討論與報告 Group discussion and report |
30 | 小組成果彙整,於期末舉行口頭報告,並繳交檔案與投影片。 |
活動參與及心得活動參與及心得 Event participation and experience |
40 | 參與公民審議之實作、參訪活動,並提供個人之心得感想。 |