「領導」(leadership)與「管理」(management)同中有異,對於未來有志於出任文官的同學而言,必須明辨其中的差異。而對於行政領導理論的完整理解,不僅要結合公共行政學(public administration)與教育行政學(educational leadership)的內容,也要擴及領導者最重要的決策(decision making)與激勵(motivation)功能,才能在國家考試中建構更優秀的理解與論述能力。There are differences between "leadership" and "management". For students who are interested in becoming civil servants in the future, they must distinguish the differences. A complete understanding of the administrative leadership theory should not only combine the content of public administration and education leadership, but also expand the most important decision making and motivation functions of leaders. Only in the national examination can we establish better understanding and discussion skills.
黃家齊、李雅婷、趙慕芬譯,Stephen Robbins著(2017),《組織行為學(17版)》,臺北:華泰出版。
吳昆壽譯,Peter Northouse著(2014),《領導才能: 理論與實務》,臺北:華騰文化。
Lin Yuanyi (2021), "Administrative Science: An Interpretation of Theory", Taipei: Sanmin Publishing.
Huang Jiaqi, Li Yating, Zhao Mufen, by Stephen Robbins (2017), "Study on Organizational Behavior (17th Edition)," Taipei: Huatai Published.
Qin Dream Group (2010), "Theory and Application of Education Leadership", Taipei: Wunan Publishing.
Wu Kun-yi, written by Peter Northhouse (2014), "Leading talent: Theory and practice", Taipei: Huateng Culture.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
期中考試期中考試 Midterm exam |
25 | 依實際進度命題 |
期末考試期末考試 Final exam |
25 | 依實際進度命題 |
作業練習作業練習 Work practice |
30 | 完成每週的指定作業 |
課堂參與課堂參與 Class Participation |
20 | 出席與回答問題 |