為協助本系學生及早瞭解公共服務實務,並以「學生學習成效」之驗證為核心,本系研商推展大學部實習計畫已久。過去曾以「志工管理與公共服務」及「行政實習Ⅰ、Ⅱ」為名,合計施行超過10年,且於111學年度起改為大三下及大四上學生的必修課程而接續辦理。希望提供多元協助讓學生在畢業前可以將四年所學進行盤點,進而選擇一個實習場域,發揮所長,同時於實習過程中,將由指導老師進行機構訪視,協助學生能夠如質如實完成實習。本課程設計以「學生學習成效」之驗證為核心,在授課教師與機構督導人員指引下,學生投入實務工作環境,有系統將所學知識與技巧應用於實習中,體驗知識與行動整合。In order to help students in this department understand public service practices as soon as possible and to take the verification of "Student Learning Achievements" as the core, this department has been developing and promoting university department practical plans for a long time. In the past, it was named "volunteer management and public service" and "administrative practices I and II", and has been implemented for more than 10 years and has been changed to a compulsory course for junior and senior students starting from the 111th year and has been continuously handled. . I hope to provide diversified assistance so that students can take four years of their studies before graduating, and then choose a practical field to grow up. At the same time, in the process of practice, the instructor will conduct institutional visits to help students complete the practice as quality. . This course design takes the verification of "Student Learning Achievements" as the core. Under the guidance of the teaching teachers and the institution's supervisory staff, students are devoted to the practical work environment, and have a system to apply the learned knowledge and skills in practice, integrating physical knowledge and actions.
Administrative practice manual of Department of Administration, Donghai University
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
實習機構指導人員評分實習機構指導人員評分 Practical Institutional Guidance Personnel Rating |
50 | |
實習行政日誌記錄實習行政日誌記錄 Actual administrative journal record |
40 | |
成果發表會或綜合心得報告成果發表會或綜合心得報告 Results presentation or comprehensive experience report |
10 |