course information of 113 - 1 | 1804 Parliamentary Assistant Practice (I)(議會助理實務Ⅰ)

1804 - 議會助理實務Ⅰ Parliamentary Assistant Practice (I)

教育目標 Course Target

****重要選課提醒:開學前兩週點名未到者,依本系系務規定予以強制退選。**** 台灣的議會助理主要可分為行政和法案兩種類型:行政助理負責庶務工作及議員日常的行程安排;法案助理則統籌議會法案、預算、各種案件的研究,提出質詢、議案等,以協助議員問政。議員事務龐雜且極具專業性,因而需要助理協助立法提案、評估法案、審核預算案、草擬新聞稿、處理選民陳情服務等事項。因此,議會助理不僅需要專業的經驗與能力,更需要具備特殊的政法敏感度與公關活動力。是故,優秀的議會助理,常常也能「輔佐」出表現優異的「明星議員」。台灣民主政治與地方自治的發展,端賴議會政治的組織與體制之健全,以及議員的問政品質與專業能力之提升,因而議會助理的角色與地位日益重要。有鑑於此,本課程即希冀透過理論與實務的結合,促進修課學生能對議會助理的角色與工作的深度瞭解,進而培養未來能夠擔任議會助理之人才。 ****Important course selection reminder: Those who do not show up for roll call two weeks before the start of the semester will be forcibly withdrawn in accordance with the regulations of the department. **** Taiwan's parliamentary assistants can be mainly divided into two types: administrative and bill types: administrative assistants are responsible for general affairs work and daily schedule arrangements of members; bill assistants coordinate the research of parliamentary bills, budgets, various cases, and raise questions, motions, etc., to assist members Ask about politics. The affairs of parliamentarians are complex and highly professional, so they need assistants to assist with legislative proposals, bill evaluations, budget reviews, drafting press releases, and handling constituent petition services. Therefore, parliamentary assistants not only need professional experience and abilities, but also special political and legal sensitivity and public relations capabilities. Therefore, excellent parliamentary assistants can often "assist" "star members" who perform well. The development of Taiwan's democratic politics and local autonomy relies heavily on the improvement of the organization and system of parliamentary politics, as well as the improvement of parliamentarians' political quality and professional abilities. Therefore, the role and status of parliamentary assistants are becoming increasingly important. In view of this, this course hopes to provide students with an in-depth understanding of the role and work of parliamentary assistants through the combination of theory and practice, thereby cultivating talents who can serve as parliamentary assistants in the future.

參考書目 Reference Books

Brooks, Brain S. 等著,李利國等譯,1995,當代新聞採訪與寫作,台北市:周知文化。
Heywood, Andrew著,楊日青等譯,1999,政治學新論,台北:韋伯文化。
田麗虹著,2017,國會助理工作手冊 最新增補版,台北:博悅文化出版社。ISBN:9789869240154
周萬來,2000,析述立法院議案之復議與覆議(下),立法院院聞,Vol. 28, No. 9(329),頁75-86。
周萬來,2000,析述立法院議案之復議與覆議(上),立法院院聞,Vol. 28, No. 8(328),頁68-83。
周萬來,2001,概述立法院議事規範 (下),立法院院聞, Vol. 29, No. 6(338),頁87-112。
周萬來,2001,概述立法院議事規範 (上),立法院院聞, Vol. 29, No. 5(337),頁79-100。
施庚生、施顯超,2000.01,解析預算法,經社法制論叢,Vol. 25,頁325-357。
韋洪武,1996.05,立法院審查預算的角色分析(1987-1992),國立政治大學學報,Vol. 72(下),頁157-183。
蔡茂寅,1999.06,預算法之修正重點說明,臺灣本土法學雜誌,Vol. 2頁154-164。
論文名稱 : 國會預算審查權限之研究 - 由肉桶立法等相關法制以論,國立臺灣大學國家發展研究所碩士論文。
鍾宜家,2002,國會預算審查權限之研究 - 由肉桶立法等相關法制以論,
Brooks, Brain S. et al., translated by Li Liguo et al., 1995, Contemporary News Interviewing and Writing, Taipei: Zhouzhi Culture.
Heywood, Andrew, translated by Yang Riqing et al., 1999, New Theory of Political Science, Taipei: Weber Culture.
Bu Zhengmin, 2003, Public Relations: Government Decision-making Management of Public Issues, Taipei: ALi.
Kong Chengzhi et al., 1998, "Image Public Relations - Practical Operation Manual", Taipei: Xueying.
Gu Dengmei, Shen Zhongyuan, and Zhou Wanlai, 1997, Legislative Theory and Practice, Taipei: Kongda.
Tian Lihong, 2017, Congressional Assistant Work Manual, latest updated edition, Taipei: Boyue Culture Publishing House. ISBN: 9789869240154
Wu Changxi, 1995, Research on the functions of the Standing Committee of the Legislative Yuan, Master's thesis, Institute of Public Administration, Tunghai University.
Wu Qingtong, 2000, Research on factors affecting local reporters’ reporting of public relations information - Taking Changhua County as an example, Master’s thesis of Institute of Industrial Relations, Daye University.
Li Ziyang, 1993, Research on the process of the Legislative Yuan's resolution of the national general budget - taking the central government's general budget from 1977 to 1982 as an example, Master's thesis, Institute of Public Policy, National Chung Hsing University.
Zhou Wanlai, 2000, Analysis of the reconsideration and reconsideration of legislative Yuan bills (Part 2), Legislative Yuan News, Vol. 28, No. 9(329), pp. 75-86.
Zhou Wanlai, 2000, Analysis of the reconsideration and reconsideration of legislative Yuan bills (Part 1), Legislative Yuan News, Vol. 28, No. 8(328), pp. 68-83.
Zhou Wanlai, 2001, Overview of the Procedural Rules of the Legislative Yuan (Part 2), Legislative Yuan News, Vol. 29, No. 6(338), pp. 87-112.
Zhou Wanlai, 2001, Overview of the Rules of Procedure of the Legislative Yuan (Part 1), News of the Legislative Yuan, Vol. 29, No. 5(337), pp. 79-100.
Shi Gengsheng and Shi Xianchao, 2000.01, Analysis of Budget Law, Economic and Social Legal System Series, Vol. 25, pp. 325-357.
Graduate students:
Wei Hongwu, 1996.05, Analysis of the role of the Legislative Yuan in budget review (1987-1992), Journal of National Chengchi University, Vol. 72 (Part 2), pp. 157-183.
Xu Xiaoru, 1993, Research on the Establishment of the Hearing System of the Legislative Yuan, Research on the Establishment of the Hearing System of the Legislative Yuan, Master's Thesis, Institute of Public Administration and Policy, National Chung Hsing University.
Chen Jiancheng, 1994, Analysis of the role and function of assistants to members of the Legislative Yuan, master's thesis of the Institute of Political Science, Chinese Culture University.
Chen Songshan, February 1993, Overview of the Congressional Assistant and Staff System (Part 1), Legislative Yuan News, Volume 22, Issue 2, pp. 41-50.
Chen Songshan, March 1993, "Overview of the Congressional Assistant and Staff System (Part 2)", Legislative Yuan News, Volume 22, Issue 3, pp. 21-33.
Tang Dezong, 1992, "Congress Procedure and Policy Process", Taipei: Zhengzhong Book Company.
Huang Caifeng, 2004, Research on the core functions of congressional assistants in the Legislative Yuan, Master's thesis of the in-service master's class at the Institute of Public Administration and Community Development, Mingchuan University.
Huang Dianwei, 1993, Discussion on my country's Legislative Assistant System──Also Analysis of the Role and Function of the Legislative Yuan Legislative Consultation Center, Master's thesis of the Institute of Public Administration and Policy, National Chung Hsing University.
Wan Xiujuan, 2005, National Policy Foundation Research Report on a Preliminary Study of my country’s Congressional Assistant System.
Cai Jiahong, 1995, A case study of legislators’ constituent services, Master’s thesis, Department of Political Science, National Chengchi University.
Cai Nianzhong, Zhang Hongyuan, and Zhuang Keren, 1996, "Media Management and Management", Taipei: Asia Pacific.
Cai Maoyin, 1999.06, Key notes on the amendments to the Budget Law, Taiwan Local Law Journal, Vol. 2, pp. 154-164.
Cai Zhenping, 2001, Research on the correlation between social marketing of political figures and their personal image, taking legislator Hong Xiuzhu as an example, Master's thesis of the in-service master's class at the Institute of Journalism, Chinese Culture University.
Thesis title: Research on the budget review authority of Congress - Based on the meat barrel legislation and other related legal systems, master's thesis of the National Development Research Institute of National Taiwan University.
Zheng Jiayu, 2003, "Non-electoral Representatives"? ─The workplace situation of a congressional assistant, master's thesis of the Graduate School of Journalism, National Taiwan University.
Zhong Yijia, 2002, Research on the budget review authority of Congress - based on the meat barrel legislation and other related legal systems,
Luo Chuanxian, 2002, Legislative Procedure and Technology, Taipei: Wunan.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Daily results (including roll call and interviews)
20 平時成績(含點名與參訪)
Speech or class experience (6 copies)
30 各演講或上課心得作業(6份)
Classwork (3 copies)
50 授課教師指定之課堂主題作業學期報告(3份)

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學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/5,6[SS324]
授課教師 Teacher:黃信達/陳建仁
修課班級 Class:政治系3,4
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授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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