course information of 113 - 1 | 1783 The Constitution and Government of the R.O.C. (Taiwan)(中華民國憲法與政府)

1783 - 中華民國憲法與政府 The Constitution and Government of the R.O.C. (Taiwan)

教育目標 Course Target

憲法乃國家根本大法,除保障基本人權的部份外,即是規範國家權力分配與運作方式。一般而言,民主國家在政府體制選擇上,不外以「總統制」、「內閣制」、「雙首長制」(半總統制)或「委員制」為典範,並配合國情調整實施。然而,我國民主轉型雖是伴隨著修憲所完成,但迄今針對我國究竟屬於何種政府體制?應如何有效解決憲政問題?卻依然難有定見。基此,本課程在上學期的課程將透過比較的視野,以政府體制為探討主軸,經由憲政理論與制度的介紹,輔以國與國間政府體制之比較(主要是英國、美國、法國、日本、德國),除希望學習者能建立更宏觀的憲政知識及視野,更期待培養學生對我國憲法規範及運作的關懷,一同為我國憲政體制把脈,指引未來憲政發展更正確的方向。而在此基礎上,下學期的課程深入我國憲法的條文內容始有更精準認識。The Constitution is the fundamental law of the country. In addition to protecting basic human rights, it also regulates the distribution and operation of state power. Generally speaking, democratic countries only use "presidential system", "cabinet system", "dual-head system" (semi-presidential system) or "commissioner system" as models when choosing a government system, and adjust and implement it according to national conditions. However, although our country's democratic transformation was completed with the amendment of the constitution, what kind of government system does our country have so far? How to effectively solve constitutional issues? But it's still hard to come up with an opinion. Based on this, the course in the first semester of this course will take the government system as the main axis of discussion through a comparative perspective. Through the introduction of constitutional theory and system, it will be supplemented by the comparison of government systems between countries (mainly the United Kingdom, the United States, France, Japan, Germany), in addition to hoping that learners can establish a broader knowledge and vision of constitutional government, they also hope to cultivate students' concern for the norms and operations of our country's constitution, and together they can take the pulse of our country's constitutional system and guide the future development of constitutional government in a more correct direction. On this basis, the next semester's course will delve deeper into the provisions of our country's constitution to gain a more accurate understanding.

課程概述 Course Description

The purpose of this course is to introduce and explain the political philosophy behind the founding philosophy of our country, the design of the constitutional structure of the Constitution, the design of government organizational structure and related constitutional provisions, so that students can understand our country's constitution and constitutionalism. Understand the operation of the system and be familiar with relevant constitutional theories to enhance the professionalism of political science students. Through the mutual verification of theory and practice, students' interest in my country's constitutional issues will be aroused, and students' basic knowledge of the operation of my country's constitutional system will be cultivated in order to equip students with the ability to analyze judgment, policy planning and public services.

參考書目 Reference Books

1. 任德厚,2002,《比較憲法與政府》,台北:三民書局。
2. 薩孟武,1993,《中國憲法新論》,台北:三民書局。
3. 吳玉山、吳重禮(編),2006,《憲政改革—背景、運作與影響》,台北:五南圖書公司。

1. Ren Dehou, 2002, "Comparative Constitution and Government", Taipei: Sanmin Book Company.
2. Sam Mengwu, 1993, "New Theory of the Chinese Constitution", Taipei: Sanmin Book Company.
3. Wu Yushan and Wu Chongli (eds.), 2006, "Constitutional Reform—Background, Operation and Impact", Taipei: Wunan Book Company.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
midterm exam
term report
final exam
Class performance and attendance

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相似課程 Related Course

必修-1784 The Constitution and Government of the R.O.C. (Taiwan) / 中華民國憲法與政府 (政治系1B,授課教師:黃信達,三/6,7,8[SS210])

Course Information


學分 Credit:3-3
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/6,7,8[SS209]
授課教師 Teacher:張峻豪
修課班級 Class:政治系1A
選課備註 Memo:
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 60 人。

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