本課程旨在探討迴歸模型之設定、估計及檢定,首先針對常使用的計量方法做一廣泛及理論上的介紹,提供學生了解計量模型的使用;此外,本課程亦使用 Stata 統計軟體進行實務分析,藉此培養學生能具備經濟數據資料之分析能力。This course aims to discuss the setting, estimation and verification of the regression model. First of all, a wide range of measuring methods for the usual use of theoretically, providing students to understand the use of measurement models; in addition, this course also uses STATA statistics software for practical analysis. In this way, students can have the ability to analyze the economic data.
探討迴歸模型之設定、估計及檢定,同時使用Econometric Views統計軟體進行實證分析。
Discuss the setting, estimation and verification of the regression model, while using the Econometric Views statistical software for empirical analysis.
1.James H. Stock and Mark W. Watson, Introduction to Econometrics: Brief Edition, Pearson, 華泰文化代理 (SW)
2.Jeffrey Wooldridge, Introductory Econometrics: A Modern Approach, 4rd edition, Thomson South-Western, 華泰文化代理(W)
1. James H. Stock and Mark Watson, Intropouch to Economics: Brief Edition, Pearson, Huatai Culture Agency (SW)
2. Jeffrey WoolDric, Intropuctory Economics: A Modern Approach, 4rd Edition, Thomson South-Western, Huatai Cultural Agent (W)
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
平時成績平時成績 Usual grade |
30 | 包含隨堂練習、小考與課堂參與等成績 |
期中考試期中考試 Mid -term exam |
30 | |
期末考試期末考試 Final exam |
40 |