網路是全世界最大的市場,但大多數同學並無網路店舖經營的實務經驗,以及網路行銷整合應用的管道。行動商務與數位金融大潮來襲,各式各樣的網路開店創業模式與網路行銷技巧包羅萬象,行動科技改變了我們的生活,手機取代錢包、條碼取代信用卡......。本課程從「個案」、「理論」、與「實務」多元面向,逐步解說如何利用電子商務的特性,在網路進行交易,並瞭解數位金融的趨勢及剖析其優劣,使同學了解在數位時代下網路或手機等新媒體的影響力。The Internet is the largest market in the world, but most students do not have the practical experience of online store management and the pipeline of integrated online marketing applications. Mobile business and digital finance are coming, and various online store opening models and online marketing skills are packed with thousands of things. Mobile technology has changed our lives, and mobile phones replace money bags and bars replace credit cards... This course gradually explains how to use the characteristics of e-commerce to conduct transactions online, understand the trends of digital finance and analyze its advantages and disadvantages, so that students can understand the digital era The influence of new media such as the Internet or mobile phone.
Self-edited textbooks
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
課堂作業課堂作業 Classroom Works |
30 | 電腦實作 |
課堂討論課堂討論 Class discussion |
30 | 含出缺席 |
學期報告學期報告 Study period report |
40 | 團體報告 |